UPDATE: I am realising now that I may have been overzealous in my prize-giving strategy. If the number of entrants does not increase drastically for fanart and poetry/song, I will cut the number of prizes to a more reasonable size. If I have two entries or less in a category, both will receive prizes for awesome dedication and skill and that will be that. Any objections?
Does anyone mind if I kick off the next challenge/contest/what-have-you?
I have one KICKASS idea.
So...time. We all have it. Some of us have too much, others not enough. It's often ambiguous in the TRC universe as to quite how much of it has passed, but we know a great deal of it has gone by. It's significant. It's important. And I bet it can inspire some damn excellent fic and art.
So here's your challenge: Write a fic, draw a picture, hell, write a song if you like or animate something! The limitation is that it must somehow involve a theme of time. Time running out, time passed, time to come, not enough time, too much time, killing time, finding time, running against time...anything you can think of! Clocks, minutes, hours, hourglasses, or anything to measure time is also acceptable. Be creative. Write or draw or do whatever the hell you do best.
1. All entries must be original and created for the challenge.
2. Entries may also be for prompt communities such as
30_kisses that do not offer prizes, as long as the entries fit the challenge here.
3. There is no limit to the number of entries. However, I will refrain from selecting multiple works by the same person to win. For popular vote, anything goes.
4. Collaboration is allowed, provided that all participants are credited.
5. Sequels (or prequels) to previously created material are accepted. Mention that your entry is a sequel and link to the first pieceas well, which will NOT be entered but referenced.
6. This does not apply for chapters.
7. There is no chapter limit either.
8. Entries must feature Kurogane and/or Fai (preferably and) as a main character, and at least mention the other somewhere. Even in a vague allusion.
9. Entries must follow the community rules.
I think that's it.
As for prizes, I will personally dedicate myself to each winner. However, if anyone else is interested in providing aid, I will be MORE than grateful.
What I'm thinking of is, for the two main categories [PROSE and DRAWN]:
Two First Prizes - [one selected by me, one by popular vote] Long fic by me and/or coloured art and/or song (recorded and written by me entirely, of course), all by request.
Three Runners-Up - [one selected by me, two by popular vote] Short fic/drabble by me, AND lineart, OR coloured art.
One Special Prize - [selected by me] Request of any fan media of me for the darkest darkfic. In honour of Halloween and all, but mostly because darkfic is win. Creepy, angsty, etc. I wants it.
And for POETIC and/or MUSICAL entries:
Two First Prizes - [same as above]
Two Runners-Up - [[same as above, save for only one by popular vote]
This may be changed depending on the amount of entries to each category. For instance, if I am flooded with POETIC/MUSICAL entries, I will make the scoring the same as the other two.
Please leave links to entries here, as per usual. Also note that while material created prior to the challenge is ineligible to enter the challenge itself, I will post it here if you leave a link because it's always worth a read.
I'm thinking a deadline of November 30 (which conveniently coincides with the end of NaNoWriMo...so if anyone intends to write novel-length fic you should tell me so I can give you an extension to post the next day....), but that's definitely changeable. I won't make it shorter, though. Or else NaNo will kill my adjudication abilities dead.
Like Sand Through An Hourglass,
Clocks and Waterfalls: A Treatise on Running Out of Time, and
Incessantly Annoying by
0_ariana_9 Scattering the Dregs and
The Little Mermaid: Version Two by
jenniferplague Of Time and
Hours and
Swiftly And Slowly (M) by
youkohiei_fan Our Passage Through Time and
Pantheon by
lyn_jarewo_wors Too Much Time by
deji_loves_you 5 AM by
seresunokokoro Hitsuzen by
herm_nefer Whisper of Sand by
maria_msAll the Time in the World by
paperthickskinFor He Comes, the Stolen Child by
serenphoria Measure by Measure by
lithiumdelusion The Longest Night by
athenaltena Six Weeks Borrowed by
potato_thief Last Year's War by
caffeine_buzz Shake It Up by
flo_bizetMoment by
pm_writings Horitsuba On Stage!! by
fengtianshi Against the Glass by
chichiris_chicaBlond by
animus_revival Art:
Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks by
fengtianshi Crossing Time and Space by
lingou Untitled by
raven_gothHour, Hour, In the Glass by
minelle_garden Memory: Collecting Pieces of Time by
dork_nerd Till We Meet Again by
sakia_chan Untitled by
michirukaiou Poetry/Songs:
The Time In His Eyes and
The Flow of His Blood by
ariadnechan Ineligible but still deserving pimpage:
Clocks and Watches by
bibliophile42 On Time by
chichiris_chica The Sand and the Sieve by
chu_totoro (M) denotes a mature rating.
Anyone interested? You should get to it!