Once Upon A Time Promo Mistake

Oct 08, 2013 07:25

My friend and I watch a lot of TV together.  We both
hate how networks put little promos at the bottom of
the screen.  It covers up so much of the show you
often can't see what is going on during it.

Well, this one didn't bug me. It made me laugh out loud.
I couldn't post it, but here is the link.  Check it out and
laugh like I did.

In a pop-up ( Read more... )

video, fandom, funny stuff

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Comments 8

lizibabes October 8 2013, 17:44:02 UTC
That is some placement!! lol


kudagirl October 8 2013, 22:36:38 UTC
You would think someone would check things like this before it's shown on TV. Bet someone got called in to the office to be chewed out. LOL!


cordykitten October 8 2013, 21:58:33 UTC
They do that in Germany too - but at last this one was funny *gg*


kudagirl October 8 2013, 22:37:27 UTC
It's very annoying. I hate how much they do it. It really distracts from the show you are watching. This one was just too funny.


comlodge October 9 2013, 00:13:55 UTC
Lol. Course she did have a daughter who's been putting the queen in her place. *grin*


kudagirl October 9 2013, 00:31:09 UTC
Guess the rabbit was spot on in this. LOL!


edenskye October 9 2013, 04:27:18 UTC
I saw this earlier and just cracked up laughing.


kudagirl October 9 2013, 11:37:47 UTC
Dang, it's difficult to find something you have not seen.


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