This morning I woke up with a tenacious headache, and with the weather outside grey and gloomy I decided to crack open my old soups cookbook (Maryana Vollstedt's Big Book of Soups & Stews) and find something tasty I hadn't made before. In the end, I settled on
Reuben Soup )
Comments 2
If I were making this, it would come out like a pastrami version of French onion soup, because I don't like corned beef or rye bread or sauerkraut. So... eliminate the sauerkraut, use your pastrami substitution, use toasted white bread or Melba toast, and melt the cheese in a whole slice over the top of the bowl rather than shredding it. If I thought it really needed something leafy to make up the volume, I'd use a cup of shredded bok choy, or just double the amount of onion.
*looks thoughtful* Bok choy, hmmm? Maybe I'll try that next time I make it. (My only reservation being that I don't use bok choy all that often, so it would probably go to waste, and I've got this whole jar of sauerkraut that I use for occasional recipes and which otherwise preserves quite nicely. *grin*)
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