Wow, dawno nie widzialam AMV, w ktorym obraz tak dobrze zgrywalby sie z tekstem piosenki. A w wypadku tego utworu nawet nie bylam sobie w stanie tego wyobrazic. Swietna robota!
Wow, it's been a while since I've last seen an AMV in which the picture would be so well fitted with the lyrics. And in case of that song I wasn't even able to imagine that. Great work!
Thanks a lot - the synch of the lyrics and the animation really matters the most to me as far as creating amvs is concerned, so I'm totally happy when people say that it shows. I'm really glad!
Yes, that's what I meant by "synch", I didn't put it clear enough ^^" ( though the technical synch is important, too, but it's still too difficult for me to master it >3 )
Well, for a long time I wouldn't have, too, but a few months ago this song aired on the radio and I suddenly was struck with how well the lyrics suited Kuro-sama, well enough to be called his theme song ^^. Thank you! <3
Comments 8
Wow, it's been a while since I've last seen an AMV in which the picture would be so well fitted with the lyrics. And in case of that song I wasn't even able to imagine that. Great work!
Thanks a lot - the synch of the lyrics and the animation really matters the most to me as far as creating amvs is concerned, so I'm totally happy when people say that it shows. I'm really glad!
Great job ^^
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