Charisma Carpenter!

Apr 17, 2009 11:38

It has now been annouced that Charisma Carpenter has been added to the guest list at Dragon*Con this year.  I'm so excited.  I hope Charisma, James and Julie will hold a Whedonverse panel.

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Comments 7

lifefailsme April 17 2009, 17:08:16 UTC
Julie is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen IMHO.


kudagirl April 17 2009, 18:17:55 UTC
Julie is, in my opinion, the most talented actress on both Buffy and Angel. She is amazing. Yes, she is truly beautiful. Love her on Dexter. Rita is so different than Darla. Julie does both roles so perfectly.


lifefailsme April 18 2009, 09:14:39 UTC
I agree she is.

She is one of the very few characters I could believe her as Rita and Darla equally. That almost never happens with me so I know she is a terrific actor.


debris4spike April 17 2009, 19:24:17 UTC
The first year I saw James at Collectomania, Carisma was sitting next to him signing autographs.


kudagirl April 17 2009, 19:28:33 UTC
Last year I got to see Nathan Fillion who played Caleb on Buffy and Mal on Firefly. I didn't get to go to the panel about Buffy last year so I hope Carisma, Julie and James have one this year at Dragon*Con. Believe me I will be there extra early to get a good seat.


edenskye April 17 2009, 19:46:24 UTC

Some Cordy love!!! It's going to be a great one this year. I'm so glad we got tickets. :)

I gonna go for broke with pic's and autographs.

"Tom Lenk come on and join in the fun." hehe


kudagirl April 17 2009, 20:14:26 UTC
I was so excited when I saw this. I hope more Whedonverse actors sign on for this year.


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