Joss Whedon Interview

Apr 29, 2012 18:37

"Avengers" director Joss Whedon: Yes, he's a geek.

Well, so am I.  I can't wait to see this.

movies, video, joss whedon

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Comments 6

slaymesoftly April 29 2012, 23:39:59 UTC
How awesome was that segment? I was so tickled.


kudagirl April 30 2012, 00:04:02 UTC
I wasn't able to see it when it ran this morning so was stoked to find this online. I love to hear Joss talk about his works. I need a Joss icon.


lifefailsme April 30 2012, 08:52:27 UTC
It really does look good!!


kudagirl April 30 2012, 10:31:33 UTC
It does look good. I can't wait to see it. Tommy and I have seen all the the movies of the individual characters involved so far. This will be a major undertaking for Joss. If it works, he will be a busy man with all the offers that start coming out for him.


spikes_evilbint April 30 2012, 20:24:53 UTC
I saw it on Sunday. It was pretty good fun - some LOL parts, but not a classic IMHO. xx


kudagirl May 1 2012, 23:11:29 UTC
I think we will go next week to see this. It's one of those movies that you need to see on a big screen to really enjoy it. The hype has been huge so I hope I'm not disappointed.


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