Fan fic Asylum - Chapter 11

Jun 29, 2013 23:07

Title: Asylum Chapter 11
Characters: Kato Shigeaki, OC, Tegoshi Yuya, Masuda Takahisa, Koyama Keichiro, Yamashita Tomohisa, Horikita Maki, Ryo Nishikido, Fujigaya Taisuke, Kimura Takuya, Gackt.
Rating: G13
Disclaimer: I own the story ONLY
Summary: When a group of mentally unstable people are the sanest people in a room, there is something wrong....

Chapter 11

He was sitting at his desk waiting for Tegoshi. Masuda had been informed of what had happened the night before and didn’t know what to expect from him.

This place kept getting worse. Weird things were happening. Patients being transferred without much of an explanation, patients dying and he was getting more and more reticent to stay after dark or alone even during the day. He didn’t know what it was but he didn’t like it and he had started to think about looking for a job in another hospital. And he would have done it if it wasn’t for his patient.

It wasn’t fair to Tegoshi. Masuda had promised him he wouldn’t leave. He wasn’t ready to accept this even to himself, but he didn’t want to leave him. They hadn’t had many sessions together yet, but there was a lot more to the other man than met the eye and a lot of the crazy behavior, Masuda was sure, was a front, a wall Tegoshi had built to put up with everything that had happened to him. Everybody expected him to act crazy, so he did it in his own way.

He heard the knock on the door before it opened. It was him. Masuda saw Tegoshi’s pretty face. Not that he was looking, it was just a fact. He did have a… okay, this was getting him nowhere.

“Hello, Tegoshi-kun.” Massu said. His patient just sat and stared into space. “How are you today?” He shrugged and said nothing. “It’s not like you to be this quiet.”

The other man shrugged again. “Sorry. But crazy people have these too, don’t they? Depression episodes?”

“Are you like this because of what happened last night?” Tegoshi’s dark eyes darted to him and quickly went back to staring into space. That meant yes. “It happened in the room next to yours, right? And you and your roommate heard everything.”

“That’s not…”

When Tegoshi didn’t go on, Massu said: “That’s not why you are like this.”

Tegoshi took a deep breath. “He asked me for help. I just told him we would talk about it in morning. I should have…”

“What? What should you have done? What could you have done?”

“Ueda killed his roommate, didn’t he? And then killed himself, right? It must have been bloody judging by the screams. If I had told the others…”

“There is nothing you could have done.”

“You don’t understand. This is just beginning and… I could end up…” he shook his head and Masuda saw tears coming down his cheeks. Tegoshi brushed them away angrily and Masuda could see the other man was scared and wanted to hold him and make it better. He wanted to hold him so bad that he made sure he didn’t.


That night if anybody had been in one of the many practically abandoned hallways of the asylum, that person would have heard two men talking.

“This can’t go on. Ueda is dead. His roommate is too and you didn’t see them. He only left pieces and then beat himself so badly that… We have to end this.”

“I know. That’s what we are trying to do.”

“I have to transfer everybody and close down the place again.”

“No. That has been done before and it didn’t work. People still died. This won’t just go away and you know that.”

“I know, I know. But… this is getting out of hand.”

“I know. But they are the answer. Now that they are all here it’s time.”

“They are just kids.”

“Not really. I don't like this anymore than you do but we HAVE to end it, no matter the cost. And we will give them a choice. As much of a chioce as they can have.”

However, nobody was in that particular hallway and nobody heard.


With no idea that that conversation had taken place the night before, Shige was walking with Tegoshi, Koyama and Fujigaya and they saw Erika alone sitting in a bench outside.

“Why does she keep running off alone?” Tegoshi said crossed.

“You do that all the time,”

“Shut up, Fujigaya.” Tegoshi answered sticking out his tongue at him. Fujigaya just chuckled. “This is different. Shige, go get her.”


“Go get her.”

“Why? She’s not really alone, there are other people outside.”

“All crazies, no good. Go get her.”

“Why me?”

“Because she’s been wandering off alone ever since you came and started staring at her like an oaf. You caused this, you fix it.”

Shige opened his mouth to answer but it was really impossible to argue with his roommate when he got like this so he just walked outside.

Inside, Koyama said: “She’s not really hiding because of him.”

“I know,” answered Tegoshi.

“And she’s always going outside alone.” Fujigaya added.

“I know that, you know that but Shige doesn’t know that.” Tegoshi explained with a huge smile.

“Erika will kill you.”

“Nah, I’m too adorable."


"Maki, will you tell me me what's going on?"

Maki looked down. How could she tell him when she wasn't sure herself?

Yamashita grabbed her hand and twined his fingers with her. He was always so patient, so good. She felt anger rise up in her. Why was he so perfect? It made her feel so little, so stupid.

It's all his fault. You know this.

No. It wasn't true. It was the voices. She had no idea where they came from but they weren't coming from her.

She knew Yamashita was a great man but far from perfect. She knew of all his flaws and problems, all the struggles he had had and still had.

Maki looked at him and put her free hand on his cheek and caressed it with her thumb. He leaned his head towards her hand and she kissed him. It wasn't with passion, it was with love and, Maki hoped, assurance.

"I love you, I always will."

"I love you too but that's not an answer."

"That's the only one I can give."

Yamashita looked worried but accepted that, as always.

Yeah, as always. He loves you so much. You will hurt him, you know? You will because you are losing your mind and you always hurt those you care for. Let me in. In the end you have no choice, you are mine.


November 1963

Tabe Mikako was a young nurse. She had always wanted to be a nurse. Well no, not really. She had always wanted to be a doctor but female doctors were an oddity to say the least and her family was poor so she had to settle with being a nurse. However, she was not bitter. She liked her job and she was good at it.

Yes, she was probably one of the best even at her young age but still it raised a few eyebrows that she had been given one of the two positions as Head Nurse. She had been the most surprised and she now regretted accepting the post.

Things had changed, though, and she really needed the extra money that came with the position. She needed all the money she could save since she might be out of a job in a few months.

Up ahead, she saw Takizawa sensei. She had the idea of turning around and avoid him but he saw her.

“Tabe-chan, how are you? I haven't seen you all day."

"Takisawa sensei, how are you?"

"Better now that I see you." She ignored the winning smile he threw her. "I was thinking maybe we could go to that restaurant I told you about."

He had been asking her out ever since they had met. Well not just her but practically every nurse under the age of 35, and probably almost every girl in the village. The only difference was that she had no intention of saying yes.

"So, what do you say? Come on, you've given me every excuse already and you don't work tonight."

"Well I...I..." Oh god, she couldn't think of anything!

"Well, you had said you would have dinner with me and my wife tonight."

She turned around and saw Kamenashi sensei standing there. She could have hugged him.

"Yes, I remember. I'm sorry Takizawa sensei." She bowed a little and walked with Kamenashi sensei ignoring the other man's narrowed eyes. He would get over it; if it was one thing he always had were women.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome. You know, the invitation stands."

"Oh, no. I couldn't inconvinience you and your wife like that."

Kamenashi sensei smiled, “It’s no inconvenience, really. We just moved and she doesn’t know anybody, it might be good for her to meet someone new.”

Mikako still hesitated. Kamenashi sensei seemed like a good man but she had sound proof that she was a horrible judge of character.

And on the other hand, she hated going back to her empty apartment. She was used to being alone but lately the problem is that she didn’t feel she was alone. She had the constant feeling of being watched. She felt the presence of someone all the time.

“I do not want to pressure you but it's no bother. Like I said, my wife doesn't know anybody and I'm sure she would love to meet you. She is pregnant and away from her family…" She still hesitated. "But if you prefer not to, it's completely fine too." He bowed with a smile and walked away.

Left alone in the hallway she started to feel watched again; she started to hear the soft murmurs. It was silly but somehow she felt that something was talking to her from afar as if whatever it was was afraid or unable to come closer but it was still there, lurking.

Right then and there, she knew she didn't want to be alone. She ran after Kamenashi sensei.

"Sensei!" He turned around with a questioning look. "If it's okay, I would love to meet your wife."

Kame nodded and she followed him to his car.

Kamenashi's sensei's wife liked the woman in front of her. She was very nice and so shy. She was also very cute. She had a round face and a very cute dimpled smile and she looked so young and alone. mostly, she looked alone.

They were drinking some coffee after dinner and the conversation had turned serious. Meisa knew that Mikako was hiding something but it wasn't her place to pry. Although, if she was right, the other woman would tell them herself.

"I don't know how much longer I'll be working at the hospital." Mikako was saying.

"Eh? You are quitting?" Kame asked.

The woman shook her head. "I'll probably be dismissed..." Mikako wasn’t sure if she should tell them. They were such nice people; what would they think of her? But she was alone and she needed to talk to someone. "I'll probably be dismissed... once I start to show."

"Starting to show?" Mikako could only blush deeper while fighting back her tears.

"Anata," the other woman uttered softly, "would you give us a moment alone?"

Mikako heard, more than saw, Kamenashi sensei mutter an apology and leave the room leaving her alone with his wife.

The poor girl was obviously trying to hold back her tears. Meisa slowly and gently put her arms around the weeping woman and brought her against her shoulder and just let her cry.

Another update. Sorry it has been a little long! Been busy with college and work. I hope you are still reading and you remember the story xD

As always, please let me know what you think or just say hi :)

And since I took longer this time, I come with two chapters!

Chapter 11

koyama, shige, news, gackt, tegoshi, asylum, ryo, multichapter, fanfic, kimura takuya, completed, fujigaya, yamashita, masuda

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