Title: The Stages of Flying (Part 1/3)
Fandom: Bleach
Rating: NC-17 (part 3 only)
Word count: 9,349 (this part only)
Pairing/characters: Ichigo/Toshiro, Rangiku, Yuzu, Karin, Isshin, Others, OCs
Warnings: Swearing, god-awful amounts of fluff, drama, so much pining, sex (part 3 only) - characters will be 18 at this point
Summary: At sixteen, there were three things Ichigo knew for certain: he didn't talk about personal things on the internet, he would never have a sexual crisis, and long-distance relationships didn't work. And then he met 'Hyorinmaru10'.
Notes: See page at AO3 because there's so many ^^;
Part I: Jump at AO3