Fan Fic Asylum - Chapter 6

Feb 06, 2013 00:13

Title: Asylum - Chapter 6
Characters: Kato Shigeaki, OC, Tegoshi Yuya, Masuda Takahisa, Koyama Keichiro, Yamashita Tomohisa, Ryo Nishikido, Fujigaya Taisuke, Kimura Takuya, Gackt.
Rating: N17
Disclaimer: I own the story ONLY

He had only slept for a few hours. He had spent most of the night thinking about all that had happened. He still wasn’t sure about this “boss” man. They all seemed to take him seriously and he still wasn’t sure they weren’t just a bunch of nut jobs, though his instincts told him that they weren’t. He would wait and ask all his questions and he would at least listen to them.

He got up and Tegoshi was already sitting on his bed.

“You are up already?” said Shige.

“Yes, but I could hear your head working from up here and I didn’t want to interrupt” He said with a wide smile. He was back, Shige thought relieved. Maybe he had dreamed everything. Yeah, cause his life is just that kind. “And it’s still working.”

“What are you? A mind reader?” asked Shige with a chuckle.

“No, silly. That’s Pi.” The boy answered jumping down the bed.

“Come on. Let’s shower and then have breakfast. Today’s a big day. We will tell you all the secrets!” Yup, he was back.

They went into the showers and Shige asked his first question.

“So what is the reputation of this place?” Shige had remembered one of his first conversations with Tegoshi.

“This is a place for the lost cases and people seldom get out. And for the last years, things have been happening.

“What things?”

“Patients disappear and I don’t mean that they escape. We know that some have died others nobody knows.”

“Why don’t they close the place down? Or investigate if that is the case?”

Tegoshi shrugged “I only know what happens in here, I don’t know what goes on outside. Maybe it’s in somebody’s best interest not to do anything. Or maybe nobody cares what happens to a bunch of crazy people. We think Kimura sensei might have noticed something, though.”


“Ever since he’s been in charge, he’s transferred people to other institutions. That rarely happened before. Like I told you, we are the ones that are too crazy for the crazy.”

“So you think someone is killing patients in here? Why?”

“I don’t know. And I don’t know if someone or something is doing anything. I’m telling you what we’ve seen. Come on, let’s go have some breakfast.”

“Okay, next question. When I asked if you were a mind reader and you said ‘no, that’s Pi’ what did you mean?”

Tegoshi shook his head. “Nop, that’s Pi’s story. Each of us will tell you our stories but I won’t talk about someone else’s.”

“So you’ll tell me about what you meant when you said that you kinda have split personality and… and the scar on you back? Or is that not part of the story?” Shige was hesitant; he didn’t know how much he could ask really.

Tegoshi hesitated for just a second. “I’ll tell you, eventually. And you can tell your story if you want, as much as you want. But I would describe your ability in detail, that part is important.”

The others came at that moment and sat down at the table. Well everyone except Erika. He was about to ask when Yamashita said: “She will join us later, she wasn’t hungry.”

Oh, well, he would apologize later. Maybe he could ask some questions…

“We’ll talk later, this is not a good place.” What the hell?? Biceps couldn’t be reading his mind.

“Yes, yes I can and stop calling me that, it’s driving me nuts.” Shige just stared at him with his jaw hanging open.

“I told you he was the mind reader.” Tegoshi said. “What were you calling him?”

“Biceps.” Answered Shige without thinking. Tegoshi burst out laughing, and then it was Fijigaya. Even Koyama started laughing and Maki was chuckling discreetly. Yamashita closed his eyes.

“If that catches on, I’m spilling out everything I’ve ever heard from you.” They all just started laughing harder.

“Don’t worry I wouldn’t dream to call you that.” Fujigaya said.

“Yeah, me neither, it really annoys you, I really don’t like that feeling it’s… annoying” said Koyama - what did that mean - and they laughed even harder. The other people in there were looking at them and slowly everybody just stopped laughing but the mood remained a little lighter.

“Well I guess we all needed that. A good laugh I mean.” Said Fujigaya and Koyama nodded.

“I told you he was actually funny and not just cranky.” Tegoshi added with one of his big I-told-you-so smiles.

“But, wait. I don’t mean to spoil the fun but… You are a mind reader?” Shige asked.

“Yes and no. There is not much reading involved. I mean it’s not voluntary; things just come to me from wherever. It’s not as bad as it used to be and sometimes I can block thoughts I’m familiar with.”

“Thoughts you are familiar with?”

“Yeah, I don’t know how to explain it really,” he was talking really quietly so no one could hear. “For example, Maki here. I know what her thoughts look like… or feel like, rather and I can just ignore what’s there… sometimes. It’s like knowing a person’s voice and being able to tune it out.”

“Wow. So you’ve been hearing everything I’ve been thinking?”

“Pretty much. Almost all the time. My… ability is not bound by spatial limits. I hear everything all the time. When I don’t have the medicines anyway.”

Everything all the time? Like, everything? Thought Shige

“Pretty much. Even other languages, but I’m not sure about the real range.”

They were now in the entertainment room, apart from all the rest and Yamashita continued with his story.

“I always did hear things but when I was little I could just not care. At first everybody thought I was deaf. The voices in my head were so many and so loud that I didn’t react to most sounds.

“Then they figured out that I could hear. I tried to make them understand about what I heard, the voices. Well, you know how those things go, more doctors and treatment.

“Then, when I was 12 one of the doctors gave me some drug and somehow it opened my mind. If it had been loud before, now it was maddening. So loud it made my head hurt. Apart from the pain I don’t remember much. I know I cried and screamed a lot. They stopped giving me the drugs and it got better but I couldn’t deal with it as before. I became, well, kind of autistic.

“I stayed in a sound proof room. My mum never wanted to put me in an institution so she took care of me at home. My dad left at some point. I don’t really remember when or how it happened. It went on for years. Until, one day, I was 17, a doctor came to my house. I don’t remember his name or his face but my mum decided to hospitalize me. I was taken to another place. I really didn’t care where I was, I didn’t really paid attention to anything. After sometime I was brought here and I started to get better. Apparently, the drugs they give us here for some reason helps us. First I met Tegoshi, of course, he is like the welcome committee all on his own.” He said smiling at Tegoshi, who smiled back.

“Yeah,” the younger man said. “He was a mess. The biceps came later.”

Yamashita rolled his eyes and continued: “Erika was already here. Maki came later.” He said grabbing her hand and twining his fingers through hers with a smile. She looked up and smiled at him.

Shige thought it was nice, to find someone to love in this place of all places. Shige never thought something like that was allowed in these places

“It’s not allowed. Us,” Yamashita said explained when Maki frowned. “But we keep it low profile and we do get some special treatment. We can get things for the nurses. I mean, I hear thoughts so I have a lot of information in my head. You’ll see about the rest.”

At that time, Erika arrived. Tegoshi scooped over and made room for her in her usual spot in the couch.

“Hi, Eri chan.” Tegoshi said hugging her.

“Hi, Yuya.”

“Erika san…”

Erika interrupted: “D-don’t worry ab-bout it. We h-have other th-things t-to t-t-talk ab-bout.” Shige noticed her stutter was worse and he felt like an asshole.

“Okay,” Yamashita said. “Ask away, Shige.”

“So, when did this boss come? And if…”

“One question at a time,” said Yamashita with a sideway smile “the boss was already here when I came and I had a similar reaction to yours when Tegoshi told me about him. Who the hell is that guy? And why boss? And so on. And you know Tegoshi, and Erika wasn’t talking to me yet. So yeah, I was as or more confused than you are.”

“Okay, 2nd question. If Tegoshi and Erika were here before you, then, why are you the ‘Leader’?” Shige actually used his fingers to make the inverted comas; he still wasn’t sure about really calling the guy leader. “Wouldn’t they be kind of your senpais and you know…”

“Oh, that’s easy,” interrupted Tegoshi “we hold elections every 4 years. We hold debates and then we vote.” Shige just stared at the other guy.

“No, he’s not serious” Yamashita answered the question forming in Shige’s head.

“Like with everybody else Tegoshi started calling me “leader this” and “leader that” but I’m not really the leader, that’s just how he introduces me.”

“Okay, and what did everything that happened mean? With the medication and how does he know they will stop working? And what is coming? And…”

“One question at a time.” They all said at the same time.

“Well, they were follow-up questions.” Shige said defensively.

“Okay. There are many things we don’t know. I think there are many things even G doesn’t know, but this is what we do kinda know. This institution has always had a reputation. It’s been running since the sixties and like any asylum there are rumors about what they used to do with patients. From very questionable treatments to experiments and organ harvesting and even a few human sacrifices if you believe what some people say.”

“How do you know all this?” Yamashita raised an eyebrow. “Just another follow up question.”

“I have a brother,” said Fujigaya “I asked him to investigate and he did… for a price.” He said with disgust. Okay, so not really all that close with his bother.

“My older sister did some research, too. After that she tried to convince me to leave.” Koyama added

Convince him to leave? Shige thought.

“Koyama is here willingly. But that’s his story and he will tell you himself if he wants to” Yamashita said before he could ask. “Anyway. There were rumors of mistreatment and doctors becoming rich by stealing and so on, so it was finally shut down around the beginning 80’s when the director of the place and his first hand died. Of course, more rumors about ghosts and people going in and never coming out. You know, the typical urban legends around an abandoned building. About 15 years after it had been shut down, it was fixed up and reopened by some organization or other. Now the rumors don’t get out.”

“But there is something going on.”

“Yes,” answered Koyama “patients disappear. A lot of the people who end up here don’t have a family or their families don’t… well they don’t care.” He gave Tegoshi, Erica and Fujigaya a sympathetic look. “We know some are dead.”

“How do you know they are dead?”

Koyama looked a little uncomfortable.

“I c-can hear the d-dead.” It was Erika who had spoken. Shige looked at her and turned her head a tiny bit to the side, away from Shige. “Some t-told me who they w-were. N-none of them knew what had happ-pened to them. Others… h-had gone too c-crazy to be able to s-say much.”

“You stay crazy when you die?”

Erika shrugged and said “W-why wouldn’t you? But they g-got worse after they d-died.”

Sure, of course, I’m talking to a mind reader and the female version of the kid in the 6th sense. That triggered another question.

“So what are your abilities? Oh, and what was that about the meds?” Yamashita raised an eyebrow. “Okay, umh, the one about the drugs then, since it seems to bother everyone.”

Yamashita nodded. “First tell us about your abilities.”

“Um well, I see people with distorted faces, I mean, only I see them like that. I figured out that they are not very good people. I’ve seen killers on TV who look… well, I’ve had nightmares just by looking at them.”

“And now?” asked Yamashita even though he already knew.

“I haven’t seen anybody like that. The… that guy said it was because of the drugs, but drugs have never had that effect on me.”

“It’s like that with all of us. The drugs help us control our abilities better. We don’t know why, it’s probably a side effect that doctors are not aware of. So, it’s not that it bothers us, it scares us. If the drug wears off slowly, we might be able to deal with it. We are older and stronger and we are not alone anymore, but it’s still scary.”

Before Shige could keep asking it was time for lunch so the conversation ended with more questions than he had had before.

I hope you liked it!
            Please let me know what you think!

koyama, shige, news, gackt, tegoshi, asylum, ryo, multichapter, fanfic, kimura takuya, completed, fujigaya, yamashita, masuda

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