CW RPS: Mike/Tom

Apr 07, 2007 13:21

Title: I Know What Boys Like
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Mike/Tomy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,331
Summary: This is the missing bathroom scene in "The Chase".
Notes: Thanks to neroli66 for being such a great beta. This is part of my Love Shack 'Verse so you might want to be familiar with those stories.

Mike pulled Tom into the men’s room at the Rattlesnake Smile, locking the door behind them. He’d warned Jared to stay out, but he wasn’t about to get caught by some random patron. Yeah, they were supposed to be celebrating Amber’s return to the Love Shack, but Tom was wearing a tight blue t-shirt that brought out the color of his eyes and Mike had been hard since he’d picked him up. Tom turned to face Mike and raised an eyebrow, and Mike figured he should have been used to Mike’s spontaneity by now.

“Ever have sex in a public bathroom?” Mike asked as he closed the distance between them. He grabbed Tom by the ears and pulled him into a wet, sloppy kiss. He pinned Tom against the sink as he swiped his tongue over Tom’s soft lips and came up for air with the taste of Milk Duds on his tongue.

“No,” Tom said, breathing heavily, “but I’m sure you have. So it’s one thing we won’t have to do so you can cross off your list. Come on, everyone’s waiting for us out there.”

“Of course I have,” Mike said, not moving from his spot between Tom’s thighs. “But it wasn’t with you, and you’re the only one who counts anymore.” He leaned in, capturing Tom’s pale lips in another kiss, smirking against his mouth when Tom showed no signs of making a break for it.

“Are you trying to sweet talk your way into my pants?” Tom asked when he broke the kiss, a goofy grin overtaking his features. Mike took a second to look at him, hardly believing that Tom was actually his. Sure, he’d worked hard for it, but he’d never imagined they’d be as good as they were together. He was pretty sure Tom was the one for him, and that terrified him. Pushing the thought away, Mike took a step back, lacing his fingers with Tom’s as he started walking backwards.

“I’ve been in them for quite a while now,” he said with a wink. “I am trying to sweet talk my way into the handicapped stall, though. Come on, gorgeous.” Mike silently cheered when Tom gave one last worried glance at the door and then let Mike drag him into the largest stall.

Mike had Tom pinned against the tiled wall as soon as the stall door was shut. Tom let out a gasp and Mike caught it in his mouth, crushing his lips against Tom’s. He felt Tom’s hands come up, one clutching onto his shoulder as the other ran over his hair. Tom had a thing for the way the short spikes felt against his palm, and who was Mike to begrudge him that feeling?

Mike thrust his tongue inside Tom’s mouth, swirling it across his teeth before he pulled back and slid his mouth across Tom’s jaw line. He flattened it and licked a slow swipe over the stubble on Tom’s chin and then dropped to his knees. Tom blinked lazily down at him, as if he still wasn’t sure why they were doing this. Mike stared up at him, enjoying the view of Tom’s flushed face over the solid lines of his body. God, he was beautiful.

Mike worked his fingers over Tom’s fly, quickly unzipping it and shoving his jeans open, just enough so that Mike could work his cock out over the waistband of Tom’s boxers. Tom’s head flew back, slamming against the tiles with a clunk. Mike cringed at the sound, but Tom looked like he was fine, and his mouth was parted slightly as he panted and smiled down at Mike.

Mike jacked Tom’s cock, giving it a few slow pulls before lowering his head and pressing his tongue against the slit. He caught a droplet of pre-come, letting it explode over his taste buds as he flicked his tongue over the head of Tom’s cock. He swirled his tongue and wrapped his fingers around the base of Tom, his thumb pressing against the soft skin covering his balls. Tom bit back a moan, and Mike could feel the sound rumbling through this body. Of course Tom would try and keep quiet, not trusting the music of the bar to cover up their sounds.

Mike took Tom into his mouth, slowly swallowing him down until his nose was pressed against Tom’s pubic hair. He worked his throat around Tom’s dick, choking slightly when Tom bucked his hips. Pinning Tom’s hips against the wall with one hand, Mike eased back and started to hum as he worked his way up and down Tom’s shaft. Tom cried out, a long gaspy moan that sounded vaguely like Mike’s name, and Mike sped up, not bothering to drag this out.

He slid a finger behind Tom’s balls, circling it over his hole as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked. One of Tom’s hands cupped his cheek, and Mike let his eyes meet Tom’s. Tom’s mouth was moving wordlessly as he struggled not to move his hips. Mike pressed a finger inside of him and Tom came, sending short, salty bursts down Mike’s throat.

He pulled back to catch as much of the taste as he could, loving the flavor of Tom. He kept pumping his hand, working Tom through his orgasm. His own cock was hard and throbbing in his jeans, but Mike ignored it while he took care of Tom. He felt Tom softening in his mouth and pulled back with a soft pop.

Mike stood up and leaned against the other wall, just taking a second to look at his boy. Tom was the complete picture of debauchery, his jeans undone and his soft cock hanging out; still slick with his come and Mike’s spit. Tom’s lips were parted and his eyes were dark and his cheeks were a perfect shade of pink that shot a bolt of electricity straight to Mike’s cock.

Tom looked like he was going to move, and Mike held up a hand and said, “Don’t. Want to look at you.” Tom grinned at him, his eyes lighting up as Mike brought his hands to his own fly and quickly worked it open. He shoved his jeans and boxers over his hips and fisted a hand around his cock. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, and started in with hard, rough strokes.

He never took his eyes off Tom’s body, flickering from his cock to his flushed face and kiss reddened mouth. When Tom’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, Mike let out a deep moan and sped up his strokes. He could feel his orgasm starting, building up at the base of his spine, but it still surprised him when he came.

“Tom!” he choked out, trailing off into a hiss as he shot his load, spilling out over his hands and the floor of the stall. He kept pumping his cock as he rode out his orgasm, emptying himself before collapsing back against the wall. Tom was at his side in seconds, snatching up his hand and bringing it up to his mouth.

Mike watched with wide eyes as Tom lapped up his come, his tongue working between his fingers and tracing lines across his palm. He shivered, meeting the intense heat of Tom’s eyes as he cleaned his hand. Then Tom placed a kiss on his palm, and Mike couldn’t take it anymore. He reached up and pulled him down for a kiss, slowly playing his lips over Tom’s mouth.

“I love you,” he whispered into Tom’s mouth. Then Tom tucked him back into his jeans and zipped him up, quickly doing the same for himself as he stepped back.

“Good,” Tom said with a laugh as he hurried out of the stall. Mike was still leaning against the door when Tom unlocked the bathroom door and sprinted out of it. Shaking his head, Mike followed him and wondered how he’d gotten so damn lucky.


The Waitresses - I Know What Boys Like
Vitamin C - I Know What Boys Like

love shack, cw rps, mike/tom

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