Title: Tony's New Toy
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 635
Summary: Blaine never would have imagined his dad and Kurt would get along so well, but then he walked in on them in the workshop, huddled over some piece of something (Blaine honestly has no idea what half of the stuff in the room is), speaking in hushed tones. After that it seemed like Tony was going to Kurt for his opinions and input on everything.
A/N: Set in the Gleevengers 'verse, a little bit of Blaine Anderson-Stark
Honestly, Blaine should have seen this coming. Title: The Smell of Copper
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 590
Summary: Kurt always loved the aftermath of their playtime. Sure, the act itself was thrilling and gave him a rush like nothing else, and Blaine always looked stunning poised with a knife in his hand. But afterward, when Blaine was on his knees in front of Kurt, a little bit of red smearing his cheek, that's when Kurt thought he was prettiest.
A/N: Killer!Klaine. Um. So I wrote this like six months ago. It was relevant then. So yeah. No actual killing depicted, just the sex after.
Kurt groaned as he was pushed against the wall, Blaine's mouth quickly attacking his exposed neck. The tangy smell of copper filled the air around them, reminding him of their earlier activities every time he breathed in. Title: Chicken Noodle Soup
Rating: PG
Pairing: Darren/Criss (RPF)
Word Count: 552
Darren coughed and poked his nose out from underneath the blankets, “Hey,” he croaked miserably. He slipped a hand out from under the blankets to grab for some tissues, blowing his nose loudly before starting into a coughing fit.
A/N: Some CrissColfer fluff I wrote a while ago. Darren's sick. Chris takes care of him.
There was a mound of blankets on the couch, the coffee table was littered with used tissues and... wait, were the blankets breathing? Yes, the blankets were definitely breathing.