Quick concept sketches

Sep 19, 2008 20:17

Working on some fun stuff! Here's a sneak peak.

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Comments 11

grafunkel September 20 2008, 17:11:05 UTC
Oh, you tease! ;)


kudgoddess September 22 2008, 20:00:23 UTC
Haha! It's a good one. But I'll be talking about it soon.

Hope you're doing great!


grafunkel September 22 2008, 20:08:14 UTC
But soon's not soon enough! ;)

I'm doing okay, thanks! I just finished, erm, drawing... something. Something cool. With paint? And stuff?


Okay, fine, I just finished cleaning the house. *sigh* Now I'm folding laundry. ... Life of an "arteest", my ass. :))


lordrych September 23 2008, 14:13:24 UTC
LOL, those are great!!!


kudgoddess September 23 2008, 17:55:53 UTC
Haha, thank you kindly!
That's the reaction I wanted, they're suppose to be kind of funny but kind of horrible!



josienutter September 23 2008, 20:04:45 UTC
Very cool! :D


kudgoddess September 24 2008, 03:36:09 UTC
Thank you kindly Josie!


rainbowswirlz September 25 2008, 01:00:12 UTC
Wow, thats awesome!:]

We should do a collab.. you should draw me some stuff that I can silkscreen onto shirts/totes and we can sell them!:]


kudgoddess September 25 2008, 04:12:31 UTC
Holy crap, that's an awesome idea! I'd love that! We should definitely talk:)


rainbowswirlz September 25 2008, 04:14:21 UTC
For sure!!:]
If you want to e-mail me my e-mail is rainbowswirlz@gmail.com :]


Hey. spyrol September 28 2008, 06:26:10 UTC
I came across your lj via your myspace via Nar's page.
Im sorry I didnt ask for the add sooner, but I've been busy. but I wanted to say you got an amazing talent and are an inspiration to say the least.
I let myself get dragged away from my creative outlet and seeing you and NAR out there doing it has reignited my fire and hope that I can make it happen.

The one on the left is just as good only compared to the close up on the right, but I like the second concept more since the guy has an electric smile that instantly grabs your eye.


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