RP + Agora

Nov 18, 2009 15:19

-Talking to Alex yesterday was so great fdgfdfgdfg
It put me in such a Sigil mood! When my brain pushes Sigil to the side to focus on other things, it keeps coming back. Now I can't stop thinking about plots, hehe.

-The RP post is also great, thank you everyone who's participating! It's still ongoing, so don't hesitate to join ( Read more... )

movie, rp, cats

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Comments 60

dead_lenore November 18 2009, 15:57:46 UTC
A mi Los Otros no me gustó nada.., me pareció decepcionante con el gran potencial que tenía..
Y esta si bien no me interesa mucho.., me parece que el tema de lo que trata es GENIAL.., Yo tambien estoy en contra de toda religion..


kurosaki_akane November 18 2009, 16:04:21 UTC
Vaya, ¿no te gustó? A mí me conmovió mucho, pero ya se sabe que sobre gustos... (^^)

Bueno, en la peli, según lo entendí yo, se muestra que lo que la religión en sí predica es bueno (la misericordia, ayudar al prójimo... vale, todo excepto la parte que concierne a las mujeres ;;), pero lo que los seguidores han hecho con ella matando a todo ser viviente en su nombre no está tan guay. Y es una verdad como un templo, la gente ha usado la religión como excusa para hacer auténticas salvajadas.


yuna_aoki November 18 2009, 16:07:38 UTC
Bueno, a ver, no sé si no te he entendido o voy yo muy confundida, pero me gustaría hacer un apunte: Amenábar ha dejado muy claro que esta película no es, de ninguna manera, un ataque o crítica a ninguna religión, creencia o etnia. Es una crítica a las personas que para defender sus ideas echan mano de la violencia; sean sus ideas correctas o no, es irrelevante.
Si esperas encontrarte con un manifiesto antireligioso vas muy, muy errada. Y por cierto, decir que estás en contra de toda religión puede resultar ofensivo, y esto viniendo de mí que soy atea hasta la médula.

Nada más. Perdona si he malinterpretado tu post.


dead_lenore November 18 2009, 16:42:24 UTC
No entendí si me respondes a mi o a Akane.. xDD
Porque yo la verdad es que al película no la vi así que no podría opinar absolutamente nada.., sí que escuche el reportaje que le han hecho a Amenabar y es exactamente lo que dices..

Y sobre lo que puede resultar muy ofensivo, no veo por que.., es una opinión bastante inocente.. xDD Tampoco es que estoy diciendo punto por punto mis opiniones sobre las religiones..
A mi no me ofende que el vecino me diga que es creyente, y viene a ser mas o menos lo mismo.. :P


kaostic November 18 2009, 16:37:48 UTC
Wow... I must watch this. Rachel Weisz is an excellent actress and this movie seems really magnificent and the cinematography is gorgeous~ Thanks for the recommendation! (^^)

And I didn't know you like The Others!! I love that movie~ TwT It scared the crap out of me but the ending is so profound and fantastic. I want to rewatch it but I can't watch it alone. orz

By the way, I hope you are feeling better~


kurosaki_akane November 18 2009, 16:45:06 UTC
I didn't even know her before this movie, but I think that she did a very good job. If you give it a try, I hope you like it (^^)
Many Spanish people on the internet say bad things about it, but I'm a bit lost as to why.

Waaaa, another The Others fan? I felt the same, really scared by it, and touched at the same time. If I look at it now, I think it's more emotional than scary, but it really scared me SO MUCH I even wanted to stop (^^;

Thank you! I'm actually still coughing *falls*


yandered November 18 2009, 17:35:17 UTC
Wow. I need to see this movie now, you do realize right?

I can't stand religious fanatics either. Religion causes so many unnecessary wars and fights. It's so bad here in America as far as religion goes. I can't STAND it, especially because I was raised as a different religion from the rest of the country in the first place, so I always felt that Christianity in general was annoying.

I go to university in a very religious area, so there are always ministers preaching about Jesus outside of buildings. I just walk by and laugh to myself ;

I hope it comes here soon!


kurosaki_akane November 18 2009, 18:10:33 UTC
Wow, things are that extreme there? @@;
I admit I had heard some horror stories about how religious many people (the majority) were in America, but I was unsure if I should believe them. They were quite surreal, to tell the truth... but finding people preaching about Jesus outside of buildings is quite surreal too *laughs*

I don't know if you'll like the movie, but I'm glad that you want to give it a try.


yandered November 18 2009, 18:43:02 UTC
There are certain places that are known to be very religious. Unfortunately, I live in one of those areas.

People can be crazy here x_x I've seen many anti-gay rallies that were sponsored by people from the different churches around here. It's horrible, although the students who don't agree with them have funny ways of showing they disagree, so it can be entertaining sometimes.

I never know when the rallies are, but I wish I could just have a Star of David with me and show it to them just to have them tell me I'm going to Hell hahaha

Luckily where I live at home isn't very religious, so I'm lucky about that.

Well, if/when I see it, I'll write a post about what I think.


kurosaki_akane November 18 2009, 19:32:57 UTC
Ah, my sister told me about some of those anti-gay rallies. It seems that a woman went to one with a wall of text that said something like "God gifted me with a homosexual son" (just in better English). That must have made anti-gay people very angry (^^;


(The comment has been removed)

kurosaki_akane November 18 2009, 18:14:42 UTC
Nowaday's pope is a saint compared with the jerk from the movie o.o
Now he just needs to stop hating homosexuals or something, Mello is in danger ww

I'M NOT UNGRATEFUL. I'm just an atheist ( ' v ' )


fangszwei November 18 2009, 18:21:11 UTC
I'M NOT UNGRATEFUL. I'm just an atheist

.........this line is amazing.


kurosaki_akane November 18 2009, 18:27:40 UTC
Like every other line from me.


alkekeehlriver November 18 2009, 19:59:38 UTC
Ohhhhh Ágora! Aun no he podido verla ;-; A los de primero de bachiller de mi curso les llevaron de excursión al cine a ver Ágora, todos volvieron fascinados... POR QUÉ NO ESTOY AÚN EN PRIMERO? TAT Pero iré a verla antes de que la quiten de cartelera, tiene que ser una delicia de película.
Oh, y lo siento por los gatitos ;-;


kurosaki_akane November 19 2009, 11:59:05 UTC
Bueno, no sé si te gustará. Si la llegas a ver, ya me contarás qué tal (^^)

Me dan mucha pena los michitos, pero en fin... al menos tendrán un hogar y comida rica, y jugarán juntos. Yo creo que tendrán una vida feliz. ;;


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