Odd Email

Aug 07, 2012 07:35

Got this strange email that I did not open, but haven't deleted yet ( Read more... )

fandom, email

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Comments 4

rahirah August 7 2012, 14:53:52 UTC
Sounds like spambot. Every now and then I'll get a spate of them leaving 'reviews' like that at my fic website.


kudagirl August 7 2012, 16:54:56 UTC
It was just odd coming from EF site. I don't post anything there. Just there as a reader.


debris4spike August 7 2012, 14:59:30 UTC
Haven't had that but have had similar from people on my FaceBook friends ... weird.

I do wonder if any do "click" ... I don't.


kudagirl August 7 2012, 16:56:22 UTC
It was odd. I didn't open it and set it as spam mail for my email list. Hopefully nothing comes of it.


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