Happy Birthday Cordykitten

Mar 01, 2015 20:46

One of my beloved online friends birthday is March 1.
Buffy brought us together, but cordykitten means more
to me than just an online fandom friend.  She has a
kind heart and awesomeness that you seldom are
blessed to know.  Happy Birthday Cordy!

I ran across this online and wanted to share it.

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fandom, birthday

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Comments 2

cordykitten March 8 2015, 22:58:41 UTC
Thanks a lot for your kind words and wishes. I'm late checking out LJ so I'm late answering.

Thank you!


kudagirl March 11 2015, 11:58:56 UTC
My being on LJ is hit and miss as well. Life is not so kind.

Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Much love.


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