CNN Video of April 3 Tornadoes

Apr 04, 2012 06:46

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It's being reported this morning that there was 15 tornadoes in our area yesterday.

Wide spread damage, but as of this time no reported deaths. The news stated that
15 people were treated for injuries.

video, texas, news

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Comments 8

lifefailsme April 4 2012, 11:50:50 UTC
OMGoodness this is terrible

How safe are you and Tommy???


kudagirl April 4 2012, 12:16:10 UTC
We were both lucky. Just rain and some scary wind around our homes.

These areas are within driving distance of us, but that's the way tornadoes hit. They can destroy one house and not touch the one next door.

The town where I live now was hit pretty hard in 1993 by a tornado. We live in what is called Tornado Alley. It a group of states that have the the most tornadoes.


lifefailsme April 4 2012, 15:56:48 UTC
I'm glad but shesh, that is some scary stuff.


kudagirl April 8 2012, 14:11:30 UTC
Mother Nature is one scary dame. We have to respect her or move out of her way.


slaymesoftly April 4 2012, 12:55:06 UTC
How fortunate that no one was killed. It's been quite a year for weather so far, and it's only April!


kudagirl April 4 2012, 14:14:15 UTC
We've had an odd winter. Wetter than last year and not as cold. We've hit the eighties here in March. Our lakes are about up to normal again after being down very low last year. I hope our summer isn't going to be as hot as last year.

Yes, it's was amazing that lives were not taken. The damage was horrible. A few people were hurt, but so far no one has died.


spikes_evilbint April 4 2012, 17:40:16 UTC
Double eep! *iz worried for everyone affected*


kudagirl April 8 2012, 14:12:31 UTC
No lives lost so that is good. Good thing about times like this everyone pitches in and helps those effected.


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