In my ongoing mission to support the growth of Glee podfic, I’m putting together a
list of Glee authors who have blanket permission to have podfics made from their work. If you know of any authors that should be on this list (or if you are an author and would like to be on this list), please comment to let me know.
Here's a post about things to
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I hope this doesn't sound weird/rude or anything but I have trouble listening to my own fic podficced. If you want to podfic it for some reason, go ahead! That's awesome and flattering. I just can't listen to it without hiding under a table because ahhhh my words WHY DID I WRITE THAT, etc.
And my masterlist is here:
This was a weird comment. I'm sorry. The crazy comes out at night/when Tumblr goes down.
Added to both lists! Thank you!
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