Title: Out Of The Closet
anxioussquirrelGenre: friendship, romance, smut, future!fic, AU
Rating: hard R
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee or its characters. I just play with them.
Word Count: ~2400 this chapter/~30 000 total
Summary: How far are you willing to go to keep your peace and comfort? How much will it take to shake you out of it? And what happens when you're there?
A story where Blaine Anderson doesn’t come out - even to himself - until long after high school, and when he does, it’s because dramatic circumstances force it out of him.
A/N: I don’t even know, people. One minute I was having a writing block in the Breathe threequel and the next I had a new doc open and words were flowing out of me at alarming speed. No idea what I was writing about, no plan, nothing - a stream of consciousness, word vomit. I DON’T WORK THIS WAY! So two hours later, when I was done with what is now the first chapter, I showed it to
judearaya and she told me she’d break up with me if I don’t keep writing. So I had no choice, right?
This is crazy. Intense. There’s sex there - a LOT of sex, though it’s not the core of the story - so if you don’t like that, be warned. There’s also friendship, romance, angst and a happy Klaine ending, because that’s what I do.
The whole story is already written and my awesome friend and beta,
judearaya, is editing the further chapters right now. I will update regularly, every other day.
Have fun. I did.
Chapter 1. That day Chapter 2. The morning after Chapter 3. Teach me Chapter 4. Back to where we started
“Hi. You’re adorable when you sleep.” Kurt’s voice is soft this morning, with a little tenderness, a little intimacy laced in.