It's time for Weekly Rec Post #52! AN ENTIRE YEAR OF RECS! \o/
I would link back to the very first rec post, so that we could all be ~nostalgic, but unfortunately that post, along with the comm member who posted it, are no longer a part of fandom. We can go look at
week #5 tho!
We've had LOTS of good times over the past year! There was
that time I forgot how to count we paid homage to the fact that we thought Kurt had been 16 for two seasons and now it turns out we were wrong. We had the
BEST WEEK EVER. And we even had a day of
femslash recs. But mostly we've just had lots of awesome recs for lots of awesome fics! :D
Rules and stuff and stuff:
- Try to keep your recs centered around Kurt, Blaine, Chris Colfer, or Darren Criss.
- Don't bash other peoples' recs/opinions/GIFs, okay? Just don't do it. Remember: this is a community for love, not hate. Check out the bashing policy here.
- Feel free to rec as much as you want! Whether it's a fic that was posted today or a fic posted way back in October, everything Klaine is kosher here!
- Make sure you leave a title, rating, status (either WIP or finished) and author when you rec. If you want, go ahead and gush over why you love it.
- All types of rec are absolutely acceptable! Fic, art, fanmix, graphics, slushie flavor, favorite Kurt outfit. GO WILD.
- Remember that when you read a rec that you really enjoyed, thank the reccer and please leave a comment on the fic as well. It's just something nice to do and makes everyone feel really good. :)
- Remember that some recs may contain spoilers or warnings. Try to mention any for future episodes when you rec, and be sure to read headers!
- If you're looking for a specific fic, try our Finding Post!
Reminder! Keep spoiler discussion on spoiler posts, unless you're talking about fic or art.