Title: TRC Christmas Party Story and Illustrated by: Barby Pornea (meeeh!) Rating: Rated PG Pairings: Sakura x Syaoran, Kuro x Fai, Tomoyo x Kuro, slight Yukito x Touya
Yaaaay! I'm sorry there's KuroFai in my doujin. That was a request by one of my watchers. YYYYAAAAAY Syaoran Keychain!!! Ei Ei I might live in Makati for a while in February if my sister will find a unit there. ^_^ Also, I was planning to make chocolate for you on your birthday. ^___^ So, if my parents would allow me, then I will meet you, maybe, on Jan 21(Monday), if it's okay with you. :P
Comments 3
and speaking of... o.o *holds up Syaoran keychain*
and that's alright with me ^^ just text me when you want to meet :D
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