CW RPS: Jared/Jensen, NC-17

Dec 16, 2006 23:57

Title: To Make You Feel My Love
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:
Summary: Jared's not dealing so well with his parents' decision to kick him out.
Notes: This is set in the Love Shack 'verse, so you should probably check those stories out first. Also, thanks to neroli66 for the lovely beta job.

Jensen couldn’t have been happier when the clock finally hit ten and he got to close up Hollywood Video. It had only been a day since Jared had shown up on his doorstep with a duffle bag and a crushed heart. He still couldn’t believe anyone’s parents would be that callous. Jensen’s own were so encouraging and hadn’t even been phased when he came out to them on his eighteenth birthday. Hell, he dad has clapped him on the back and said, “Finally!” He might not be physically close with his family, but they were always just a phone call away.

Jensen had never closed so quickly. He ushered Tom out the door and locked up, hurrying to his car. He’d spoken with Jared on his break, but it had been rushed and short. Silently praying that his boy was ok, Jensen pulled out into traffic and began the long drive home.

By the time he got to his apartment, he was a nervous wreck. Jensen raced up the stairs and unlocked his door, not bothering to check for mail as he burst through the door and shrugged out of his jacket. The first thing he noticed was the music. There was a slow beat echoing through the apartment, complete with a cheering crowd. He cocked his head and listened for a few seconds, smiling when he recognized Garth Brook’s twang.

Then he frowned when he placed the song. Sure, Jared could have been listening to much worse, but it wasn’t the most uplifting song. He toed out of his shoes and stalked down the hallway, coming to a halt in the doorway of his bedroom. Jared was buried in a mass of blankets, curled up in the center of Jensen’s king sized bed. His eyes were closed, but the way they flickered told Jensen he wasn’t asleep. Jared’s head was near the foot of the bed, as if he’d just collapsed onto the bed, not caring where he ended up. Jensen cleared his throat, and Jared shivered, sniffling as he opened his eyes and met Jensen’s gaze.

To put it lightly, he looked like shit. His eyes were bright red, and it looked like he might have been rubbing his runny nose on the comforter. Jensen wasted no time moving into the room, stepping lightly as he took in the scene before him. “Your choice of depressing music sucks,” he commented as he sat on the edge of the bed. Jared reached out with one abnormally long arm and tugged at Jensen’s arm, pulling him closer. Jensen scooted forward and settled Jared’s head in his lap. He brushed his fingers through Jared’s shaggy hair while he waited for him to say something.

“It’s an old favorite,” Jared said, shaking a bit as he resettled on the bed, pressing his head into Jensen’s thighs. “Always makes me cry…felt right.” He brought a hand up and wiped his nose on the back of it; Jensen figured he should be repelled, but Jared only looked more adorable than ever. He had some serious problems, and most of them centered around one Jared Padalecki.

“But The Beaches Of Cheyenne?” Jensen asked, chuckling a bit as he massaged Jared’s head. He had to admit that Garth was awesome, but the song just didn’t seem to fit Jared’s situation.

“It’s tragic,” Jared said, exhaling loudly as he blinked up at Jensen. “She lost her love, and the last thing she did was tell him she didn’t care if he was alive or dead. This song has always gotten to me. I just felt like feeling like she did, I guess.” Jensen cocked an eyebrow when the song clicked over and started playing again. Jared had the decency to blush and hide his face in Jensen’s thigh. “It’s been on repeat for awhile,” he admitted, grinning sheepishly against the fabric of Jensen’s jeans.

“How long?” he asked, still threading his fingers through Jared’s hair. He couldn’t swallow the idea of Jared sitting alone all day, thinking about his parents and all out sobbing while Jensen spent the day goofing off at work. He should have taken the day off. It wasn’t every day one’s boyfriend got disowned.

“Just the last hour or so,” Jared said as he held up the remote to the CD player. He snorted, apparently embarrassed by his actions. Jensen would rather see him embarrassed than upset, so he figured it was a good trade-off.

“You have it on the wrong song,” Jensen told him as he snatched the remote out of Jared’s hand. He pointed it at the stereo and clicked forward a few times until he heard the opening strands of a more appropriate song. He didn’t bother to let Jared know he had the track list memorized, since he was pretty sure every Texan boy knew Garth’s Double Live forwards and back.

“Are you serious?” Jared asked, his face brightening a bit as the song played. He rolled onto his back, losing a bit of the blankets as he pouted up at Jensen. Jensen just nodded and grinned down, not quite sure how to do the whole consoling thing but determined to try his hardest.

“As a heart attack,” he murmured as he traced his thumb over Jared’s cheekbone. He eyed the stereo cautiously and then started to sing along. “When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case, I would offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love.” He shifted, bending down as he sung to Jared. There was a slight hitch in his voice as he settled down next to Jared, spooning behind him as he sang in Jared’s ear.

“Don’t stop,” Jared whispered, snuggling back against Jensen’s body when Jensen stopped singing. “Like it,” he said, his voice so lost and child-like that Jensen felt his heart breaking and nuzzled Jared’s neck before continuing.

“I’d go hungry, I’d go blind for you. I’d go crawling down the aisle for you. There ain’t nothing that I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love,” Jensen sang in a breathy voice, his lips moving against Jared’s ear. He could feel Jared drifting off and softened his tone when Jared’s eyes fluttered shut. The rest of the song came out in hushed puffs of air as Jensen’s mouth moved, his lips caressing Jared’s neck with every syllable. He waited until Jared’s breathing evened out and he stopped fidgeting before he let himself fall asleep, content to lie there and hold Jared.


Jensen’s eyes fluttered open and he let out a moan as he stretched and tried to figure out what the hell was going on. He blinked into the dimly lit room and found Jared lying on his side behind him, and Jensen could tell he was grinning from the way Jared’s mouth touched the nape of his neck.. The Garth Brooks song was still on repeat, filling the room with soft strands of guitar and low vocals.

Jensen grunted and bucked his hips, slowly realizing why he awoke in the first place. After a quick glance, he realized that - yes - he was completely naked. Jared had been busy while he was sleeping. With a laugh, he tried to turn over and look at him, but Jared held him down, one hand on his hips and the other palming his cock.

“What’s going on?” he asked; his voice still tired and raspy. Jared shook his head and rubbed his cock, pre-come leaking out onto his hand as he moved.

“Thank you,” Jared whispered, his lips brushing against Jensen’s neck as he spoke. His mouth burned every bit as hot as his hands on Jensen’s skin. Jensen shivered as his nipples hardening in the cool air.

“For what?” Jensen struggled to ask, his voice cracking as Jared wrapped his fingers around his cock and started jacking him in slow, even strokes.

“Being you,” Jared said with a laugh before nipping at the hollow of Jensen’s neck. Jared shifted his body, pressing up against Jensen’s back with his chest. Jensen moaned and reached an arm around, splaying his hand on Jared’s hips. He could feel the full hardness of Jared against his thighs and rocked backwards, eliciting a groan from him.

Jared jacked him slow and gently, driving Jensen mad with the need for more. He whined, the sound getting stuck in his throat as he thrust his hips into Jared’s fist. His head flew back, finding purchase in the space beneath Jared’s chin, and Jensen could feel his breath as it came out in hot puffs against the back of his neck. “Jare...faster,” he begged, the words coming out broken as he fought for breath. Jared seriously had the best hands in the world.

“Don’t rush it,” Jared murmured; soft and husky against Jensen’s hairline. Jared was hot and leaking against Jensen’s thighs, and he spread his legs; inviting Jared to take what he knew they both wanted. He could feel Jared shake his head behind him, just as his hand sped up a bit. Well fine then, they’d get to Jared later. Jensen bit back a moan and rolled his hips when Jared rubbed his thumb over the head of his cock. He added a twist of his wrist at the end of his stroke, and Jensen could feel himself getting close.

Jensen’s thighs were tense, and he was trembling in Jared’s arms. The slow build up was nearly killing him, and all he wanted to do was let go. Sensing Jensen’s need, Jared turned his strokes rough, pumping Jensen’s cock quick and hard. He let his other hand trail over Jensen’s chest; fingernails scraping over a nipple before pinching and twisting it in a way that made Jensen cry out.

“Jared!” Jensen shouted; his voice raw and fucked out as he tensed up and arched his back, grinding his ass against Jared’s throbbing cock as he came. He erupted in thick, hot strands, his seed spilling out over Jared’s hand and his own thighs. Jared kept jacking him, easing him through the aftershocks as his body came back to itself and he felt his bones melting.

“I got you,” Jared said, laughing softly as he ran his hands over Jensen’s chest and splayed them over his abs. Jensen nodded, shivering a little as he blinked, gathering his wits. He concentrated on breathing for a moment before he realized Jared was still hard and hot behind him. He licked his lips and quickly rolled over, pushing Jared against the mattress as he straddled his hips.

“Now I got you,” Jensen said with a throaty laugh, wetting his lips again when Jared’s cheeks flushed, burning in two bright pink spots. He’d never looked hotter. Jensen slid his hands up Jared’s arms, ending at the wrists and pinning them over Jared’s head. Then he took a minute to study him; to let his eyes wander over all that bare, flushed skin beneath him.

For some reason he stopped at the armpits, wondering what the skin felt like there. Without questioning it, he bent down and rubbed his cheek in Jared’s left armpit, nuzzling the soft skin and hair there. If the groan his movements dragged out of Jared was any indication, it must have felt nice. Cautiously, he turned his head and dragged his nose over the underside of Jared’s arm, moving until his mouth was in Jared’s armpit. He probed his tongue into the space there, surprised when it was clean and soapy instead of gross. He bit lightly, nibbling at the tender skin, and Jared bucked his hips, moaning as he shimmied beneath Jensen.

Jensen tongued Jared’s armpit and ground his hips down, already half hard again. His cock brushed against Jared’s, his come slicking the way. He thrust his hips as he worked his mouth up the side of Jared’s neck, nipping his way across his jaw line. Then he crushed their mouths together, delving his tongue into Jared’s hot mouth. Their teeth clashed as they rocked against each other.

Jared broke the kiss and struggled to get his hands free, panting as Jensen let go of his wrists. Jared’s hands immediately flew down to Jensen’s ass, his fingers pressing into the taut muscles as he pulled Jensen tighter against him. Jensen opened his mouth and shouted silently, no sound coming out as his mouth opened in a perfect “O” against Jared’s shoulder. He knew he’d have ten finger-shaped bruises on his ass in the morning and really couldn’t give a fuck. Hell, he craved the ownership.

Jared was keening in his ear, rambling in nonsense words as he thrust his hips upwards and clutched onto Jensen. His thighs were tight against the outside of Jensen’s, and a light sheen of sweat coated their bodies, easing the quick slide of skin against skin. Then Jared was shouting, Jensen’s name getting lost in the chaos as his hot come splashed between their bodies.

Jensen pushed up on his elbows and watched Jared’s face as he fell apart, his eyelashes flickering and his eyes dark and full of desire. Then Jensen bit down on his lower lip, digging his teeth into the soft flesh as he came again, his eyes slamming shut as he added to the mess between their stomachs. He groaned, a low heat coursing through his body as he rode out the orgasm, feeling Jared’s body still under him. With a final spurt, he collapsed on top of Jared, his entire body spent.

After a few moments Jarred stirred, running his large hands over Jensen’s back. The fingers ignited little sparks, but he was far too gone to do anything about it. Jared kissed his cheek, his lips lingering for a few seconds before pulling back. “Christ,” Jared said with a laugh. Jensen could feel it rumble in his chest and couldn’t help joining in.

“Yeah,” he mumbled, already half asleep. He shifted to the side, well aware that his head was still at the foot of the bed, but Jared made a good enough pillow. He cuddled against him, his head resting against Jared’s shoulder as he let himself drift off.

Garth Brooks - To Make You Feel My Love

love shack, jared/jensen, cw rps

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