Title: The Inner Monologue of a Dead-ish Transformer
Fandom: Beast Wars: Transformers/Cape & Cowl RPG
Character(s): Terrorsaur
Rating/Warnings: Robot swearing
Disclaimer: Terrorsaur is not my original creation. He belongs to his respective companies and creators, and is only being used here for some non-profit entertainment.
Summary: Like my previous story, this involves Terrorsaur as I've been playing him at
capeandcowl. So he was human but you know, alive, and since I'm dropping him soon, he'll be back to being a dead robot. Well, depending on whether you believe the Beast Wars Sourcebook or not. If you do, then he and Scorponok will escape the lava one day after the series ends and everyone's already left the planet. Oh joy.
This is all from his perspective after getting "dropped". I'll give you three guesses what "glitch" is supposed to be equivalent too, and who he's using it to refer to.
Great. Just slagging great. I’m dead again.
At least I’m fairly certain I’m dead. Apparently I may possibly live through being stuck in this lava pit for thousands of years, emerging long after the Beast Wars are over and there’s nothing left at all.
And to make all that worse, I’d be alone with Scorponok. It’s his fault I fell in the first place, you know! He crashed into me, and dragged me down with all his useless slagging weight! Squawk!
I suppose I should be thankful I’m back in my true body. No more of that fragging flesh-creature nonsense. No more being soft, weak, overly-sensitive to every tactile sensation -
Though I must admit, Slipstream made that worthwhile for a short time...
Er - but, but that’s not the point! The point is, I don’t want to be offline, and I don’t want to be stuck on this dirtball planet with Scorponok and no personal gain in sight! I want glory! I want power! I want all to tremble at my might!
And I don’t suppose I’m ever going to get it, now am I? No, I’m either in stasis here in the magma or forced to dwell amongst organics in a matching, inferior frame.
...I suppose at least in the latter, I had a better chance at achieving my goals. I was online, and though my body was hardly more than a meatsuit, it was still more powerful than that of regular fleshlings.
That life I had for a year wan’t what I wanted, not by a long shot. But could it have been the closest I’d ever get to it?
Well it doesn’t matter now. I’m dead again.