Only One For Me

Sep 14, 2010 15:35

TITLE(s):  Only One For Me
AUTHOR: Kurokitsune09 ^^
GENRE: Romance
NOTES: I don't think there's enough JongHo in (sobs) There's like one section and it's all short. T^T [I totally shouldn't be writing because I've got like a test later tonight but ah. *sigh* they were looking so neglected in the back of my mind.] Please do forgive the odd grammar and like tense issues. Please.

Krystal is convinced that Sulli is obsessed. The slightly older girl denies it vehemently and she can only blush when Luna comes bouncing into the room, brandishing Sulli's laptop. She claims she's not obsessed but the beautiful wallpaper on her desktop of him completely ruins her argument. While Sulli blushes over her wallpaper, Luna happily starts opening all of Sulli's bookmarked sites. In the end, there's way too many windows and Luna just opens the bookmark folder. When Krystal and Luna start giggling and counting each and every thread and site that Sulli had saved with "Lee Taemin", "Taemin", or "Tae-oppa" in the title, Sulli blushes and wishes she was anywhere but her dorm. When Amber and Victoria join in the commontion, Sulli tries to sink into her chair.

"You've got it really bad Jin-ah," Luna chirps as Sulli is handed back her laptop. Sulli just moans lightly and clutches her laptop to her chest. The older (and one younger) girls had stopped counting the websites after two hundred and something. Sulli is quite embarrassed when she realized how many sites she had on the older idol because even after two hundred and something threads and sites, it wasn't even half of her bookmarks. Luna lightly pats Sulli's head and she coos, "Aww. You're so cute Jin-ah. Infatuation at it's highest,"

"Well, you're slightly better than Vic-umma," Amber chimes in. Sulli giggles and Victoria tries to smack Amber's arm. "Umma's very obsessed with Khun-appa. She listens to him before she sleep and she clutches that Korean-to-Chinese driving book to her chest while she's sleeping. I think it would be less annoying if she listened to the whole song but Umma only listens to Appa's rap,"

"Everything happens for a reason," Krystal and Luna burst out excitedly and Victoria lets out a strange squeal before she throws the decorative couch pillows at them.

Sulli stays quiet and decides to keep the fact that she's gotten hold of a clip of Taemin singing Soul Star's "Only One For Me" a secret. It's almost reached 50000 plays. The clip itself is only 34 seconds but Sulli never gets tired of it. It's been on repeat on her ipod for almost 2 weeks now.


Jonghyun borrows Taemin's laptop one day for lyric writing and composing. Normally he would have used his own but his was scanning for viruses. One can never be too careful after all. As he logs into the computer (Taemin's password was surprisingly easy to crack), he blinks when a picture of Sulli pops up as the background. His brows raise and he's even more amused when a small image falls from the top of the screen. The small Sulli desktop buddy picks herself up before the little cartoon beams at him.

Jonghyun is laughing a couple minutes later when Minho finds him. At first, Minho is about to walk on but his curiosity draws him closer and he gently hugs his hyung from behind, the best he can because the older is sitting, his arms gently sliding over his shoulders, asking lightly in his deep voice, "What's so funny hyung?"

Jonghyun smiles, leaning back and closes the window he had open. There's a moment of pause and Jonghyun is confused before looking up and Minho. The taller boy's brows are furrowed and Minho feels slightly jealous.

"Sulli-ah is your background hyung?" Jonghyun smiles and gently threads his hands with Minho's.

The older corrects lightly, "Taemin's background pabo-ah. My computer is scanning for viruses and I was using Taemin's for some lyric writing and composing," Minho hums lightly and he asks, "What were you looking at just now?"

"Did you know Taemin writes love poetry?" Now that surprised him and Jonghyun laughs at the ridiculous face he was pulling before leaning up to kiss his cheek lightly.

"Oh?" Black mail material for ages. Jonghyun laughs and nods.

"Not just any love poetry. It's love poetry about Sulli,"

"Ah," definite blackmail material for ages.


The members of SHINee and f(x) meet up during one of the rare days that they don't have thousands of schedules. They meet in the park and Luna and Amber are trying hard not to tease their umma. Nichkhun is there because Victoria called him and because Sulli is one of his "daughters" and he should be watching/intimidating their suitors; no matter how much he liked Taemin. They start plotting to get the Maknae and Eternal Maknae together and lucky for them, Sulli, Taemin (and Krystal sadly) were in school; making said meeting quite possible.

Some halfway into the meeting, Key is about to tear his hair out as Onew tries to soothe his frustration and Luna is tired of shooting down ideas that involved locking Sulli and Taemin together, Krystal arrives. And she arrives with back up. Leeteuk smiles at them and Jessica waves while the other gathered Super Junior and SNSD members scatter around the table. Those who weren't there physically are put through a mass phone call. Heechul almost cries when he hears Hankyung's awkward Korean answer the phone and Donghae sniffles when Kibum's deep voice comes out.

Some couple of hours later, after a few fan signings, a few fanservice items [JongHo fans were quite pleased when Jonghyun shyly kissed Minho's cheek and sat in his lap] Luna and Taeyeon are tired of shooting down ideas that involved locking Taemin and Sulli together; the number totaling over 50. Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk are quite bummed that the two vocalists said no because they were quite sure that locking them in a room would get them to confess and together.

The present members of SHINee and f(x) were convinced that they just wanted a scandal.

They all leave and there is no plot in action for the two. Or so they thought.


Some days later, approximately 10 days after the odd Idol get-together meeting in the park,  Taemin and Sulli go missing during filming of Star King. Their respective leaders freak out while somewhere backstage, Eunhyuk is happily handing over a few thousand won to KARA's Kang Jiyoung who smiles at him brightly. Down the hall, Taemin is pounding against the door to his dressing room and Sulli sits awkwardly at the vanity. After a moment, he sighs and drops onto the couch in the room. They're locked in.

"Am I really your computer background?" the question is sudden and Taemin chokes on air before he shoots up, his eyes wide as he looks at the younger girl. Sulli blushes and bites her lip nervously. Taemin tries to laugh it off and Sulli continues shyly, " Luna-unnie said that Jonghyun-oppa said that you've got my picture as your background,"

"If I say yes will you tell me that I'm your background?" Taemin isn't expecting the odd squeal-squeak combo from the younger girl and soon, he's grinning. Sulli whines lightly and she hides her blushing face in her hands, peeking at him through the gaps of her fingers. He grins and casually leans back against the couch, an arm draped over the back of the leather. "I've got really pretty picture of you as my wallpaper. Of course, it doesn't compare to the real person,"

Sulli blushes darker and she almost wants to tell him to stop teasing her because really, she's not that pretty and suddenly, Taemin is leaning over her, his eyes locked with hers as he steadies himself on the vanity. Her breath catches in surprise and Taemin smiles. It's a true Taemin smile because there is no awkwardness or embarrassment in his smile, something that is so much more different than his normal grin.

"Before you say that you're not pretty or that I'm teasing you, I'm not. And I'm serious Jin-ah," his voice is soft and Sulli is very aware of how close they are. "You're beautiful. And I mean that. Not pretty because pretty can't completely describe you. Not cute because you're much more than that. You're beautiful,"

Before Sulli replies, the door slams open and in an instant, Taemin in on the other side of the room, his eyes dark and his cheeks a little pink. Onew and Victoria stare in suspicion for a moment before Victoria launches at Sulli and glomps her. Onew looks at Taemin and SHINee's maknae just shrugs.

"We were locked in. I think the perpetrator had the name Kang Jiyoung on her makeup bag," and the leaders scowl, Victoria muttering something in Chinese before they storm out of the room to find Jiyoung. Taemin looks at Sulli and she blushes and smiles back.

Recording is on its way again and Taemin is asked to sing a song that he likes recently. His smile is shy but he complies and he sings, his voice gentle and soft. The light melody of Soul Star's "Only One for Me" echoes through the set and Sulli can't help but smile.

They end up texting each other later that night.

To: Lee Taemin-oppa
From: Choi Jinri
Oppa~ yes.

To: Choi Jinri
From: Tae-oppa.
Yes what Jin-ah?

To: Tae-oppa
From: Jin-ah
That I have a picture of you as my background.

To: Jin-ah
From: Tae-oppa
I knew it. By the way, you know right?

To: Tae-oppa
From: Jin-ah
Know what oppa?


Sulli jumps when her phone vibrates and she feels a little stupid because she was holding it in the first place. She laughs a little bit at herself as Mr. Boogie bounces off the walls of her room and she answers it. The line connects and she blushes hard when his voice comes flittering through the connection.

"You really don't know Jin-ah?" Sulli smiles and she's sure he can see it over the phone and she answers, "Tell me again oppa,"

And he does, his voice ringing lightly as he sings gently to her.

So baby you don’t have to let me go, I’ll give you my all,
I’ll be the one that will always keep you safe,
Her voice trembles slightly as she tries to find the right key and she sings with him.

I want to love one person forever only,
I can do all for you,
Cause you are the only one for me.

fandom: super junior, fandom: snsd, celeb: lee taemin, fandom: shinee, fandom: f(x), fanfic, celeb: choi sulli

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