
Mar 15, 2013 05:57

On Wed, I got an email from someone named Lacey Cruz. It was also sent to some of my LJ friends. The name Lacey Cruz sounded really familiar.  Like an idiot I opened it.  It took me to some site that was selling something. I deleted it.

Today on Friday, I got another one from ash_carpenter also sent to several LJ friends and an award site on LJ.  I sent Ash a ( Read more... )

personal crap, lj, flist, email

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Comments 4

lifefailsme March 15 2013, 17:13:51 UTC
Sounds like they get your addy from the address book of your friends automatically..... You can leave spaces in the format of your email addy in the profile so bot can't yoink it.

Spam is so annoying.


kudagirl March 15 2013, 22:04:06 UTC
Thanks, I didn't know about the spaces. Spam drives me crazy.


hate when that happens piggy1 March 24 2013, 23:20:42 UTC
It's happened to me twice this year, I get friends telling me why am I trying to sell them viagra or no they don't need a penis enlarger.LOL, of course they know I got hacked into, they're just being smartasses. Hey kuda, my mom was looking for a brisket recipe, I told her you gave me one a long time ago. So I looked it up in my old messages and yup I found it and passed it along to her.What amazed me is that you gave it to me 4 years ago. I'm finally going to get to taste that brisket. mmmmmmmmm can't wait.


Re: hate when that happens kudagirl March 25 2013, 01:37:29 UTC
Tommy's hotmail got hacked a while back. I've never gotten one from you that was hacked. My spam blocker works pretty well.

Tommy and Robert ask for that brisket often. I made a Mexican Lasagna last week which was so good. I found a bunch of versions and just made my own up. Was very filling and tasty. I found a key lime pie made with Greek yogurt that Tommy loves. It's his fav. I love to cook, but hate to clean up after. Right now our dishwasher is dead. We have one on order, but won't get it till mid April. I've been washing by hand and it's a huge pain.


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