Title: Unexpected Chapter 5
Characters: OC, Kato Shigeaki, Tegoshi Yuya, Masuda Takahisa, Koyama Keichiro, Yamashita Tomohisa, Ryo Nishikido.
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I own the story ONLY
Summary: Some of the best things in life are unexpected.
Chapter 6
Massu came into the apartment he shared with Tegoshi. It wasn’t even evening but he was tired. There were a lot of things happening in these last couple of days. Koyama thinking he had a ghost, the ghost turning up to be a woman, who was staying illegally in the country. And now there is a possibility that his friend and roommate would be a father.
Thank god his life was normal.
His cell phone rang.
“Hi. It’s me. I have your things ready so please come and get them as soon as you can.”
“Um, I’m sorry. Who is this?”
“Jun…” The female voice said ending in a question, sounding insecure.
“Sorry, I’m not Jun.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. This is a new phone, I must have typed the wrong number. I’m so sorry.”
“That’s okay. It’s simple mistake.” Massu chuckled in a good humor.
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” she repeated, her voice cracking at the end.
Massu heard a sob. “Are… are you okay?
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I’ll hang up now. Sorry to bother you.” The woman on the other side was definitely crying now.
“Wait. Don’t hang up. W-what’s wrong?” The man on the other side of the line asked. Hana bit her lip and hesitated. How could she tell this stranger? On the other hand it was humiliating and it would be worse to talk about it with someone she knew. “You don’t have to tell me. You can hang up, it’s just, well, maybe you need to talk to someone and… I can listen if you want.” She could almost see him shrugging on the other side, even though she didn’t know what he looked like.
“It’s… well, I broke up with my boyfriend.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,”
“We had just moved in together a month ago and… and…”
“I found him with another woman…”
“Not just another woman… I found him with my cousin…” She blushed even though he couldn’t see her and he didn’t know her. She felt like crying again at the thought of her cute ex and her perfect little cousin.
“Well, he sounds like a bastard, so you are lucky to get rid of him. And your cousin, well, she sounds…”
“Like a bitch?” She finished and immediately regretted it. What would he think of her? Talking like that about her own cousin? “Sorry, that sounded bitter, didn’t it?”
“Well, after what you told me, not at all. I wouldn’t do that to family, or anybody else for that matter. But, even though I have a cousin, her tastes are a little different than mine.”
She laughed at that. “ We’ve never been very close.”
“I don’t think that justifies anything.”
“I guess it doesn’t. You wanna know the worst part?”
There was more? “Yeah,” he said softly.
“I knew he was using me. In the back of my mind I knew that someone like him wouldn’t really go for someone like me and I still played dumb and lied to myself. How pathetic is that?”
“I don’t think it’s pathetic.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m being honest.”
“I’m sorry I’m dumping on this on you. I don’t even know you!”
“That’s fine.”
“I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing.”
“No. I wasn’t doing anything in particular. We can talk… I mean if you want…”
“Yeah, okay,” she answered smiling.
He smiled back… even if they couldn’t see each other.
An hour later, they were still talking when Tegoshi came in mumbling to himself and slamming the door. Massu watched him storm in and go straight to his room.
“What was that?”
“My roommate came back. He was fuming, I wondered what happened.”
“I hope everything’s okay.”
“I’ll go check on him.”
“Okay. Thank you for talking to me. You really made my day.”
“I really enjoyed talking to you… Um, I don’t have your number, it is private.”
“I don’t expect you to give it to me, you don’t even know me. I could be a serial killer for all you now.” She remained silence. Great, now he scared her. “It was a joke. Honestly I’m not a serial killer!”
She chuckled
“But, if you want to call me again… or I’ll give you my e-mail address so we can talk some more.” He finished looking down, embarrassed. “I’m so bad at this,” he murmured.
She laughed. “No, you’re not. But I…”
“I just want to talk. You just broke up with your boyfriend so I swear it’s just talking. I’ll give you my e-mail and if you want you can write or call, if not, that’s cool too.”
He gave her his address hoping she was writing it down.
“Okay. I should check on my roommate, he has the tendency to break stuff when his very angry.”
“Okay, I… I’ll talk to you later.” She said shyly and hung up. She was smiling and she had managed to forget everything for over an hour.
Massu went to knock on Tegoshi’s door.
“Go away.”
“What happened?”
Tegoshi opened the door. “What happened? I punched a guy in the face.”
“She came out of the hotel and this guy was all over her!”
“Tegoshi was waiting for Aimee outside the hotel when she came out with a handsome guy, he said something, she laughed and he kissed her cheek. ‘Hey’ Tegoshi said glaring at both of them. Aimee opened her eyes wide.
‘Yuya?’ She said surprised.
‘Yuya? Is this the guy?’ the other man said looking at Tegoshi from head to toe.
‘Is that your thing? Running off on people? Well, sorry. I had no idea you had a boyfriend. I won’t bother you anymore,’ Tegoshi spat.
‘Hey!,” the man nearly barked. “Where the hell do you get off talking to her like that?’
‘Kame, it’s fine…” she started.
‘No, it’s not fine. First you seduced her when you already had a girlfriend,”
‘He didn’t se…’
‘Then you knock her up and treat her like a slut when you found out,’
‘Kame, he had to have been shocked…’
‘Why are you still defending him?’ He looked back at Tegoshi. ‘You know what? Just go, she has someone to take care of her now.’
The man faced Aimee and kissed her right in the mouth. And that’s when Tegoshi punched his lights out.”
“Wow, you really did that?” Lara asked when Massu finished telling the story. Tegoshi just sat there frowning and still fuming.
“He did,” Massu answered for him. “Though in the dialogue part, I added a bit of my imagination.”
“That’s pretty much how it went,” Tegoshi mumbled.
“And what happened afterwards?” Koyama asked looking at Tegoshi.
“Well, Massu seems to tell it so vividly, why don’t you ask him?”
Lara and Koyama looked at Massu and Tegoshi rolled his eyes.
“Well, Aimee went to the other guy and then grabbed her cell and called the paramedics, since the guy was out. Then she looked at Tegoshi and told him to just leave.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said clenching his teeth.”
“How would you know if I was clenching my teeth or not?”
“Weren’t you?” Massu asked. Tegoshi looked the other way.
“Anyway, he said: ‘sorry. I… I’m sorry. But we have to talk.’ She glared at him.”
“She didn’t glare.” Tegoshi interrupted.
“She should have.” Lara said. “And don’t interrupt.”
“She sighed. ‘Fine, but not now. I have to take care of Kame.’ Tegoshi was none too happy about that but he gave her his number and she said she’d call.”
“Wow. How’s the other guy?” Lara asked.
“He is fine,” Tegoshi said. “I nearly broke my hand, by the way… but I did break his nose,” he finished with a sideway satisfied smile.
The door rang. Lara stood up to answer but Koyama put a hand on her shoulder and sat her back down.
“This is still my house, despite people invading it on a regular basis, so why don’t I open.”
And Lara had thought they had found some sort of truce the night before. They had watched TV and even talked a little and he was a very nice guy when he wanted. And apparently he didn’t want to today.
Koyama came back a moment later with Yamapi.
“Hi, Lara,” he greeted and then he seemed a little surprised to see the other too there already. “Hey, guys, how are you.”
“Fine,” Tegoshi grumbled.
“Fine, I had a great phone call last night and Tegoshi knocked a girl up and punched a guy on the nose.” Massu explained.
“You got a girl pregnant? Last night?” He asked confused.
“No, 5 months ago,” Massu explained again.
“And who did he punch?”
“A guy who was, in his words, ‘all over her’” Massu explained, actually making air quotes.
“Her, being the pregnant girl…”
Massu nodded and Tegoshi said: “Can we change the subject?”
Yamapi blinked a couple of times and decided to drop it and get the information later. He looked at Lara and noticed she was still wearing Koyama’s clothes and Koyama was still brooding. It was such a shame, his friend used to be much more easy going.
“Okay, I have news for you Lara.”
Lara lifted her eyes to look at him. “You do?”
He nodded with a smile. “I talked to a friend of mine. She works in a high end restaurant with many foreign customers and they are looking for a female receptionist who speaks English and Japanese. My friend is pretty sure she can help you get the job. It’s good money and she says the owner is a nice guy and she doesn’t think he’ll have a problem with your situation or with helping you out later if you are a good worker.”
“Really?” She squealed jumping out of the couch she’d been sitting in.
“Really. The restaurant is opened today and she’ll talk to the owner today.”
Lara squealed again and all but flew to Yamapi and hugged him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“I don’t remember you thanking me that effusively when I offered you a roof over your head,” Koyama snorted.
She turned around but was too happy to be put out by the man so she sauntered over to him looked up at him with a huge smile, she blinked once and said: “Thank you, Koyama-san.” Then she got on the tip of her feet and kissed him on the cheek, then she practically danced off to the kitchen saying: “Does anybody want something? Tea? Coffee?”
They all stare at her as she disappeared into the kitchen. They all chuckled afterwards, all except Koyama who had the hint of a blush.
“She is something,” Tegoshi said.
“She is trouble, like most women when they stay too long,” Koyama sentenced.
“You are not being fair, Kei-chan,” Tegoshi said softly.
“Oh, yeah? She is a squatter, no matter the reason she gave us. She is illegally staying in the country. And now, first she hugs Pi and immediately after that she kisses me.”
“She is a foreigner, a hug and a kiss on the cheek for them is not the same as for us, so I doubt that meant anything other than she was happy and thankful.” Tegoshi argued.
Koyama simply mumbled under his breath as an answer.
That morning, around the time the previous conversation happened (probably at “I did break his nose”) Shige opened his door to see Sakurako with two to-go coffees and a Starbucks paper bag.
“Ohayou!” She greeted.
“Uh, Ohayou,” he greeted back a little confused. “What are you doing here?”
“Did you forget, partner? You are going to help me with Koyama-kun.”
He had, in fact, forgotten about that. He wanted to kick himself for agreeing to that.
“I wasn’t sure how you take your coffee, so I got two of what I like.”
He tried it and moaned. “This is so good!”
“Isn’t it?”
“It’s really good.”
She smiled broadly. “And muffins!”
After they had breakfast she insisted in going for a walk.
“Why are you so set on this?” Shige asked. “I’m sorry to say this but I don’t think he’s interested in a relationship with you… or anybody else.”
“I wasn’t interested in a relationship with him at first but it’s destiny. He is the one, the only one that it can work with.”
“What do you mean?”
“The stars brought us together and the signs are there. It would never work with anybody else.” She was so sure of herself, she sounded so set on it that Shige could only look at her surprised. He still thought she’s a nut job but…
“So, tell me, what is Koyama-kun like? What does he like? What does he hate?”
No but, she was a nut job. Cute, but still a nut job.