Media: (Fic)
Title: Invisible Illness: Chapter 9
Rating: Pg-13
Spoilers (if any): None
Warnings (if any): None
Word Count: 5100
Summary: After Kurt agrees to go to the doctor, he realizes he'll have to wait quite a while for his appointment. How will he cope with waiting while dealing with the worst migraine of his life at the same time?
Author's Note: This is a therapy fic. I'm writing this as a way to cope with the struggles that come with Invisible Illnesses, both having one myself, and living with a family member with multiple ones. If at any time the characters in this story seem to have struggles so far out there, that it all seems made up, please keep in mind that these are the struggles of those living with Invisible Illnesses every day, and none of them are made up.
Invisible Illnesses expected to turn up in this story: Chronic Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, and Diabetes. Others may make appearances, but these you can be sure will show up.
Sorry that I'm updating this *technically* on Wednesday. This chapter got away from me a little bit. Had trouble getting my muse to cooperate.
April 27th
So, its me again. I know I haven’t written in you in a while, but there’s been a lot of things going on over the past month. Last time I wrote in you it was about Blaine and I having our one month anniversary at his house with his parents. Not exactly an amazing experience, but I’ll take 200 dinners with them, where it’s awkward and unconventional over the past month.
Because the past month has just been horrid. It’s like it’s an ongoing April Fool’s prank that someone neglected to let me in on. Starting on the first of April, I had a horrible headache that wouldn’t go away no matter what I did all day. It just wouldn’t leave. I tried advil, cool cloths, and even tried working through the pain, but none of it worked. The only thing that managed to make it go away was sleeping it off. And even then I don’t know if it was the sleep, or if it would have gone away on its own by then anyway. I hated it so much. It hurt so much, but nothing I could do, while conscious could help it. I think it was then that I really realized that the only thing I’d be able to do was to sleep it off if it ever came back.
And come back it did. Came back numerous times. Later the next week….the day after that….a couple the next week…a few more after that. They never seem to leave me alone for more than a few days. It’s eerie. I even fought with Blaine over it. Yep! I, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, fought with Blaine Jacob Anderson. Such a foreign concept. Oh shut up, I know I’m being facetious here. We’ve fought plenty, but not since we actually started dating. We worked everything out in the end though, but it was scary. I thought for sure he was going to say that he couldn’t be with me, until I worked out the problems with the migraines, or at least attempted to. Because he was adamant about me going to see a doctor…even having his mom pull a migraine-vention on me. God, I love him, but that was beyond his usual level of crazy.
But then yesterday, I had the worst migraine of my life. I had to leave school during second period because it was so bad, and that was after leaving first period for the nurse’s office. Sadly sleeping it off didn’t work once I got home. Which is why I’m writing in you right now at precisely 10:49am. I stayed home from school today, because I just couldn’t go back to school with this monster hanging over my shoulders. It’s too much. I’m getting a small reprieve right now, because I just had my morning coffee and it seems to be settling the migraine back a little in terms of symptoms. Pain is still at an almost unbearable level, but I’m no longer seeing the walls making weird shapes, or wanting to bash my head in when my dad drops a couple pots as he’s trying to clean up from breakfast.
Anyway, I think I’m going to go take a long hot shower and see if I can relax enough to make some of the tension in my shoulders go away. So long Diary.
Kurt closed his journal, and placed it back into his bottom desk drawer, underneath all of his CDs and schoolbooks. He didn’t want Finn snooping around and finding it. He may be very in touch with his feminine side, but even he didn’t need the flack he’d get from the ND boys if they found out he kept a journal. But that was neither here nor there, because as long as he hid it, they’d never know. So he stood up and walked into his adjoining bathroom to hop into the shower. There were three bathrooms in this house. The master bathroom, the bathroom in Kurt’s room, and the bathroom downstairs near Finn’s room. There had initially been a dispute between Finn and Kurt about who would get the bedroom with the adjoining bathroom, but Kurt won out in the end, claiming that his bathroom needs outweigh Finn’s who only uses it to bathe and void his bowels. Kurt spent at least 4x more time in the bathroom than Finn, so it was decided that he’d get it.
As he undressed, he let the hot water run in the shower, so that when he got in, he wasn’t shocked with the cold of the unused water in the pipes. Because cold water on his skin would probably shock him too much and cause him more pain than he was already in. Once he stepped in he let the water run over his body just relaxing his muscles as if he had been working out all day, instead of sleeping in until 9:30 and not getting out of bed until 10am. Burt and Carole had told him that they wouldn’t force him to school the next morning if he was still sleeping it off in the morning. Which pretty much gave him an out in case he wanted to just skip school, but you don’t just skip school at Dalton. Because doing so would severely kill your ability to get back on track. So you only took time off when you were desperate. Kurt was desperate today.
About 15 minutes later Kurt made his way out of the shower and laid down on his bed, with nothing but a towel around his waist. The coffee he had drank earlier was slowly leaving his system and all the other symptoms that had temporarily left him were coming back. He groaned and grabbed his pillow and placed it over his face, immediately screaming into it. He was getting incredibly tired of all this crap. “What did I do to deserve these fucking migraines?” He asked himself, but since no one was in the immediate vicinity, there was no answer forthcoming.
He woke up about 45 minutes later. Because apparently after an incredibly hot shower, and an already painful migraine, his body put him to sleep once again. It was almost noon and Kurt still couldn’t get rid of this damn migraine. He was also still lying on his bed in nothing but a towel. Sighing he got up and threw on some clothes. Yes, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel was just throwing on some clothes, because he wasn’t going anywhere today. He’d be spending most of the day in his room, with the lights off, and the blinds drawn, so who would see him if he was just in a tshirt and sweat pants? Yes these migraines had reduced Kurt to wearing sweatpants, outside of gym class. He left his room, and walked back downstairs, eager for another cup of coffee, if it would duplicate the effects his first of the day had and make some of the symptoms go away. He found his father sitting at the kitchen table.
“Hey Dad.” He said, walking into the kitchen as Burt looked up from eating his lunch, what looked to be leftovers from the night before.
“Hey bud, how’re you feeling?” Burt eyed him wearily. He had never seen Kurt so needy as he was yesterday when he picked him up from school. Kurt had always been independent. Even when Kurt had been sick with the Bird Flu at the age of 10, he was never that clingy or sob so much. It scared him a little bit, and had been incredibly relieved yesterday when he told Carole he’d go to the doctor, because Burt was getting to the point where he was going to drag him there kicking and screaming if he had to.
“Ehh.” Kurt shrugged. “I could be better.” Kurt walked over towards the coffee machine and sniffed at it. He groaned. “Is this decaf?” He asked his father, dreading hearing the answer.
“Mhm. I’m surprised you’re asking me that question, and not just assuming.” Kurt let out a whimper and dropped his head down and let out an exaggerated sob. Kurt unceremoniously poured what was left in the coffee pot into a cup and then refilled the entire machine with the good stuff, the real stuff. The caffeinated stuff. “What’s wrong bud?” Burt asked.
“My head felt a little better earlier after I had my first cup of coffee. I was hoping that another might work the same way now that some of the crap side effects are coming back.” Once Kurt had refilled the coffee maker with new grounds and more water, he quickly placed his mug underneath the drip spout. He wasn’t wasting any time and was going to start drinking it the moment he could, which included before the entire pot filled up.
“Don’t drink too much kiddo. You wouldn’t want to get a caffeine headache…” Burt warned him, but Kurt just turned and glared at his father.
“Hey, I’ll take a caffeine headache over a migraine headache any day Dad.”
“I just don’t want you in more pain than you already are, son.” Kurt sighed.
“I know Dad, but sleeping and caffeine are the only things that seem to ever work, and sleeping hasn’t been working so I’m left with caffeine. At least until the doctors…” Kurt trails off. He’s still a little uncomfortable with the idea of going to the doctor, but still wants these migraines to go away, so will do anything to make them leave.
“Speaking of, I called Dr. Randle’s office. The next available appointment is on Friday the 6th at 4pm.” Kurt whimpered.
“That long?” Kurt knew that a doctors appointment over a week away was a bad thing for him. It gave him 10 days to talk himself out of going once the migraine went away. It gave him time to work himself into a panic and refuse to go. Burt nodded. Kurt sighed, but saw that his coffee was ready and grabbed it, taking a sip of it quickly before placing 2 spoonfuls of sugar, and a little milk into it.
“Sorry, but Dr. Randle is out of town all this week, and is booked solid next week.” Kurt groaned.
“Any way we can find another doctor around here? I know Dr. Randle has been our family’s physician for…well ever but…”
“I already checked with the other doctor in town.” Burt shook his head. “But they are booked even more packed than Randle is, and they won’t take emergency appointments.”
“Ugh” Kurt groaned. “I guess this is just karma working its course. I’ve been so obstinate about going to the doctor, that when I finally decide to go, I can’t. Poetic really…” Kurt sighed, picked up his coffee mug and went back to his room. “I’m gonna go lie down again…”
But he did absolutely no such thing. Immediately after he got upstairs he got out his phone, and texted Blaine. It was the middle of fourth period, but Blaine had Mr. Marlowe, the History teacher whom everyone knew was practically blind, so provided Blaine remembered to put his phone on vibrate, wouldn’t get in trouble.
[12:25.09pm]Good news: I finally caved and agreed to go to a doctor. Bad news: Soonest appointment is on the 6th of May. - K
A few minutes later, Kurt got a response.
[12:28.35pm]I’m proud of you. :) But that sucks its so far away. No way you can get a sooner time? - B
[12:29.12pm]Nope. - K
[12:32.52pm]I’m sorry. On the bright side, your migraine must be doing better if you can stand to look at the light of your iphone. - B
[12:35.59pm]Slightly. Photo/phonophobia isn’t as bad, but pain is still excruciating. I just wish I was at school… without the migraine that is. - K
[12:40.47pm]Want me to come over after Warblers, or are you going to be going back to sleep all afternoon? -B
[12:43.39pm]Definitely come over. I don’t think I could sleep another wink for the rest of the day. Which is going to suck. - K
[12:44.56pm]Will definitely do that. - B
[12:46.03pm]Feel better. :) - B
Kurt sat on his bed, with his phone in his lap and just sighed. What was he going to do until 5:30 when Blaine finally managed to get here? He took out his earphones and plugged them into his iPhone, lowering the volume so it was very low and hit play. Immediately Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” started playing. It was really different listening to this song on a low volume, but it was interesting at the same time. But slowly but surely, the music began to weigh on his head. The phonophobia was back, and even the soft volume was bothering him. Would this never end? Kurt looked at the time on his phone.
Kurt was never going to get through this day.
It was 2:30 and Kurt was sitting on his computer, working on the Macbeth essay that he was assigned on Monday, that was due this Friday. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep. Because in the past 36 hours, he had slept for about 24 of them which was quite a lot for him. So he knew that he needed to get some work done, to concentrate on something besides the raging pain that was ever present on the right side of his head. He looked up from his paper for a moment, trying to readjust his eyes after staring at his computer monitor for the past 20 minutes, when he received a text.
[2:31.25pm]So Wes decided to cancel Warblers practice again. Citing that since you’re not here, there’s no use having a full practice. - B
Kurt rolled his eyes.
[2:33.08pm]He does remember I’m only soloing in 2 of the numbers for the retirement home show next week, right? 2 out of 7? - K
[2:35.18pm]Don’t ask me to explain what goes on in Wes’ mind. So still want me to come over, even though it’s a bit earlier than originally planned? - B
[2:35.45pm]YES. - K
[2:37.57pm]I’ve been bored out of my mind. The migraine won’t go away, I can’t sleep, can’t concentrate on the Macbeth essay for English, and am damn near going insane. I need my boyfriend to come and distract me. - K
[2:38.56pm]I’m on my way. :) - B
He was ecstatic. Blaine was what he needed to help him get his migraine to go away. Maybe some alone time with his boyfriend, would perk him right up, because god knows nothing else has yet today. It was going to take about a half hour for Blaine to get to Kurt’s house. Kurt quickly saved his Macbeth essay and shut his computer down. It definitely wasn’t going to be in use while Blaine was there.
He pulled the shades back from the window, so he could reacquaint the room with natural light once again. He let his eyes readjust and noticed that when the light entered the room, it didn’t hurt him quite as bad. Maybe the migraine was going away on its own. After all it had been going full strength for close to 28-29 hours by now. He went downstairs where his father was just coming out of the kitchen.
“Hey bud, I just got a call from Larry down at the shop. There’s an emergency and they need me to come in. You going to be okay?” Kurt rolled his eyes.
“Yes dad, your seventeen year old son can take care of himself for a few hours. Anyway, Blaine’s coming over.” Burt gave him a look.
“I thought you…or I guess he today, had Warblers practice?” Burt asked, while Kurt shrugged.
“Wes is anal and apparently doesn’t like to practice without every soloist present.” His father nodded.
“Okay then.” He pursed his lips. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…” He tried to tell his son, who just shook his head.
“Trust me Dad, nothing nefarious is on the agenda.” Okay that might not be completely true… “Not with how I feel today. He’s mostly coming for moral support.”
“Gotcha. I should be back around normal time so long as nothing else goes wrong.” Kurt nodded.
“See you later Dad.” With that Bur left the house and Kurt collapsed onto the couch and waited impatiently for Blaine to arrive. He felt a little clichéd. He was so anxious for his boyfriend to come over, at which point he would probably drag him upstairs where they’d make out for the better part of an hour until someone got home. Hey whoever said kissing couldn’t raise morale?
So about 20 minutes later, Kurt got up from where he was laying on the couch, as he heard the door slam on a car that had pulled up to his house a few minutes prior. He smiled and went quickly over towards the door, and opened it up literally 2 seconds before Blaine would have knocked. Kurt pulled him inside and pushed him up against the door, kissing him slowly. “I’ve been waiting to do that all day.” Kurt whispered as he stared into Blaine’s eyes. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulled him closer so their lips were touching once again.
“Oh really? Been waiting to assault me the moment I get to your house hmm?” Blaine teased. Kurt just smirked.
“It’s only assault if you don’t want it.” He said, before pushing in for another kiss. A minute later, when they broke apart Kurt finally relented. “God, I’ve been going crazy today Blaine.” They walked over towards the couch in the living room and sat down, Blaine up against the arm rest and Kurt nestled into his side.
“Well I’m here now, let’s see if we can take away some of the crazy.” Kurt smiled. He leaned up and kissed Blaine once again, who responded just as eagerly as he did before. A few minutes later, once they came up for air, Kurt felt a little bit better, if just because he was on an adrenaline rush from finally not being bored for once all fucking day.
“So you know my day sucked. Anything happen at Dalton that I should be made aware of?” Kurt asked as he settled back into his boyfriend’s arms. Blaine tensed a little bit. It wasn’t usual for Blaine to tense up when talking about Dalton, so it alarmed Kurt. “What’s wrong?” Blaine hesitated, but eventually sighed.
“Some of the guys at Dalton…not the Warblers, but others…think you’re…faking the migraines.” Blaine admitted. Kurt sat up quickly and looked at Blaine, shock written all over his face. “I tried explaining it to them, but none of them could quite understand the concept of migraines. They all know headaches, but none of them have ever experienced something like this.” He explained.
“So what? They think I’m some sort of hypochondriac?” Blaine nodded.
“After you left Aunt Jen’s class yesterday, wasn’t seen all day, or today…they think you’re faking it. Especially because some of them saw us talking before classes started yesterday, and well…you didn’t seem in any pain.” Blaine gave him a pointed look.
“For fucks’ sake. It only started in French. The only reason I had to leave anyway is because Jeff’s grating voice damn near killed me.” Kurt shook his head, anger seeping out of every pore. “This is ridiculous.”
“It is indeed. But it’s gossip. You’d think an all boys’ school would have less gossip, but nope we seem to go through a lot of it. Now that I think about it, you’ve been at the center of a lot of gossip this year, actually.” Blaine chuckled, and Kurt looked affronted.
“What do you mean?” But Blaine just shrugged.
“Well you’re you, Kurt. You show up at Dalton on the day we have an impromptu performance,” that had been scheduled 3 weeks ahead of time to give the Warbler ample time to practice the routine. “You aren’t wearing the uniform, which makes you stick out like a sore thumb.” Blaine said, using Kurt’s words from that day, which made Kurt give a soft smile. “After you left that day, news spread across campus like wildfire. No one knew what to make of you, but I couldn’t help but talk about you constantly, much to Wes and David’s annoyance.” Blaine blushed, which Kurt found endearingly cute and once again leaned up to brush his lips across Blaine’s.
“Well in the interest of full disclosure, I did much the same about you.” Kurt said as he pushed his arm underneath Blaine’s back, wrapping himself around Blaine, allowing them to snuggle more effectively on the couch. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt as well, pulling him closer. “What happened next?”
“Well soon it got around campus that the Warbler lead soloist was having a torrid affair with a member of the competition. That was particularly annoying. I still never found out who started that particular rumor. Wes and David swear it wasn’t them, but I’m not sure if I should believe them or not.” Kurt’s face went from shock, to amusement, to hilarity in a matter of seconds.
“A torrid affair, huh?” Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine coyly.
“What’s going through your mind, Kurt?” Blaine asked. But Kurt didn’t say anything, just withdrew his hands from around Blaine’s torso and quickly moved to straddle Blaine.
“Oh nothing…” Kurt said nonchalantly. “Just a thought….” He pursed his lips, pretending that he was deep in thought.
“About what, pray tell?” Blaine asked, his hands resting precariously on Kurt’s hips.
“Making that rumor true…” Kurt whispered in Blaine’s ear as he quickly went to work kissing his way from his ear, down the jaw where he finally found Blaine’s lips. Blaine moaned but grasped Kurt’s hips harder and pulled him closer. As their mouths met and tongues battled for dominance, Kurt’s hands set about finding the buttons on Blaine’s dress shirt and undoing them. He pulled his mouth away from Blaine’s, relishing in the whimper that came from Blaine afterwards, so he could kiss down his jaw.
“Kurt…” Blaine groaned as Kurt’s mouth and hands found his bare chest. “Whoa Kurt…” Blaine grabbed a hold of Kurt’s hands and held them still, forcing Kurt to look up at Blaine questioningly.
“Seriously?” Kurt asked, astonished. “We finally have some alone time to fool around a little bit, and you’re stopping me?” Blaine shook his head.
“Absolutely not. I just think it’d be a little odd if Carole or Finn came home to find us like this….in the middle of the living room…. On the couch.” Kurt blushed.
“Oh…” Kurt shook his head. “Let’s…go up to my room.” Kurt go up and helped Blaine up.
The next day at school, Kurt found himself in French class once again. The migraine had left him for the most part. Pain still there a little bit, but there were none of the other symptoms. It was about 2 minutes until the bell rang, and Madame Monroe called him up to the front of the room to talk to him, probably about what he missed while he left and was gone. “How are you feeling, Kurt?” She asked him. He see-sawed his hand back and forth.
“I’ve been better. My head still hurts a bit but I’m not dizzy or nauseous. I’m not experiencing light or sound sensitivity so all in all, it could be better, but I’ve experienced worse, and I much prefer this.” She nodded.
“Have you thought any more about going to see a doctor?” She asked, slightly hesitant only because she knew how much he disliked going to see doctors, but he surprised her by nodding.
“I’m going next week, on the 6th. Sadly, that’s the soonest open appointment they have.” She gave him a sympathetic smile.
“Well at least you’re going, that’s a plus right?” Kurt nodded a little.
“Yes, and no. I wish I didn’t have to go, but the migraine the past two days made it impossible not to. It only got worse after I went to the nurse on Tuesday. I slept in her office for about an hour and a half until my dad came to pick me up. It was almost as if sleeping made it worse for this one.”
“Ouch…” She said, and he just nodded.
“Yea… But provided the debilitating symptoms don’t start up again, I should be good. I can handle the pain…it’s everything else…” She nodded. As someone with MS, she knew that it’s not the pain that debilitates you, it’s everything that goes along with it.
The bell rang, and Kurt sat back down at his seat. While Madame Monroe was busy passing out some tests from a week or two ago, a couple kids around him, were asking him questions. “What happened to you?” Robert, a sophomore asked him. “Everyone is saying that you faked a headache to get out of school for two days.”
“I heard that you faked the headache so you could go to a concert yesterday and not have it seem like you were playing hooky.” A junior named Neil asked him. Kurt just shook his head.
“I had a migraine. I had a debilitating, migraine headache.” He told them simply, trying to dispel any of the rumors that he was a hypochondriac, or faker before they could get worse.
“Headaches aren’t debilitating though…” Robert pointed out to him. “I get them all the time, but they don’t force me out of class.”
“I didn’t say I had a headache, I said I had a migraine headache. Dizziness, nausea, light and sound sensitivity, the feeling that something sharp and jagged is sticking out of your head…Ever had one of those types of headaches?” Kurt asked, and Robert just shook his head. “Then shut up and don’t talk about what you don’t know.” Kurt snapped. He rubbed his temples and tried to ward off any extra pain that was likely to result from this small altercation.
“Well, I think you’re just trying to gain sympathy. Headaches aren’t something you should be skipping school for.” Neil said, trying to act as if he were better than Kurt, because he had perfect attendance all year long.
“Neil, don’t talk about what you don’t understand.” Kurt nearly yelled, causing Madame Monroe to look over towards them.
“Est-tout bien?” (“Is everything alright?”). she asked. Kurt was torn, between telling her that they were harassing him about his illness, or just letting it go. He settled on the latter.
“Oui Madame…” (Yes M’am.) But she didn’t look convinced.
“What’s going on?” She asked, in a stern voice, that Kurt knew better than to go against. Sighing he told her what Neil and Robert had been doing. She looked ashamed at her students.
“Do any of the rest of you feel this way?” She asked them. Some of them, nodded their heads, the rest stayed still. “Has anyone in this room, besides Kurt ever experienced a migraine?” One person raised their hand. It was a senior named Stuart.
“I do, Madame.” He answered weakly. He was the type of student who stayed to himself and didn’t really make many friends. “I’ve had them on and off for 5 years.” He admitted, and Kurt looked at the boy sympathetically.
“So you know how horrible they can be?” He nodded.
“Would you mind coming up to the front?” He got up and walked towards the front of the room. “Would you mind telling everyone exactly what migraines are like?” He shrugged.
“They suck.” A few people laughed, including Kurt. Kurt didn’t know what Madame was playing, having Stuart explain what migraines were like, but she had to have something up her sleeve. “They’re like …. Well you know those after school specials, where they show an egg, and say ‘this is your brain….and this is your brain on drugs’ and smash the egg to smithereens with a frying pan or something?” Everyone nodded their head, either because they saw those specials, or understood the concept. “It’s like that, except there’s no drugs to mess up your brain. There’s no rhyme or reason for the migraines. It just makes it awful. You feel dizzy all the time, and the dizziness causes nausea which will occasionally make you vomit. But when I’ve had my migraines, I don’t have much of an appetite so I end up dry heaving the entire time.”
Kurt hadn’t experienced dry-heaving, or vomiting yet, and he sincerely hoped he hadn’t.
“Then there’s the sensitivity to light and sound. Imagine you’re in the middle of a dark room…say a movie theater in the middle of the day, and then you walk outside into the bright sun. How horrible it is on your eyes as they try to adjust. But that’s a constant with a migraine. You don’t a reprieve 30 seconds later after your pupils have dilated and have grown accustomed to the brightness of the outside. Following that, it’s the sound sensitivity… It’s like going to a rock concert where the bass is pumping and you’re standing incredibly close to one of the speakers and it’s just feels like it’s pounding on your head every minute of the concert. You can’t do anything about it but leave the concert, but with a migraine, you can’t leave the concert. It’s always happening, until the migraine goes away on its own.”
“It’s true.” Madame said. “I myself, have experienced migraines as well, and he explained them particularly well. Migraines are things we call Invisible Illnesses. They cause pain and suffering to the person they plague, without showing any outward symptoms. I bet you can’t tell right now, that Kurt still has somewhat of a migraine right now, but is powering through it to come to class so he doesn’t miss anymore.” She said pointedly at Robert and Neil.
“It’s true.” Kurt admitted. “My head still hurts, even through all this. My father even suggested that I stay home another day, but I couldn’t do it. There’s only so much I can do to get rid of it, and sleeping all day every day isn’t something I like to do.” Madame nodded.
“So the next time you think that someone is faking it, because of a migraine, please remember these two gentlemen, and what they suffer through without anyone being able to see.” Kurt looked at her, a little shocked. She herself was a sufferer of an Invisible Illness and didn’t announce it to the class. Maybe it was because she didn’t want to use up more class time on this subject, it was already 7:30, a half hour into class and they hadn’t done any work yet. Kurt shrugged it off, and took out his French book. “Now, let’s finish reading this section of Les Mis, and then we can discuss it.”
Master list for all my fics Chapter 8 Chapter 10 (Link activated on: Saturday, June 11, 2011)