[This island seemed awfully... familiar. Though couldn't really figure out why. This didn't look like anyplace on Ivoire. So then where..?]
[Marona was no where to be found either, which alone spelled all sorts of bad. This was actually the first time he could ever recall loosing her. Finding where she went was first priority, answers could wait later. Plus he was a little hesitant to make an appearance, phantoms were no longer considered that hostile on Ivoire after stopping Sulphur, but it was hard to say how anyone would still react]
[Although.. if someone knew where Marona was..]
[His search eventually lead to a fountain.. This place definitely seemed very familiar, but it wasn't making sense at all]
((Before commenting, be sure to check
this page for explanations, because he is slightly complicated to play with ;;
... Also let's see how long it takes to attract a 'Dera))