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Comments 47

sadistxfuji September 28 2012, 03:27:12 UTC
If its Finchel I think everyone will scream. Come on! Chris wants that song! GIVE IT TO KLAINE!!! I mean... seriously? Finchel? No. Just... no.


daybreaq September 28 2012, 03:38:02 UTC
OK, sorry to admit it, but the "$1 million" thing totally worked for me. I personally think Ryan Murphy is adorable ... even when he's SO OBVIOUSLY trolling. Then again, I never saw him as a bad guy and never completely got why the fandom painted him as one.

So cute! And the tissue box thing is a great, hilarious idea (I hope that one is actually true.)


ilaria84 September 28 2012, 07:21:47 UTC
So do you think He is trolling?


daybreaq September 28 2012, 07:55:03 UTC
Yep. On "Come What May," he says he's "Thinking of Giving it To Finchel but could change [his] mind." Then tells everyone asking to give it to Klaine he'll only do it for $1M ... to the point of saying to someone who says it's impossible "Fine it's going to Finchel ( ... )


anachan87 September 28 2012, 08:02:01 UTC
Basically, Ryan, Chris and Darren are the Trolly Trinity of glee.


calanthe_b September 28 2012, 03:40:01 UTC
That man is a troll of epic proportions. Brilliant. :)

ETA: I know there was a tweet in there somewhere about how he wants Kurt to be able to succeed at both fashion and Broadway...which i thought was reassuring for those of us who are of like mind!


batgurl88 September 28 2012, 03:57:52 UTC
There was - I thought I saved a copy of it off tumblr, but it seems to have disappeared o.0

I was really pleased by it, though - it'd be nice to have him succeed in both of his dreams, rather than having one replace the other (as much as I like the idea of Kurt going into fashion, they built up the broadway story so much in S3 that not having him get that too would always feel like a major disappointment to me).


calanthe_b September 28 2012, 04:04:01 UTC
I wish I knew how to do screencaps; I'd have grabbed it on the spot!

And yes, Kurt must succeed at both the things he's brilliant at. After all, most artists need a day job - why can't Kurt have one as engrossing and well-paid as freelancing (eventually) for Vogue.com?


songbirdss September 28 2012, 04:17:52 UTC
is this one! https://twitter.com/MrRPMurphy/status/251513409391185921
i was on twitter lol i actually screamed (?) like he gives me hope.


anachan87 September 28 2012, 03:40:05 UTC
For some odd reason, this is actually giving me hope Klaine is getting Come what may...


daybreaq September 28 2012, 03:57:20 UTC
Yeah, me too. In fact, this all makes me fairly certain if they do the song (There's always the chance the whole "Moulin Rouge" thing won't come to be. RM clearly WANTS to do it; but he doesn't always get what he wants either. He's the one who wanted to do a spin off after all ... and got in trouble for trying to push it by talking about it before the deal was done. He could run into trouble getting the rights ... it might cost too much and FOX won't foot the bill or something.) it WILL go to Klaine.


anachan87 September 28 2012, 04:18:55 UTC
It was confirmed today by Leakynews that they were doing a MR episode.


calanthe_b September 28 2012, 04:05:05 UTC
Yup. He is teasing like a teasing thing. :)


maplelump September 28 2012, 03:46:13 UTC
He is being such an asshole. He knows the fandom wants it to go to klaine, he knows Chris wants to sing it. It will be the biggest slap in our collective faces if it goes to Finn and Rachel, the most tumultuous relationship on the show. Just no.

Get your head out of your ass, Ryan.


mineko245 September 28 2012, 03:54:40 UTC
Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion I get that but c'mon; no reason to tear into the guy. I think it's great when directors take fandom ideas and desires into consideration and make a rapport with the fans, but calling him an asshole won't get us what we want. I want Klaine to get "Come What May" too, but I won't be super torn up about it if they don't.


maplelump September 28 2012, 05:19:03 UTC
Oh honey, if you think *that* was me tearing into him you haven't seen anything. If anything, I think I was polite. I could have gone so much harder. Like Hulk level hard.

Willfully bating the fans is asshole like behavior. It'd be like me putting a carrot on a stick and keeping it out of reach of my horse. That's just mean.

Will it effect my life if klaine doesn't get the song? No. Will I be annoyed? Yes. But I'll get over it.

I highly doubt he's going to see my comment, and if my comment is what sways him against giving the song, he clearly has issues.


moonlitsiren September 28 2012, 04:40:54 UTC
Lol he's just trolling.


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