Title: Konbae (Cheers)
Pages: 19 - 27
Pairing: Junseung.
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in 4 updates *troll*)
Genre: Angst, retardness.
Comments: Sorry for the dramatic soapy ending, crappy faces and etc xD
Summary: Hyunseung's been acting cold lately.
1 - 5,
6 - 10,
11 - 19,
Next update: 27th because I need a bit of Junseung PHYSICAL action @_@
I took a bit of a holidays in replying and everything (though I suspect I'm like that in working periods too ^^;) hoping to catch up hahahaha.
Thanks for reading everyone~ *w* The ones I know (Lyki, Mariel, Heerin, Min, Claudia, Akinoyui, Mariya, Kirri, Xiia0chloe, Sakulette, Theheartaches, yjhjhsjs, Phoebe, Seoulkokoro and Jaeni!) and the ones in ninja mode <3
Salutació especial a les nenes del ball que crec s'ho llegeixen xD Irene, Ali, Arlene, Elvi, Hyun, Xenia, Ari, Jana, Sarah, Lidia, Heiu, Vero, Fer, Artur. Alguns me'ls he inventat segur xD