fic request post

Nov 14, 2011 10:43

I AM CURRENTLY CLOSED to requests...

I usually don't have many ideas, so taking requests is something that's beneficial for the both of us!
Here's what I write:
  • Take a look at my  fandom list.
  • I'm open to writing whichever pairing you want to see!
  • I love writing Gen, so request that too, if you like!  
Seriously, request anything (let it be het, slash, or femslash pairings, gen, character study, slice-of-life, etc.), and I'll see what I can do to you. I like challenging myself, so don't feel like you have to request the same kind of thing you've seen me write before.

Here's what I don't write:
  • Real person fic (the only way you can stretch this is by giving me a movie or book based on real people; I'll take that into consideration)
  • Fics for fandoms I have absolutely no familiarity with (I want to write you the best fic I possibly can, so if I don't know the fandom it probably won't be as good. If you don't see the fandom you want on my fandom list, just ask - you never know, I might have just forgotten it)


I'm open for fic trades this is a good way to guilt me into getting to your request promptly!

Keep in mind:
  • I'm usually very busy. I try to make time for writing, but sometimes this is difficult. That being said, the amount of time it takes me to get to your prompt varies depending on how busy I am.
  • You will probably get a oneshot. How long this oneshot is depends on a variety of factors, though my oneshots are usually ~10,000 words long. Yours may be shorter (or longer), though!
  • If you do request something, make your prompt as specific as possible while allowing me some creative freedom.
Requests to be written:
  • [Pokémon] Sabrina + her team - x0SilverFeathersx0
  • [Pokémon] Red + Gold, mentorship fic - Anon
  • [Pokémon] Red/Gold, gameverse - Anon
  • [Pokémon] Red/Leaf to Vienna Teng's "Recessional" - lark
  • [Original] "I cannot change this because, in a way, this has already happened" - solarpillar
  • [Kingdom Hearts] Axel/Roxas, "verisimilitude" - sea_saltkisses

*fanfiction, !requests

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