Only You ~きみだけ~: Full Version Chapter 5

Aug 03, 2011 21:37

Day 4

That girl has started her physiotherapy session. She still hasn’t been able to remember anything yet although it has been 4 days since the accident.

Day 5

Junno came to visit her alone. Even with Junno’s baka-ness, she still didn’t say a word to any of us. She’s able to hold a spoon and cup without spilling any water now. No memories---------------------- yet.

Day 6

She said her first word today. ‘美味しい’ what the hell. Just because of seaweed she finally talks. We named her Nori because of that. Doctor say she’s able to go ‘home’ tomorrow or maybe the day after. Not a single memory…

Day 7

She’s still in the hospital. She can walk without support now. I can’t believe it when she asked whether any one of us is her family member. The most unbelievable thing is all of them told her that I’m her brother! Tell me why am I even doing this?? Oh, yea it’s because of my job and my reputation.

Akanishi and Ueda came to pick her up when they were told that Nori can be discharged today.

“彼女の迎えに行って。今から帰るって。(Tell her we are going home now.)” Ueda said to Akanishi.

“なんで俺がやるの?(Why do I have to do that?)”

“お前がお兄さんから。そもそも英語が話せるなら最初からお前に頼まないし。(You are her brother, remember? If I know how to speak I wouldn’t even ask you in the first place.)”


Akanishi spoke to her in English and she nodded. The nurses and Dr. Yamada came to see her off.


We arrived at a very, very big house. We need to climb a fleet of stairs from the garage to go into the compound of the house. The first thing I saw when I climb up the stairs is a beautiful garden. I wonder if I’m from a wealthy family. Judging from the two bodyguards standing guard outside the door of my room in the hospital, my parents must be very important or rich enough to hire them. But why haven’t I seen anyone that is old enough to be my parents? Why aren’t they visiting me? A lot of questions came up. My head started to hurt again.

The guy who stands beside me, Ueda saw the look on my face and starting to search frantically for something in the bag. He said something in Japanese to my brother. My brother answered him something in Japanese and Ueda ran to the front door to get something. All I heard was ‘水 (water)’. He came back within seconds with a glass of water.

Ueda said something to my brother with a furious voice. Since brother wasn’t doing anything, Ueda grab the pills from his hand and out it gently into my mouth. I felt much better a few minutes after swallowing the pills.

“ありがとう。(Thank you.)” I said to Ueda. All he did was smile. He had the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen.

“中に入ろう。あとで案内するから。(Let’s go inside. You can take a look around later if you want.)” My brother said.

“おかえり!(Welcome home!)” the other four guys said as soon as I enter the house. I smiled seeing them treating me so nicely. They even prepared some dishes.

“リメンバーマイネム?(Rememba mai nemu?)” a guy with a bubbly face asked.

“ネム?(Nemu?)” I asked.

“名前って。ネーム。(He meant ‘name’.)” my brother said.


“彼、じゅんのスケベです。(It’s Junno-sukebe*.)” My brother said.

“おい!ばかにし!(OI! Bakanishi!)” the Jun guy yelled at him.


“ばかって言うのは頭が悪い人。こいつは馬鹿なんで赤西+馬鹿いこおるばかにし。あだ名なんだ。(Baka means stupid. He is known for his stupidity, Akanishi + baka = bakanishi. So his nickname is bakanishi.)” A guy with a bushy eyebrow said.

“俺は?(How about me?)” another guy asked.


Everyone laughed when I said that.

“イッツ亀。(It’tsu Kame.)”

I did not get everyone’s name right other than Ueda. But then there are times I get confused and pronounce it ‘You-eda’ instead of ‘Ueda’. I learned from Junno that all six of them live together. They are working in the same company too! But he did not tell me what they are working as. Nakamura (wait…was it Nakamaru or Nakamura?? Argh, this is so confusing.) is the eldest while Kame is the youngest.

After we finish our meal, Nakamura showed me to my room. We have to pass by about 6 doors to get to my room. He even tells me which room is whose.

“広いな。(It’s so big.)” I said as Nakamaru (I asked him again so that I wouldn’t keep calling him wrongly. He told me I can call him ‘Maru’) I walked around the room and the furniture looks brand new. I find it weird that I don’t have any pictures of my family or any clothes in my wardrobe. The toilet doesn’t have any toiletries too.

“なんで私の写真とかないの?(Why aren’t there any pictures in my room?)” I asked him.

“あれ?えっと・・・ウェイト。(Huh? Err…weait (wait).)” Maru said and walk off. He came back with the other 5 guys.

“どうした?(What is it?)” my brother asked.

“なんで自分のものや写真とかないの?(Why aren’t there any clothes or pictures in my room?)”

“えっと・・・(Err…)” he paused and turn to his friends with his back facing me. He started in Japanese and they too started talking. This is definitely getting weird.


“何を言ったほうがいい?(What are we going to tell her?)” Akanishi asked.

“わかんない。話を作ろう。(I don’t know. Just make up something.)” Kouki said.

“じゃあ・・・両親が留学するために彼女を海外に送って、ずっとそこで住んでいた。そしてある日彼女はお兄ちゃんを見に来て、空港で荷物をなくしたって。(Oh...Why don’t we tell her that her parents sent her to study overseas? She grew up in overseas all her life. She just came back to visit you and she lost her luggage in the airport.)” Junno said.

“じゅんの・・・そんなに賢いだったのか。(Junno…I didn’t know you are that smart.)” Nakamaru said.

“写真は?(How about the pictures?)” Akanishi asked.

“17歳の時に両親がなくなったから悲しい思いをしないように隠した。(Just tell her that her parents passed away when she was 17 and you took the picture away so that she wouldn’t feel sad when she come back.)” Junno said again.

“うそをついてのが嫌いだ。(I hate lying.)” Akanishi said.

“それはしょうがない。本当のことを言ったらまたショックの状態になるかも。(What can do we do about it? We can’t tell her the truth. She might be shocked and get sick again.)” Kouki said. Kame and Ueda kept quiet the whole time.

“じゃ、いいよ。(Fine, I’ll tell that to her.)” Akanishi said. He talked to Nori but she seemed reluctant to believe it. She looked very tired from all the things that happened to her recently.

“とりあえず今は休んだほうがいいよ。何かあったら言って。(You should get some rest now. If there’s anything you need, we’ll be…somewhere in the house.)” Akanishi said to Nori. Slowly, one of them left the room one by one.

“くそ・・・日本語が通じないから疲れる。(Arghh…it’s tiring to speak to someone who doesn’t understand Japanese.)” Kouki said as he walks downstairs.

“日本語のクラスとか受けたら・・・(Maybe we should send her for Japanese classes…)” Kame suggested. The rest except for Akanishi nodded in agreement. As they sat down on the couches, Akanishi’s phone rang.


“僕だ、マネージャ。(It’s me, Manager-san.)”

“ほ・・・ちょっとまって。(Ohh…wait for awhile.)” Akanishi said and presses the loud speaker button so all of them could listen.

“はい・・・なにかよう?(Yes…what do you want?)” Akanishi asked.

“年上にそんな態度ですか?(It’s that how you speak to someone older than you?)”

“いいから。(Just get to the point.)” Akanishi said.

“ただ彼女の状態を聞きたいだけ。(I just wanted to ask how the girl is doing.)”

“ノリって名前をつけてあげた。(We named her Nori.)” Junno said happily as if Nori is a dog.

“今部屋にいるけどすっごい質問してたんだ。(She just settled in her room. But she bombarded us with lots of questions.)” Nakamaru said.


“日本語のクラスをやっているお知り合いとかあるの?(Do you know anyone that gives Japanese classes?)” Kame asked.

“俺がやる。お金を無駄にする必要はない。(I can teach her. It’s not necessary to waste money.)” Akanishi said.

“お前が??彼女はきっとお前より絶対漢字の読み方が上手いけど。恋愛の読み方をこいあいに間違ってる人っている?(You?? I bet she can read kanji better than you. Who reads 恋愛 (lenai) as 恋 (koi) 愛 (ai)?)” Kouki said.

“じゃお前がやれば?(Why don’t you teach her then?)” Akanishi said.

“英語なんか分かるか!(I would if I know English!)” Kouki said.

“やめろよ!(STOP IT!)” Nakamaru yelled.

“赤西、ジャ二ーさんが明日から仕事に戻れるって言ってましたけど、ずっとオフだったからがんばって仕事を終わらせてください。(Akanishi, Johnny-san told me that you can resume working tomorrow morning. Your work has been piling up…so, I guess you’ll to work harder than the rest and I hope you wouldn’t forget your responsibility.)” Manager-san said and hung up.

“腹減った・・・(I’m hungry…)” Akanishi said.

“なんだって!?まだ4時半なんだよ、それにちょうど一時間前に食べたじゃないのか。(What the heck?! It’s just 4.30 p.m. and you ate lunch about an hour ago.)” Kame said.

“どうでもいい。早く晩ご飯作って!!(I don’t care. Go cook the dinner, now!!)” Akanishi said.

“まったくその食欲は・・・(You and your appetite…)” Kame said and walk to the kitchen. Junno and Nakamaru went to help him. Kouki and Ueda are watching TV while Akanishi went to the highest floor. There’s no room in this floor and this is where they put all their books, manga and magazines together. They love this floor the most. They also have one grand piano, one upright piano, a few acoustic guitars and electric guitars, one drum set and a few other instruments. There’s a sliding glass door that separate this floor and the roof deck. When they need to calm themselves or compose songs, this is where they’ll be. The roof deck offers a magnificent view of Tokyo city. At night, you can see millions of stars above their head and small blinking lights from the city buildings.

Akanishi sat on the sofa beside the book racks. He isn’t doing anything. He’s just staring at something far away or you can say he’s daydreaming. Ever since the accident happened, he did not get to visit his parents and his brother. He didn’t even get to meet his friends. Akanishi doesn’t know how to treat a ‘sister’ and he’s a sucker at relationships. That’s why all of his relationships failed before they even started. On the outside, he may look like rough guy and behaves rudely that fits the description of a delinquent but on the inside, he’s a nice and kind guy.

“赤西!!(Akanishi!!)” Kame yelled from the 1st floor. “晩ご飯もうできたよ。ノリも呼んでね。(Dinner is ready. Call Nori down too.)” How long have I been sitting here?

Akanishi can never hate food. In fact, he’s a big fan of food. He loves his mom’s and Kame’s cooking the most. Akanishi went down one floor and walk towards Nori’s room.

“入るよ。(I’m coming in.)” he said after knocking twice on the door. He saw Nori on the bed sleeping. Doesn’t she know how to cover herself with a blanket? He covered her with a blanket and look at her then he thought again. She is quite pretty. He reached out to caress her cheek. What in the world am I doing? He quickly pulls back his hand and head towards the door.

“ノリは?(Where’s Nori?)” Kame asked when he saw Akanishi coming down alone.

“まだ寝てる。(She’s sleeping.)” Akanishi said and sat down. “いただきます。(Itadakimasu.*)” Akanishi said again and eat.



Sukebe- pervert

Moshi-moshi- Hello (it is used only when someone is speaking on a phone)

Itadakimasu- Literally it means ‘thank you for the food’

fanfic-kt: only you, fanfic

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