Series Title: Beginnings And Endings
kuonjiCharacters: Ken Hutchinson, David Starsky, various
Pairings: mention of Hutch/OMC
Category: angst, drama, hurt/comfort
Rating: varies from PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: *highlight for spoilers: non-con, questionable relationship with a minor, disturbing themes
Summary: A case taking a bad turn reveals a part of Hutch's past that he had thought long buried.
A/N: "Beginnings And Endings" is meant to be a standalone story. The other stories should be viewed as derivatives of it. So far, I have not written any that contradict each other, but please note that they do not necessarily inhabit the same universe. There are infinite other paths that these characters can take. :)
Beginnings And Endings(NC-17, ~4560 words)
It wasn't that big of a thing, he reminded himself, in the scheme of his whole life, and Starsky's life. It was nothing compared to what they saw day in and day out on the job.
Heavy Bags, companion piece to "Beginnings And Endings"
(R, ~2030 words)
He'd go bare knuckles today, and in his street clothes, no less. In this place, nobody would bother him about it, unless he were careless enough to leave blood.
Through(R, ~4070 words)
Hutch's whole body burned with anger, embarrassment, and a kind of desperation he'd never felt at the worst of times on the job. Overwhelmed, he pulled out the one threat he thought he could count on right now...
Over(R, ~5830 words)
"We just get jerked around and around in this stupid, never-ending ferris wheel." A specter from the past upsets their fragile peace.
Black And White, companion piece to "Over"
(R, ~3270 words)
It was in the file now. In writing. Somewhere in the world, in black and white, it said that what he had done with Howie wasn't his fault.
Story Notes, following The Through And Over Arc
An American Pastime(NC-17, ~1200 words)
The smell of grass, the buzz of excited humanity, a partly cloudy day, and a high seat with a good view. What more could a man want?
All Grown Up(PG-13, ~4060 words)
The envelope was white. If he held it up to the light, he could see the spiky slanted writing on the single sheet of paper inside. It'd been folded into neat thirds, however, making all the words indecipherable amid the overlapping lines.
Brown Paper Packages(PG-13, 2630 words)
These are a few of my favorite things.