
Mar 20, 2011 22:15

Title: Epiphany (Of Misunderstanding and Realizations)
Length: 1/2
Author: Kurokitsune09
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance-Fluff/General
Focus: Cheundong x Sohyun, Doojoon x Junhyung, Dongwoon x Kikwang
Sub-Focus: Random little cameos from K-Pop stars
Notes: An odd little story idea that came to me at 3 in the morning Jan. 16 2011. Obviously AU. Please do ignore the weird tense changes. It got a little weird as it went and by the end, it became quite the stream of conscious piece. This has been a long work in process since I started this back in January. Lol ^^ It might be extended if the next part doesn't end itself and I hope to get it up in the next week or so. ^^ Alongside tests and midterms haha ^^U
Inspiration: MBLAQ and 4Minute’s Joint Special Stage on SBS Gayo Daejun and the sudden thought that Cheundongie and Sohyunnie would look absolutely cute together lol ^^
Summary: Sohyun’s all grown up and Cheundong’s the only one who doesn’t notice. Kikwang and Dongwoon are awkward and Doojoon and Junhyung have a love-hate thing going on.

He’s pretty much bouncing in his seat and he’s bouncing so much so that his best friend (one of them anyways) and roommate of two years at the university looks at him and tries not to grin as the train pulls up to the station. The moment the train comes to its jerky stop, Lee Kikwang is watching as Park Cheundong bolts out of his seat, snatches his bag from the compartment above their heads and like lightning, he’s off the train. Kikwang is quite amused and he casually follows, grabbing his duffle from the top. The first thing that catches his attention the moment he steps off the train is how clear the air seems, never mind the exhaust from train, and the handsome youth standing off to the side while Cheundong happily smothers a small short haired girl to his chest. He slings his duffle across his shoulders and approaches, amused.

“Kikwang-sshi,” for a moment, he basks in the sound of his name rolling off Son Dongwoon’s tongue as the younger greets his approach before he smiles at the slightly foreign looking youth and responds with a light, “Hello Dongwoon-sshi,” He’s given a faint smile back before he moves forward to save the poor girl suffocating in Cheundong’s shirt.

Kikwang almost wants to pout but he knows that they aren’t that close. They first met over maybe half a year ago when Cheundong insisted that Kikwang stay with him for break. Cheundong’s family was out of town and it was only maybe two weeks. It wasn’t like Kikwang had plans really, so Kikwang agreed and after confirming with his parents, Kikwang was off following Cheundong to his small hometown in the middle of somewhere. Kwon Sohyun was the first face that Kikwang had met when he got off the train and Dongwoon had been the second. Sohyun had warmed up immediately to him as did a few other of Cheundong’s old friends but Dongwoon had taken a little longer, a bit on the shy side. He watches as Dongwoon catches one of Sohyun’s flailing arms and gently tugs her out of Cheundong’s “death” grip.

“Dongwoon-ah!!” is the immediate whine while Sohyun catches her breath a little bit, cheeks flushed. Dongwoon gives Cheundong a smile even as the older man pouts playfully. “I wasn’t done with my hug!” and Cheundong then tackles the younger man, slinging an arm around his shoulders. Kikwang’s stomach flops a bit and Dongwoon smiles, his head ducking before he addresses Sohyun.

“Hyun-ah, if we stay any longer Jiyoon-ah’s going to be fussy. She and hyung wanted to meet Cheundongie-hyung and Kikwang-sshi remember?” there’s a light that lights up Sohyun’s eyes and she snaps her fingers with an “Ah! Right!” look on her face while Cheundong stands a little confused, cocking his head to the side.


That is a name that he didn’t know and he knew pretty much everyone in their small town in the middle of somewhere. He pouts unconsciously and they start moving towards the exit, his bag slung over his shoulders, fist curling over the strap.

“Hyun-ah,” the girl 4 years younger looks up and smiles before looping her arm in his and she proceeds to drag him off and out of the station with Dongwoon and Kikwang (both of them maintaining a slightly awkward distance between each other) behind them. Unconsciously, Cheundong’s hand tightens over the strap of his bag and he kind of pulls Sohyun’s arm so she’s standing closer to him, whining a light, “Hyun-ah,” and Sohyun blinks up at him not because of the closeness but because of the strange meekness in his voice. It’s a tone she’s never heard of from her best childhood and guy friend. “Who’s Jiyoon?”


Cheundong feels a bit like a bug under a microscope as he stands in the middle of the-warehouse? Is it a warehouse?-being critically observed by the shorthaired young woman in what looked like an auto mechanic’s suit. At least he’s not alone as Kikwang shifts nervously next to him while the young woman rakes her eyes up and down the two of them before turning to the side and waving at Sohyun who quickly comes prancing up, all smiles, pulled from her conversation with a few other girls.

“He’s the Cheundong you keep raving about?” Cheundong blinks and grins as Sohyun squeaks and slaps the older girl’s arm but she nods and beams at the older man anyways. Jeon Jiyoon hums before she jerks her head at Kikwang. “And he’s Kikwang?” At Sohyun’s nod, Jiyoon tilts her head and in a surprisingly cute voice that neither Kikwang or Cheundong expected said, “I dun’ get it. They both look well, normal. Kinda plain. Junhyung-oppa and I were expecting, well, extraordinary,”

“Junhyung?” his question slips out and Cheundong doesn’t even registered that he was just called plain. Cheundong slowly feels as if he’s missing something because in the last 2 hours he’s been back, he’s heard names that he didn’t really know. What happened in the nearly 6 months he was down in university? Sohyun smiles up at him and for a moment her attention is dragged when the doors to the warehouse squeak open and Dongwoon walks in, talking amicably with two others. She waves and Jiyoon takes the slight pause in conversation to call out to them.

“Yah! Son Dongwoon! I dun’ get it. They look quite normal to me!” at this declaration, Dongwoon kind of frowns and the two he’s walking with are suddenly all grins as their trio approach, well one of them. The other just looked curious.

“Kwangie! Doongie!” the voice of Yoon Doojoon breaks the semi-awkward atmosphere and immediately, Kikwang leaps forward to tackle the other man. Cheundong smiles at his hyung and waved.

“Doojoonie-hyung!” there’s this odd noise and Cheundong wonders if he imagined it because Sohyun proceeds to laugh into her palm and Dongwoon is steering the other man, Yong Junhyung he learns later, towards Jiyoon where their little trio start up a conversation involving hand gestures and flailing arms. Well, hand gestures and flailing arms on Jiyoon’s end and mainly nods on Junhyung’s and Dongwoon’s part.

For a moment, on the sidelines, Cheundong watched as Jiyoon and Junhyung, both of them faces he had never met before chat and he looks over towards Sohyun who’s trying to pry Kikwang off Doojoon who looks amused. A hand slips into his and Cheundong blinks down at Sohyun’s black and blond hair as she drags him to help pry Kikwang off Doojoon. That was new too. Sohyun had cut her hair and proceeded to dye it in the time he had been gone, a far cry from her previous long hairdo. New hairstyle and new faces.

For some reason, his stomach clenches uncomfortably and he squeezes Sohyun’s hand, as if to reassure himself that his friend was still there and his stomach feels a bit better when she squeezes back.


Jeon Jiyoon and Yong Junhyung he learns are from the city. He tones out which city it was because honestly, his sister, Sandara-noona and her best friend Park Bom-noona could gabber like no tomorrow on anything, including the small homely café they were in and with a blatant dismissal, he stands from his seat. Dara frowns and Cheundong waves absently before shoving his hands in his jacket, making a way for the door. He’s about a quarter-way towards the doors when his name is mentioned along with Sohyun’s and Dongwoon’s. His steps slow and he seems as if he’s taking his sweet time getting to the door. It was raining a bit like cats and dogs outside but he really wanted to hear what they were saying.

“Do you think Sohyunnie’s told him yet?”

“This is Sohyunnie we’re talking about. She’s less likely to tell him than Dongwoon-ah is. It’s a little sad that Cheundong isn’t all that smart sometimes. The signs are all there,” and Cheundong frowns a little bit at the jab on his intelligence and he can picture his sister pursing her lips and biting the straw to her soda. “But they should tell Cheundongie before the next week is over I think. At least, that’s what I’ve heard from Junhyung-ah,”

He stops to chat for a moment with a busboy, trying to listen more and almost jumps from his skin when someone claps a hand on his shoulders.

“Cheundongie!” Doojoon’s voice booms at his ears and someone is happily hugging him around the chest and Cheundong squawks. Dara and Bom look up and they smile and Cheundong wants to sink into the floor because there’s that knowing twinkle in Dara’s eyes and they wave. Doojoon grins and he and Kikwang (who ends up dragging Cheundong back by default because he’s got like a death grip on his roommate,) move-slash bounce towards the table that Cheundong had vacated just minutes ago.

“Doojoonie! Kikwangie!” Dara’s greeting is bright and they slide into the empty booth, effectively locking Cheundong between them. Kikwang immediately grabs a napkin from the dispenser, pulls a pen from his pocket and proceeded to doodle on it while Bom waggles her fingers at Cheundong and greets, “Cheundongie, welcome back from your two minute departure,”

“Dara-noona, Bom-noona, you two wouldn’t happen to know where Sohyunnie-ah is do you?” Doojoon asks and the two exchange a strange look. At this, Doojoon exhales and Cheundong doesn’t know what the strange feeling in his stomach is when he looks up through his bangs and asks, “Is she with Woon-ah again?”

Silently, Cheundong looks over at Kikwang and when their eyes meet, Kikwang pastes on, for a strange reason known only to him perhaps, a tight smile, gripping his pen a little tigher and Cheundong realizes that the smile he throws back is an exact copy of his roommate’s.

Neither one notices the strange stare the other three exchange.

“I see Junhyung and Jiyoon-ah more than I see Sohyunnie and Dongwoon-ah these days. And I live with Dongwoon,”

Both Kikwang and Cheundong excuse themselves a few moments later and Doojoon sighs, leaning back against the seat, draping an arm over the back. Dara smiles softly before reaching over and lightly patting the hand he had on the table.

“Dun’ worry too much Doojoon-ah, they’ll know sooner or later,”


“Yong Junhyung!” the youth doesn’t know whether or not to be irritated as he slips out onto his balcony window, staring down at the semi-miserable heap out on his backyard. There was a moment then the heap raised a hand, pumping at the sky and he kind of shrieks, “Yong Junhyung! Yong Junhyung! Yong Junhyung!”

“Idiot,” Junhyung growls and he walks back into his home, trying hard to ignore the shrieking outside his window. He pulls on a sweater, a plain black hoodie before he kind of hops down the stairs towards the living room. He grabs his keys from the vanity in the hall and in the living room, he hears, “Oppa, are you absolutely sure that Sohyunnie’s claims that he’s not an idiot are true?”

“I want to know too,” and Jiyoon snorts before saying easily, “Try not to kill him,”

“No promises Jiyoon-ah,” and Junhyung slips out the door. He forces down a scowl and lightly kicks the heap that had dragged itself from his backyard to his front door. “Are you alive or dead Yoon Doojoon?”

Dark eyes looks up at him from behind somewhat scary fringe and he smirks. Junhyung frowns a bit and drags the slightly burlier man up by the arms and he hisses when Doojoon ends up letting his weight rest completely on Junhyung. Irritated, he shoves the other and proceeded to yelp when an arm catches around his hips and drags him down too. Junhyung grimaces when his knees hit the steps hard and he gasps lightly before looking down angrily at the man he was pretty much straddling. It’s a little awkward but Junhyung doesn’t really care. He yelps again when arms snake around his waist, dragging him closer and Junhyung’s hands slap against the concrete next to Doojoon’s head, the slighter male staring down at the older man. They don’t notice when the door behind him opens and Jiyoon is peering out, hiding her amused smile behind her hand.

“If you want to have sex could you at least go inside first?” the voice is quite deadpan and Junhyung’s head snaps up while at their gates, the handsome youth smirks. Junhyung opens his mouth to give a snarky retort when Doojoon’s arms wrap tighter and tugs him so they’re chest to chest, his head tucked underneath Doojoon’s chin and the youth at the gate snickers in amusement. Junhyung absently notes that this position is quite comfortable, minus the concrete digging into his knees and legs and the stare the person at his gate is giving him. He manages to look up and Doojoon cranes his head to look at the stranger at the gates. He smiles and waves, whacking Junhyung as he did so. Jiyoon, still clutching the doorframe, straightens slightly and giggles while Junhyung smacks Doojoon back.

“Dongwoon-ah annyeong,” and the other raises his eyebrows, a hand waving at the two’s weird positioning.

“Hyungnim, I thought you had more tact than to have sex on a porch,” his voice is lightly amused, a little different than his previous deadpan and Doojoon just grins while Junhyung, finally remembering their awkward positioning, yelps and shoves off the other. At the door, Jiyoon giggles harder and clutches the doorframe some more. Doojoon just grins and easily gets to his feet, lightly dusting off his clothes.

“What can I say?” is all Doojoon retorts. He grins at Junhyung who’s got a light flush to his cheeks. “He loves me,”

“Go die,” and Dongwoon laughs when keys are thrown at Doojoon, the keys landing at his feet. He bends to pick up Junhyung’s keys and when he looks up, Jiyoon is next to him, her brows furrowed,

“Junhyung-oppa and Doojoon-oppa’s love-hate relationship aside Dongwoon-ah,” she starts seriously and Dongwoon stares lightly at her as Doojoon and Junhyung start an odd brawl-not-brawl behind them. She reaches out and punches his shoulder lightly. “What are you and Sohyunnie going to do?”

Dongwoon hesitates and then, “We don’t know noona. We really don’t,”


Cheundong comes to a realization of what his sister, Bom and Doojoon had been hinting at around Monday, about four days since he and Kikwang had arrived back in the small town for break. He gets this realization after a group picnic-slash-gathering his sister had planned and he’s watching Dongwoon and Sohyun interact down the field. There’s playful tugging and tackling and Sohyun’s laughing and beaming. Next to him, strangely reserved, Kikwang tugs his knees to his chest and Cheundong tilts his head, still observing.

“Kikwang-ah,” his voice is light and the other looks at him. Neither one notices Jiyoon or Dara hop towards them and the picnic basket. There’s a light pause and Jiyoon fetches her water bottle from a few feet away, uncapping it and the two still don’t notice her or Dara. “I think Dongwoon-ah and Sohyun-ah are dating,”

Jiyoon chokes and Dara hurriedly hands her a napkin. Surprisingly neither looked back and Kikwang let his head drop to his knees, his expression depressed and he answers back,

“I think they are too,” and when the two finally turns around to get something to eat, Dara and Jiyoon were already tearing down the hill.

fandom: 2ne1, celeb: yoon doojoon, world: epiphany, celeb: lee joon, celeb: lee kikwang, fandom: 4minute, fandom: mblaq, celeb: son dongwoon, celeb: bang mir, celeb: jeon jiyoon, fanfic, celeb: kwon sohyun, celeb: kim sunggyu, fandom: b2st/beast, celeb: park cheundong, celeb: yong junhyung

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