Title: Asylum
Characters: Kato Shigeaki, OC, Tegoshi Yuya, Masuda Takahisa, Koyama Keichiro, Yamashita Tomohisa, Horikita Maki, Ryo Nishikido, Fujigaya Taisuke, Kimura Takuya, Gackt.
Rating: G15 to 17 maybe?
Disclaimer: I own the story ONLY
Summary: When a group of mentally unstable people are the sanest people in a room, there is something wrong
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Comments 6
the proposition didn't look like a good news,,
shige and eri's Moments are sweet,
poor tegoshi he had to remain silent while shige and Eri are all lovey dovey in the same room xD ugh I just love them all xD I was grinning like stupid while reading this part xD
im addict to this fic <3333
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