Only You ~きみだけ~: Full Version
Chapter 4
Dr. Yamada asked everyone to leave the room to let the girl to have some rest.
“彼女、苦しそうな顔をしている。(She seemed to be in a lot of pain.)” Junno said when they got out of the room.
“どうしてあんなふうに頭を掴みましたか?(Why is she clutching her head like that?)” Kouki asked. All of them sat down on the sofa when Dr. Yamada started to explain.
“脳のどこかに血液凝固が存在しているかどうかを確かめるために、彼女が目覚める際にもう一度脳内スキャンをします。今の反応から判断すると、彼女は記憶喪失に苦しんでいる。(We will do another brain scan when she wakes up to see if there’s any more blood clotting in her brain. Judging from her reaction just now, she is suffering from amnesia.)” Dr. Yamada explained. Everyone gasped.
“何かを思い出そうとしているとそんな状態になる、違いますか?(That is what will happen when she tries to remember, am I right?)” Ueda asked.
“はい、自分の脳は前からの記憶を失わないためです。(Yes, that is because her brain is protecting the memories after seriously injuring her head. They will feel like it’s very painful.)”
“鎮痛剤以外に何か痛みを止める方法がありますか?(Is there anything to stop the pain other than giving her pain relievers?)” Akanishi asked.
“過去のことを考えないほうがいいです。癒せる、幸せを感じさせることをやらせると十分です。安心してください。彼女は退院してから念のために鎮痛剤を処方しますので、それはまたその時に説明します。(It will be the best if she doesn’t think about it. Let her do things that will soothe her and makes her happy. Don’t worry, when she’s discharged, I’ll prescribe you a few pills of pain relievers just in case that incident just now happen again. We’ll decide about this later.)”
“いつまでこのままでいますか?(When will she be able to regain her memories?)” Kame asked.
“それは患者次第です。何も思い出せない人も結構います。とりあえず彼女に好きなことをやらせてください。(That depends on the patient. Sometimes they don’t even remember anything at all. She should try doing stuff that she loves to do.)”
“退院はいつできるのですか?(When will she be able to discharge?)” Nakamaru asked.
“彼女の状態が安定してから家に帰るのです。(When her condition is stable and everything is okay, she’ll be able to go home.)”
“そうですか。先生、いろいろありがとうございます。(Oh, okay. Thank you, doctor.)” Nakamaru said. Dr. Yamada and the two nurses left the room. They totally forgot to disguise themselves when they were rushing back from Dr. Yamada’s room after they receive news that the girl is awake.
“さぁ、どうする?(What should we do now?)” Kame asked.
“かなり長い時間彼女と一緒に絡むみたいね。(It seems like she’s going to be in our house for quite some time.)” Ueda said.
“あの部屋を片付けて、新しい家具を買いに行こうか。(I think we should clean up the 7th room and buy some furniture.)” Nakamaru suggested.
“うん、俺と赤西が行く。(Yea, Akanishi and I will go but the furniture.)” Kame said.
“じゃ俺とじゅんのが掃除担当で。(I’ll clean up with Junno.)” Nakamaru said.
“残るは健忘症についての本を買う。(We’ll go look up for books on amnesia.)” Kouki said. The six of them took the elevator down to where Akanishi’s car is.
“中丸とじゅんのを先に送るから。(I’ll drop Nakamaru and Junno home first.)” Akanishi said. Nakamaru and Junno got down from the car immediately after they reached their house.
“本屋に近く家具屋とかあんの?(Do we have any furniture shop that is close to a bookstore?)” Akanishi asked.
“多分。(I think we have it somewhere near our housing area.)” Kouki said.
“なんも力になれないんだよ。(You are not being helpful, ya know.)” Kame said.
“知るか。(As if you know anything.)” Kouki said.
“GPSあったっけ?(Don’t you have a GPS?)” Ueda asked.
“店、見つかれるのかな?(Can they find shops?)” Akanishi asked.
“わからない・・・自分の車だし、使ったことないの?(I don’t know…This is your car. Have you ever used it before?)” Ueda asked again.
“・・・いや・・・(…No…)”Akanishi replied.
“もう・・・だれかに聞いてみよ。(Argh…This is not working out. Let’s ask someone.)” Kame said. Akanishi stop his car by the roadside but nobody is getting out of the car.
“何?(What?)” Kame asked when he realized that all of them are looking at him.
“だれかに聞いてじゃなかったっけ?(Didn’t you say you’re going to ask for someone?)” Kouki asked.
“俺って言ってないの。聞いてみようって。(I did not say ‘I’. I said ‘Let’s go ask someone’.)” Kame said.
“俺は運転のほうから。(I’m driving so I can’t leave the car.)” Akanishi said and look around.
“お前が言ったし・・・(You suggested it…)” Ueda said.
“いいよ!次が行くのは聖。(Fine! The next person to ask is Kouki.)” Kame said. He wore his sunglasses and got down.
“よし!(Yes!)” Kouki said. Akanishi turn behind and showed a ‘peace’ sign with his fingers. The three of them are looking at Kame and laughing at him. He looks funny with his hand gestures when he’s talking. Kame returned to the car a minute later.
“この道の角を曲がったところに家具屋があるって。本屋から3ブロックだって。(That woman said there’s one around the corner of this road. The furniture shop is just 3 blocks away from the bookstore.)” Kame said. They managed to find it easily because there’s a large banner hanging outside the furniture shop indicating that they are having a promotion. They went separate ways after Akanishi parked his car.
This time, I didn’t have difficulties opening my eyes. It seems easier now. But I don’t understand why I’m in a hospital. Why does it hurt when I tried to think about my past? It should be morning now since the sky is very bright.
“目覚めましたか?(Are you awake now?)” a nurse asked and come near my bed. Her English didn’t sound very fluent. It sounded like a foreigner trying to speak English that is not their main language.
“はい・・・(Yes…)” I said with my normal voice back. My legs and hands felt very numb.
“無感覚になっていますか?(Are you feeling numb?)” the nurse asked as she sees me trying to move myself.
“はい。どうして?今何時ですか?(Yes. Why is it like that? What time is it now?)” I asked again.
“あなたは昏睡状態に堕ちたのです。昨日までしか起きていなかった。今は朝十時なんです。お兄さんたちもそろそろあなたを迎えに来ると思います。(You’ve slipped into coma. You just woke up from coma yesterday afternoon. You’ve been sleeping for 3 days. It’s 10.00 a.m. now. Your brothers should be here to visit you.)”
“昨日も来ましたよ。(They came yesterday during morning and night.)”
“何も・・・覚えられない・・・(I don’t…remember…anything.)”
“大丈夫です。無理にしなくてもいいです。(Don’t worry. Don’t try to think too hard about it.)”
“なんで病院にいるの、私?(I don’t get it. Why am I even in the hospital?)”
“あの・・・私から言うとあんまりによろしくないと思いますので、お兄さんたちから聞いたほうがいいと思います。(Erm…I’m not sure if I should be telling you but I’m sure your brothers will tell you when you are ready.)”
After that, the nurse left without a word. I’m so confused. I find myself stuck with I.V. drops and there’s a machine monitoring my heartbeat. Minutes later, another nurse comes in with a tray of food. It’s a bowl of porridge. I tried getting up but my body is a little stiff.
“まだ起きないでください。三日も動けなかったからね。私が手伝いする。(Don’t try to get up. Your body is like that because you haven’t been moving around for 3 days and you’ve been sleeping in the same position. I’ll adjust the bed for you.)” The nurse said. She adjusted the bed for me and starts to feed me.
“大丈夫です。自分でできるから。(It’s okay; I can feed myself.)” I said as I started to reach out for the spoon. I have no idea why my hand is trembling so much and it felt like something very heavy is on top of my arm.
“患者の面倒を見るのが私の義務なんですから。しかも、ポリッジはまだ暖かいです。万が一自分の手を火傷した場合、それはあなたの体に何の役にも立たないでしょう。それに、体の調子がよかったなら理学療法士とのセッションは明日から始まりますよ。(It’s my duty to take care of the patient until he or she recovers. Furthermore, the porridge is hot. If you accidentally scalded your hand, it wouldn’t do any good to your body. Your body will take some time to return to normal. Your session with the physiotherapist will begin tomorrow if you are in a good condition.)” The nurse said and smiled at me. I have no choice but to let her feed me.
“赤西、仕事に行かないの?(Akanishi, don’t you need to go to work?)” Ueda asked as he got down form the stairs when he saw Akanishi in the kitchen with his pajamas on.
“その子が病院から退院されるまで、俺はすべてのプロジェクトから中断されてる。(I’m being suspended from all projects until that girl is discharged from the hospital.)” Akanishi answered.
“そう・・・じゃ、いってくる。(Oh…I’m going then.)” Ueda said and left the house. Then, Nakamaru and Juno came down the stairs.
“上田行った?(Ueda left?)” Nakamaru asked.
“仕事行かないの?(Aren’t you going to work?)” Junno asked.
“中断されているつってっ(I’m being SUSPENDED, okay?!)” Akanishi said.
“あぁ・・・(Okay…)” Both of them said and left quietly.
“なんも聞くな!(Don’t ask any questions!)” Akanishi said when he saw Kouki and Kame coming down together.
“何を?(Ask what?)” Kame asked. Akanishi ignored them and ate his cereals. Kouki and Kame left the house without another word.
“すくなくともいくつかのオフが取れるし・・・まぁ結構いいよ。(Think on the bright side…at least I’m getting some day off.)” Akanishi said to himself.
“あぁ・・・また彼女の見舞いを。(Ahh…I need to visit that girl again.)” Akanishi said to himself again. He washes the bowl and went to bathe.
He wore the same disguise like the last time he went to the hospital and drive to the hospital.
“おはようございます。(Good morning.)” The bodyguards said and open the door for him. He just nods in return. He saw the girl sitting on her bed, awake and a nurse feeding her.
“アカちゃんか?(Is she a baby?)” Akanishi said under his breath. Without any word, he left the room and went to Dr. Yamada’s office.
“さあこちらに入りなさい。(Come in.)” Dr. Yamada said.
“また彼女の状態の話なんですけど。(I’m here again to ask about the girl’s condition.)” Akanishi said and sat on one of the chairs.
“健康的に大分よくなりましたが、まだこの数日に彼女を監視する必要があります。(Her health is improving but we still have to monitor her for a few more days.)”
“つい先看護婦さんに食べさせてあげたけど・・・(I saw a nurse feeding her just now.)”
“そう、三日も全然体を動けなかったため、それが必要です。(Yes, she will need that for one or two days because she hasn’t been moving around for 3 days.)”
“そうですか・・・ほかに何かありますか?(Oh…is that so? Is there anything else that I should know?)”
“いいえ、今はこれだけです。(No, I think that’s all for now.)”
“ありがとうございます。(Thank you, doctor.)”