CW RPS: Jeff/Alyson

Mar 03, 2007 12:06

Title: Sweet Talking Woman
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jeff/Alyson
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,660
Summary: Alyson stays at the bar to help Jeff close up.
Notes: First off, thanks to neroil66 for her wonderful beta skills. This is part of my Love Shack 'Verse, so you should probably be familiar with the other stories before you read this.

Alyson stood by the bar, leaning against the wood as she watched Jeff usher the last couple out of The Rattlesnake Smile. She had to admit that intimidating suited him well. The couple was a bit resistant to being kicked out, but Jeff crossed his arms over his chest, pulling his t-shirt tight against his shoulders and back, and Alyson nearly lost her footing. She had never been so happy to see someone leave the bar, and sauntered over to Jeff as soon as he locked up.

“Is locking me inside your way of inviting me to stay the night?” she asked as she walked across the room. Please don’t trip she though, hoping she looked sexier than she felt in the knee high leather boots. She’d let Amber talk her into them, even though she knew she’d be better off in flats.

“No,” Jeff said, his face lighting up as he opened his arms for Alyson. “Letting you through the door was my way of inviting you to stay. Now I’ve just secured my chances of getting laid.”

“Oh really?” Alyson asked, stopping an arm’s length away from Jeff and tilting her head to the side. “What if I just feel like cuddling tonight? You wore me out last night,” she added with a smirk.

“You’re about to be worn out again,” Jeff told her, stepping forward and wrapping her in a tight embrace. He felt so solid against her, and Alyson shivered even before he ducked his head down and captured her lips in a kiss. She opened her mouth under the insistent press of his tongue, letting it swirl around her mouth as she let out a moan.

Alyson bit down on Jeff’s lower lip, tugging at it as she broke free from his arms. Smirking up at him, she took a few steps backwards and asked, “What if I’m not that easy tonight? Maybe you’re going to have to work for it.”

“I always work for it, baby,” Jeff said, laughing as he stepped forward, reaching out for Alyson as she sidestepped him again. Shrugging it off, he turned around and fiddled with the jukebox. Alyson took her time and slid up onto one of the tables she had just finished wiping down. She raised an eyebrow at the song choice, because it seemed lighter than what Jeff usually went for. Though really, the only time she got intimate with his record collection was when she was getting, well, intimate with him, and then her attention wasn’t focused on the music or lack thereof.

“Well, work it on over here then,” she said as she leaned back, hopefully presenting an obscene enough image for Jeff. From the way he stormed across the room, his hips moving in time to the music, she figured it worked. She reached out and grasped his shoulders as he approached her, pulling him close and bringing his mouth down to hers.

Jeff devoured her, claiming her mouth in a bruising kiss as he ran his hands over her sides. His clever fingers found their way under the hem of her jean skirt, and she trembled when they skirted over the creamy skin of her thighs. He tasted like smoke and bitter beer, and she loved the way his beard felt against her cheeks. She brought her legs up, wrapping them around his waist and just held on for the ride.

“Don’t know what I’m gonna do. I gotta get back to you,” Jeff sang, low and husky as he broke the kiss. The next few lines were lost along the hollow of Alyson’s throat, but she could feel the vibrations cursing over her skin. One of these days, she was going to talk him up on stage and make him share that voice. For now, though, she was content to keep it to herself, to feel Jeff’s lips moving against her skin in silent song.

“You gotta slow down sweet talkin’ woman, slow down,” Jeff whispered into her ear before nibbling on her ear lobe. “You got me runnin’, you got me searchin’. Hold on, hold on sweet talkin’ lover, hold on.” Alyson moaned as Jeff sunk his teeth into her neck, no doubt leaving his mark of her. He nuzzled her throat, his beard rough and so damn erotic against her sensitive skin. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and started to rock her hips, practically begging him to push her back onto the table and give her the fucking she needed.

“Slow down, sweet talkin’ woman,” Jeff said with a laugh. Alyson pouted, even though he couldn’t see her face. Instead, she bucked her hips, hoping to encourage the bulge in his jeans. Sadly, Jeff lived to torment her. It would have been sadder if she hadn’t lived to be tormented by him.

“Don’t wanna slow down, you sugar-mouthed bastard,” Alyson said with a huff. She lightly slapped Jeff on the back of the head when he laughed at her, ducking his head to avoid most of the blow. Then he leered at her and slid to his knees, one of her boots resting on either side of his head.

“The song’s on repeat,” he added with a grin as he slid his hands over her leather encased calves. “Nice boots.”

“Gonna lick them?” Alyson asked, only half joking. She leaned back, resting on her hands and grinned down at Jeff, wetting her lips slowly as he sat back on his heels and studied her. His eyes darkened, and Alyson couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through her as he lightly tapped his fingers on the side of her boots.

Without warning, he dipped down and flattened his tongue against the toe of her right boot. He didn’t break eye contact as he slowly tongued his way up her calf, pausing only for a second when he reached her knee. Her thighs were shaking by the time he licked his way to the edge of her skirt and shoved the material upwards, licking his way along her inner thigh. Alyson gasped when he slid his tongue over her panties, his saliva adding to the dampness already soaking through the thin cotton.

Jeff ran his tongue over her panties, flicking across her clit through the damp material. She wiggled above him, her skirt blocking her view as she tried to get him to give her just a little more. Hell, she’d been ready to go since he announced last call over an hour before. Then he shoved her panties aside and slid a finger inside of her, making her arch her back and cry out. Christ, the man was dead set on sending her to an early grave.

When he started swirling circles around her clit with his tongue, she decided longevity was overrated anyway. She spread her thighs when he lightly pushed against them and fell back against the table, barely able to keep her head up as he ate her out. Alyson’s hips flew up when he slowly worked his thick finger in and out of her and Jeff reached up to press down on her stomach, holding down on the table. She leaned up on her elbows, wishing she could see him beneath the edge of her skit. She threaded one hand in his hair and supported herself with the other, moaning as his lips worked over her slick folds.

Jeff crooked his finger, brushing up against that spot that made Alyson cry out and press her fingers against his scalp. She struggled to keep still, knowing he was enough of a bastard to stop if she moved too much. Then his lips were on her clit again, sucking lightly as he added a second finger inside her cunt.

It was slow and drawn out and damn near killing her. All she could concentrate on was the easy slide of his fingers in and out of her. Jeff’s tongue was persistent as he flattened it against her clit, dragging another moan out of her. She was breathless when he backed off, blowing a stream of cool air over her while he nuzzled her inner thigh with his cheek. The harsh scratch of his beard should have pissed her off, but she longed for the beard burn she knew it would leave behind. A constant reminder of ownership suddenly sounded a whole hell of a lot better than she ever imagined it could.

Alyson arched her back, already feeling the slow burn of orgasm approaching. She tugged at her skit, bringing it up over her hips so she could see Jeff. His eyes were bright, and she knew he was smirking against her clit. His fingers sped up, the soft, wet sounds of him entering and exiting her body echoing throughout the bar. Then he bit down on her clit, his teeth brushing against her, and she came. Her blood boiled as she shouted out his name, a strangled cry that got lost in her panting. Her entire body was on fire, so damn good as orgasm crashed through her. Jeff’s fingers drew it out, his tongue teasing her clit as she came back down and settled back against the table top.

She was still shivering when he stood up and slowly licked his lips, his mouth glistening with traces of her juices. Then he winked and slowly stripped out of his t-shirt, tossing it aside as his hands came back to her body. They were strong as he raked them over her sides, pushing her tank top over her stomach. He dipped down and placed a soft kiss on the tight skin there, causing her to shudder again.

Jeff’s mouth moved with his hands, slowly peeling the soft material up her body. It was all Alyson could do to lift her hands when he pulled the shirt over her head. She was seriously gone, melting into the hard table as he worked his hands over her. Jeff had a way of doing that to her, and she wasn’t about to start complaining. He cupped her breasts, kneading the soft flesh as he pushed her bra down and dipped his head again, smiling at her before his lips closed around a nipple.

His mouth was hot against her skin and Jeff ran his fingers around her other areola, circling the hardening flesh before pinching it lightly. Alyson groaned, low and deep in her chest as she arched against him, her fingers tugging at his ears, holding him against her. Jeff pulled back and mouthed his way up her neck, licking a slow swipe across her collarbone before crushing their mouths together. He tasted like her, a tart saltiness that only served to turn her on more. God, she loved the flavor of herself on him.

He stood between her thighs, the denim of his jeans brushing against the soaked panties that had fallen back in place after he was done with her. He palmed her breasts again before moving his hands down, hooking them in the elastic of her panties before he tugged, snapping the material. She jumped a bit as she heard her them tear and smirked up at him when he shrugged and tossed them over his shoulder. Her skirt was still pushed over her hips, and she lay there, wet and bared for him. She bucked her hips, grinding them against the hardness in his jeans, but Jeff shook his head and stilled her hips with his hands.

“Slow down, sweet talkin’ woman,” he murmured, winking at her as he smoothed his hands over her thighs. She was drained, practically unable to move as she watched him bring his hands up to his chest and stroked them down the hard muscles there. He was so tanned and gorgeous that she couldn’t quite fathom that he was hers. His fingers made quick work of his fly, and soon he was easing the denim over his hips, erection popping out when he freed it from his boxers. He stepped out of his jeans and trailed his hands over her legs, cupping her ankles as he hooked her knees over his shoulders.

She smiled when he didn’t reach for a condom, remembering their somewhat awkward discussion about birth control and other things. They hadn’t tried it yet, but she longed to feel him - just him - inside her. Jeff turned his head and placed a quick kiss on the leather covering her right ankle before easing into her, slowly moving inch by inch as he let her adjust to the thickness of him.

Alyson moaned and brought her hands up to his forearms, clinging to him as he started to move. She was lost in the feel and scent of him, all strong and masculine above her. It was slow at first, just a steady rocking that closely matched the beat of the song still on repeat. Then it was as if something switched and Jeff’s eyes went wide as he lost it. It was a look Alyson was quickly growing to love. His eyes were dark and his pupils shot, and his mouth hung open, harshly panting as he began to pound into her.

The small table was rocking beneath them, and Alyson dug her nails into Jeff’s arms as he drove into her. He shifted his hips, changing the angle so the head of his cock brushed against the right spot on every down stroke. It felt wonderful to feel his skin against her insides, no latex in the way as he thrust in and out of her tight heat. He was sweating, and Alyson watched as a droplet caressed his cheek before sliding down the tip of his nose and falling to land on her stomach.

“Gonna come again for me,” Jeff choked out, his words rushed and broken as he bit down on his lower lip. One of his hands came between them, his fingers finding her slippery clit and twisting as he rolled his hips. Alyson just nodded, gasping as his fingers worked over her.

“Jeff,” she groaned around his name and fought to keep her eyes open. She loved seeing him like this; completely free and open. She could feel her body tightening, and opened her eyes wide in shock as she tumbled over the edge again. Orgasm shot through her body and she arched her back as her pussy clamped down around Jeff’s cock. He grunted and let out a hiss before thrusting into her once, twice more and coming.

Alyson dugs her nails into his arms, knowing she’d leave perfect half-moon marks, but not caring. She could feel each pulse of him inside her, each burst of come as he emptied himself in her cunt. He stilled, breathing harshly as he bent over and rested his elbows on the table. She twitched around him, riding out the aftershocks as they both came down.

“God, I love this,” Jeff mumbled before nipping at her earlobe. Alyson tensed up at the word love, something that neither had mentioned before. Though, he hadn’t said her, he’d said this. Alyson shrugged it off and trailed her small hands over his muscled shoulders.

“Me too,” she whispered against he neck. “Now take me upstairs. You really did wear me out tonight.” She laughed, his deep chuckle joining in after a few seconds. She went limp as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her up the back stairs. She fell asleep before they made it to his apartment, but she knew he’d take care of her.


Electric Light Orchestra - Sweet Talking Woman

love shack, cw rps, jeff/alyson

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