Before the Dawn - chp. 3

Jul 21, 2010 13:39

TITLE:  Before the Dawn
RATING: PG to PG-15ish?
PAIRING/FOCUS: Jongho (Main), Cheundong/Krystal (sub) [others to be determined]
GENRE: ...adventure, au, romance?
NOTES: Eh...I think this seemed a little bit rushed and I didn't mean for it to turn out the way it did. lol. I think Taemin seemed to be the focus of this chapter but oh well.

PLOT AND CAST Read more... )

fandom: snsd, celeb: park luna, celeb: lee joon, celeb: jung jessica, fandom: shinee, fandom: mblaq, celeb: bang mir, celeb: lee seunggi, celeb: choi minho, celeb: lee taemin, celeb: kim jonghyun, world: before the dawn, fanfic, celeb: choi sulli, celeb: park cheundong, fandom: f(x), celeb: jung krystal

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Comments 25

kurokitsune09 July 21 2010, 19:43:44 UTC
SPOT! For Wifey alicedelusion


RUSHED? I THINK NOT. alicedelusion July 22 2010, 05:48:25 UTC



/mouth wide open.
/fly goes in.
/gets up and chokes.
/eventually dies.

wifeyyyyyyyy~ ;D the next chapter is the demoted part, right? nekooooo~ :3


Re: RUSHED? I THINK NOT. alicedelusion July 22 2010, 05:59:33 UTC
and my dear wifey, lucifer and jojo are compatible, i suppose.

i'll try that when i reach home.


Re: RUSHED? I THINK NOT. kurokitsune09 July 22 2010, 14:57:39 UTC
It's quite the combination but it was really more of a my com was running Lucifer and my ipod was running JoJo. It so one ear was hearing Jojo and the other was hearing Lucifer.


kurokitsune09 July 21 2010, 19:44:05 UTC
SPOT! For unnie crazyoverbishie


crazyoverbishie July 22 2010, 13:20:34 UTC
wwhhoooaaaaa...another SPOT for me again...XXDDD...
i almost missed it by leaving a new comment...XDD

onto the comment..
wwhhoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....wwhhoooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... someone sounds fierce here...Taemin sure can threat whoever endanger his guild-chief..XXDD.. i love this taemin..XXDD

i love Jonghyun's bubbly attitude...XXDD...he looks more like a pet than Minho...esp. when he just woke up..XXXDDD

hmmnn..your ending is intriguing..XD...i wonder what will happen next..XXDD

pls do write more...^^
surry im late to comment^^


kurokitsune09 July 22 2010, 14:54:57 UTC
Epic comment again unnie!! <33

Taeminnie sound's amazing! I liked writing that. <333 Thank you. I loved this Taemin too. He was amazing in my head. Just hat to put that Taemin on paper.

Jonghyun does seem more like the pet doesn't he? So bubbly and "I'm going to hug you because you can't stop me" type a deal and Minho's all "get off me. PLEASE" lol.

No worries. Not late and all unnie. <33333


crazyoverbishie July 22 2010, 17:11:46 UTC
Your fic is soooooo good so i need to exaggerating a bit...XXXDD

yeah...Jnghyun is way too bubbly..XXDDD..Minho needs to be more fiercer...XXXDDD

btw i havent thk you for the spot..XD..thk you^^
what did i do to have this honor????


doomedpassion July 21 2010, 20:08:38 UTC
Wow! so well written! Is Taemin that guy from the prologue?! OH MY GOD! WOW!


kurokitsune09 July 21 2010, 20:17:48 UTC
Hiya! Thanks for reading and commenting. Nope. Taemin isn't the man from the prologue. But the man from the prologue is in this chapter.

You flatter me. I don't think it's that well written. lol.


karol_uchiha August 15 2010, 21:42:51 UTC
I was going to comment in the 5th chap but I have to say that I am LOVING this lD

It is so nice to see how Jong annoys Minho XD And the whole plot is just sooo entertaining? I think I'm already addicted to it D:

Just to think that I have only two more chaps to read makes me feel desperate for more XD

So I guess that's it 8D I'll keep reading now *-*'


kurokitsune09 August 15 2010, 21:49:52 UTC
omomo. Thank you!! I'm so happpy that you love this as much as you do. <33333

I tried to make it as entertaining as I could and I must say that for a little bit, I think Jongho is going to be a little bit rocky, but I have to work with my plot bunnies to get that to work right away. They've all like, run away. The plotbunnies I mean. lol.

Thx for commenting! I hope to hear more from you! (no pressure lol. ^^)


praia06 November 8 2010, 20:21:03 UTC
I'M BACK!!!!
well taemin appeared a bit dark in this chap... but woohooo. like it cos it's not that typical "I'M THE CUTE MAKNAE IMAGE"!
but on the other side
“Children! My pet’s hungry!”
what? there's a certain image I have in my mind rn... jjong flailing his hands. making big gestures, floating through the rooms and calling his "children" with that sing-song voice... GAY!!!

i'm curious about what went wrong...


kurokitsune09 November 8 2010, 20:23:05 UTC
hi-yum there sweetie. ^^ Taemin is a dark person in this. a dark kinda scary person. haha ^^

Don't you love Jjongie? keke. calling the guild his children. it was cute when I typed it. ^^

ROTFL at the image in your head. That's funny ^^ *hugs*


praia06 November 9 2010, 15:41:17 UTC
in this chap I'm like "Jonghyun looks like a gay host" and in the next one he's the raw demon chief! cooooool! kekekeke


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