Did you know?

Apr 23, 2013 08:29

On Live Journal, The First has a personal journal. 
He reminds me of The Mayor.  He has a sense of humor. LOL!
He hasn't posted in a while, but it still there for you to read.
I've only read a few posts, but will keep it bookmarked.


lj, funny stuff

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Comments 4

gillo April 23 2013, 17:13:33 UTC
Oddly enough, this is what first drew me to LJ in the first place. If you look at the First's flist you'll see a lot of other familiar characters. As a group they were the Sunnydale Socks (as in sockp-uppet) and they kept storylines going for quite some while - it's fun to go way back and read the posts and the in-character comments. You may well recognise a few names there too!


kudagirl April 23 2013, 18:04:50 UTC
I hadn't gotten that far yet. Not surprised. It looks like a fun read. Thanks!


comlodge April 24 2013, 11:34:06 UTC
Thanks for the llink. It's hilarious. Love that silly sense of spot on humour.


kudagirl April 24 2013, 12:32:19 UTC
It's inspired. Too bad they didn't keep it going.


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