Title: These Broken Wings (11/?)
crystallicrainStatus: WIP
Rating: PG-13
Genre: hurt/comfort/angst/drama/romance
Characters/Pairings: eventual Klaine; past Kurt/OMC, past Blaine/OMC, Burt/Carole, Finchel, and various others
Spoilers: None really?
Summary: When Kurt becomes a widower at the age of 29, he and his son return to Lima to try to pick up the pieces. Perhaps the one person who can save him is someone that he had forgotten was there all along. Future!fic
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of character death and violence.
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Title: Last Friday Night - Direction
crystallicrainStatus: WIP
Rating: PG-13
Genre: gen/romance/drama/fluff/humor/family
Characters/Pairings: Klaine, brotherly!Furt, Finchel, the Hudmels
Spoilers: None really?
Summary: A collection of ficlets revolving around what happens before, after, and during the Hudmel Friday night dinners. This week: Blaine’s a little hurt, and Kurt explains Finn’s actions.
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