Writer's Block: If Animals Could Talk

Mar 01, 2009 08:23

We have two adopted Basenijs.  The male is very nervous while the female is scared of being touched by your feet.   Otherwise they are happy and loving dogs.  Makes me wonder if they were abused somehow before they were adopted by us. 

pets, writer's block

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Comments 4

lifefailsme March 1 2009, 17:45:52 UTC
Yeah I would like to know too if they were mine


kudagirl March 1 2009, 18:20:17 UTC
My babies live in doggy paradise now. They have warm blankets, all the treats they can eat and lots of love. The love is returned to us ten fold.


lifefailsme March 1 2009, 19:34:46 UTC
Ahh that's so nice, all dogs should be spoiled and adored. They are wonderful creatures.


kudagirl March 1 2009, 22:42:34 UTC
No purer soul was every created by God. They live to love you. They give us so much and ask for so little.


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