50 Question Meme

Jul 17, 2013 11:02

A meme I stole from goldenusagi.
I'm a bit bored so here goes.

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Comments 11

debris4spike July 17 2013, 16:53:58 UTC
Always knew we were twins - I hate talking on the phone and I don’t text. .... Snap!

The first trip we had to USA we landed in Newfoundland.

I shall probably snag later!


kudagirl July 17 2013, 17:38:43 UTC
I got a random text yesterday. "Is this you?"
I deleted and ignored. I'm better at deleting.


lifefailsme July 17 2013, 18:31:26 UTC
Awww thanks chuck, sarcasm is a bit of a way of life for the English... And mandatory in the North lol

This is a terrific meme, love your answers and gotta say that as I have seen photos of you and you look really well for 60 odd!


kudagirl July 17 2013, 22:29:33 UTC
People are often surprised when I tell them my age.

I was once told that sarcasm is a form of passive aggressive.
Works for me.


lifefailsme July 18 2013, 17:09:56 UTC
Yeah it is passive aggressive when not by British peeps, I was once told by a sociologist that sarcasm is such an integral part of British culture that it is considered a cultural norm, so it's not passive aggressive when I do it but is when you do! hehe

Reginald D Hunter is my favourite American comedian cos he lives here and a lot of his humour is about the difference between Mericans and us...

"Clever ways to be indirect about what you think."

I like that lol!


kudagirl July 19 2013, 22:36:48 UTC
I watched a video of Hunter from 2011. He is very funny and has a good outlook on life. Your video link didn't work, but thanks for the shout out for him. I really like him.


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