Bandslash: Brendon/Ryan

Mar 18, 2007 21:49

Title: Unfair
Fandom: Bandslash
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,253
Summary: Brendon Urie had these amazing lips.
Notes: Thanks to wordsaremyfaith for the wonderful beta job. This is a response to the we_are_cities March 17th prompt.

Brendon Urie had these amazing lips. It was unfair, because all Ryan could do was stare at them and wonder what they’d taste like, how they’d feel pressed against his own. Ryan would watch him from across the table, his chest tightening with such a sweet ache every time Brendon did something so fucking normal, like sip his water or lick the back of his spoon.

Ryan could admit that he had a problem.

It got to the point where Ryan could barely stand to do Brendon’s makeup, couldn’t stand to be that close to his mouth. He’d rush through it, quickly sweeping his brush over Brendon’s eyelids and avoiding the plump lips that were so close to his face. Brendon’s breath would come out in hot puffs against Ryan’s cheek, and more than once he’d given up and made some excuse about having to pee or needing water and hurried out of the room.

It wasn’t like Brendon had any concept of personal space, so it shouldn’t have surprised Ryan every time Brendon was right up in his face onstage. But one night Brendon took it a step further, his mouth brushing against Ryan’s neck while he sang. Ryan shivered and leaned into the brief touch, his body still angled towards Brendon’s long after he was gone. He had to hide his hard-on behind his guitar, thankful that the audience couldn’t tell how tangled up he was over such a short interaction.

That night, he locked himself in the bathroom on the bus and jacked off, Brendon’s name tumbling from his lips as he came.


A few weeks later, Spencer tried to bring it up. “You’ve been weird around Brendon lately. Everything okay?” he asked, sounding casual and disinterested, even though Ryan knew better. They were in the lounge on the bus, Spencer on the floor with Guitar Hero and Ryan curled up on the couch.

“Yeah, we’re cool,” Ryan answered a bit too quickly.

“Seriously, Ryan. You can tell me,” Spencer said. He paused the game - something he rarely did - and turned to face Ryan. His stare was intimidating, and somehow Ryan knew that he knew.

“I might love him,” Ryan admitted, almost surprising himself with the words. He shot a terrified look at Spencer, not sure how he could take back what he’d just said. People didn’t just say things like that about their friends. He was stuck in the middle of some after-school special and didn’t even know it.

“Oh,” Spencer said after a few seconds. Ryan congratulated himself on the fact that he’d at least been able to throw Spencer out of balance, make him lose his calm for just a moment.

“I’ll stop,” Ryan offered weakly. He shrugged and waited for Spencer’s reaction. This was the kid who’d hugged him on the playground after Daisy Reynolds broke up with him in sixth grade. They leaned against the monkey bars, and Spencer had offered to beat her up, even though she was a girl, because no one was allowed to make his best friend cry. Ryan vaguely wondered if Spencer would kick Brendon’s ass if he ever broke his heart.

“I don’t think it’s something you can stop,” Spencer said. He looked like he was about to speak, but Brendon bounced into the room, all smiles and bright eyes as he flopped down on the floor next to Spencer.

“Can’t stop? Is Ryan doing drugs? Sex with groupies? Prostitution? Oh my god, are you pulling a Pretty Woman, Ryan Ross?” Brendon asked, laughing as he met Ryan’s eyes. Ryan lowered his gaze and allowed himself to look at the way Brendon’s lips were pulled back, his teeth showing as he laughed.

“Yeah, wanna be my Richard Gere?” he asked, smirking when Brendon laughed harder.

Spencer snorted, and Ryan had a feeling he was completely and utterly fucked.


“Are you avoiding me?” Brendon asked after their show a few weeks later. Spencer and Jon were already gone, probably on the bus getting ready for bed. Brendon cornered Ryan in the dressing room, blocking the door as he spoke.

“Of course not,” Ryan mumbled, casually avoiding Brendon’s eyes. Because he was avoiding him, and it should be glaringly obvious - when had he ever been more than five feet from Brendon for extended periods of time?

“You’re such a liar,” Brendon told him, and for a second Ryan wished he could stand to be around him, to be near his mouth and not kissing it. “What did I do? Seriously. I need you back.” Brendon sounded so pathetic that Ryan just crumbled. He couldn’t go on like this forever, missing his friend and wanting him so damn much at the same time.

“You have a pretty mouth,” he said, closing his eyes as soon as the words fell from his lips. Because, really, he had no intention of watching Brendon cringe and walk away.

“Oh...okay,” Brendon said, dragging out the words in a way that made Ryan’s chest tighten.

And then they were kissing, Brendon’s mouth slanted over his own. Ryan’s eyes flew open, but all he could see was a fuzzy version of Brendon’s eyelids, so he shut them quickly and just let himself feel. Brendon’s mouth was everything he’d imagined, soft and pliable and so sweet against his.

But in his fixation on Brendon’s mouth, Ryan had overlooked a lot of things. Things like the way Brendon shoved him against the wall, and how perfectly their bodies fit together. He hadn’t even though about how Brendon would cling to him, his fingers tangled in the front of Ryan’s t-shirt as they kissed. Not even a passing thought to the hard press of Brendon’s erection against his thigh.

Ryan was an idiot.

He trailed his tongue over Brendon’s lips and licked into his mouth. Brendon moaned into the kiss, shifted his hips, and suddenly they were a hell of a lot closer. Ryan couldn’t wait to get him back on the bus and climb into his bunk, to have all of Brendon’s skin hot and sweaty against him. Apparently Brendon felt the same way, because he pulled back, grinned and muttered, “Bus,” into Ryan’s mouth.

“Yeah,” Ryan whispered, his voice raw and worn out. He licked his lips, picking up hints of Brendon, and just smiled like he hadn’t in months.

Jon didn’t say anything when they walked onto the bus holding hands, and Spencer just raised an eyebrow. Ryan shrugged, and Spencer rolled his eyes and nodded in approval. And when Brendon loudly proclaimed that they shouldn’t come to bed for a while, Ryan just laughed and let Brendon pull him towards the bunks.

brendon/ryan, bandslash

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