Hey everybody! It's time for the summer challenge! Hosted by yours truly and the ultra awesome
The Challenge:
Write a fic or draw a fanart that is inspired by a splash page from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles or a piece of official Clamp art that includes Kurogane and/or Fai.
Clamp has drawn lots of random splash pages and art featuring Kurogane and Fai, some of which fit into canon and some of which don’t. Your challenge for the summer is to write a fanfiction or draw a fanart that is inspired by one of these splash pages - AU or canonverse, your choice.
For fanfic, you can either write a fic based on what’s going on in the splash page, write an AU based on the presentation of the characters in the art, or do something completely different! It’s all up to you!
For fanart, you can either draw a doujinshi based on what’s going on in the splash, or a fanart exploring the story behind the splash, or anything besides blatantly copying the splash itself. You might have to be a little more creative for fanart, but there are lots of options if you really think about the possible stories behind the splash itself.
There will be two winners in the fanfiction section and two winners in the fanart section (provided we get enough entries, of course. If not, that number is pending.) Poetry/Songs will be grouped together with fanfiction.
Please note for each section:
One winner will be decided by the judges (pointyearedluv and buddha_loves_me) One winner will be decided by the popular vote (the dear members of this comm) Two entries will be chosen for most creative and/or best application of the challenge (decided by the judges) Judging Criteria:
The popular vote will be decided by the members in the community, via polling.
For the judge's choices, the following list will help show how
pointyearedluv and I will be evaluation the the entries (for both fanfiction and fanart):
- Originality:
- A creative expression of the chosen splash page is necessary! Having an introspective look into Fay's feelings while he drapes his arm over Kurogane's shoulder is all well and good, but not the most original fanfic in the world.
- Characterization:
- Kurogane and Fay both have their established personalities, and your fanfic/fanart should reflect this!
- It doesn't have to be perfect characterization (none of us are CLAMP after all) but if the characters involved are blatantly self-inserts, OOC, or just a far cry from the two of them, then you'll probably lose a lot of points.
- Try to avoid fanon assumptions and stick to canon points, please!
- Writing style/structure:
- We all have different drawing/writing styles
- But, your fanfic should be readable, with suitable grammar, spelling, and be understandable
- You should have good characterization and plot points, though obviously a one-shot will be different than a multi-chaptered story (and the judges will take that into account)
- This also applies to any doujin, as well.
- Your fanart should be recognizable, not some random scribble. If you try to pass off something as 'abstract art' I shall lol at you and think you're hilarious, but then ask you to please submit something for real |D
The Rules:
1. Multi-chapter and one-shots are okay, do whatever you like! They must be completed upon the deadline to be considered, however. Doujinshi (although VERY MUCH ENCOURAGED) won’t be given special treatment over single art pieces, just as multi-chapters won’t get special treatment over one-shots.
2. IC as much as possible, please?
3. Write as much as you want! Fifty entries? Woo, good for you! But only one of your fics or art pieces will win. But please don't feel limited to only one entry! If you submit both fanfic and fanart, you can only win for one section, not both.
4. You can write the steamiest, kinkiest sex fic possible or the tamest Disney-esque art. Ratings don’t matter, but it’s common courtesy to label them.
5. You HAVE to respond to this post with a link to your entry. If you don’t, sorry, but it doesn’t count.
pointyearedluv or I will post a reminder a week or so before the contest is due, but please remember to do it on your own.
6. Questions? Ask here! If you feel more comfortable, please feel free to send me a PM.
7. If possible, PLEASE provide a link to the splash page you're using, so that the judges and the readers will have a reference point to start off from!
8 - The deadline for the challenge will be AUGUST 31 SEPTEMBER 14. The voting post will be put up at 12:00, MIDNIGHT PST If you don't live on the west coast of the United States and aren't sure what time that'll be for you,
here's a converter to figure it out! If your submission is five minutes late I won't be a bitch and deny you, but please try to get your entry up in a timely manner!
The Prizes:
Okay, there being two judges, we'll both do our best to offer prizes that aren't epic failure. Since we're living in trying times and I'm a money monger lulz we can only really offer fic and icons. But please don't let the prizes dictate whether you'll enter or not!
There will be six winners as mentioned above.
Popular Vote: (for both fanfic and fanart)
One one-shot, with a prompt/pairing of your choice from
pointyearedluvOne layout or profile header with a subject of your choice, plus one icon from
buddha_loves_me Judge's choice + honorable mention: (for both fanfic and fanart)
Two drabbles, prompts/pairing of your choice from
pointyearedluv Two icons, subject of your choice from
buddha_loves_me Resources:
Big thanks to raikuya, who went through all the chapters and found the splashes featuring Kurogane, Fay, or both! Found here!
Crossed Destinies has all the splash pages laid out. It's in Spanish, but still easy to navigate.
Tunel Flights: Part One and Part Two by smokexscribbles; chapter 6 splash (currently incomplete)
Untitled by yuui_nyanko; chapter 83 splash
Flare by fengtianshi; chapter 86 splash
On the Wings of a Memory: Prologue and chapter one by eerisedda; multiple splash pages listed in chapters (currently incomplete)
Happily Ever After by imladra; chapter 182 splash
Heart and Tell and Don't Tell by ariadnechan; chapter 138 splash
Rhyme and Reason: Prologue, Part one, part two, part three, part four, and part five by lucid_babbles; chapter 156 splash
Kitchen-scape by ellethill; chapter 25 and 39 splashes
Adjusting the Lines by ellethill; chapter 122 splash
Homage and Blessings by halflight007; chapter 89 splash
Children by imladra; chapter 198 splash page
K-heart-Y by ashne; chapter 198 splash page
So, we both hope to see some submissions! Good luck, everyone!