MIchele Bachmann: 'I don't judge gays'

Aug 16, 2011 11:33

I avoid making political posts, but this just ticked me off.

Michele Bachmann, fresh from a victory in the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll
on Saturday, appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday morning,
and was again dogged with questions about her anti-gay platform, this
time declaring, "I don't judge gays."

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Yes, her views are clear to me.  She doesn't ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

edenskye August 16 2011, 17:29:49 UTC
She is truely evil. She maybe related to Rick Perry and George Bush. LOL Sarah Palin and she must have been in a soroity together.


kudagirl August 17 2011, 14:25:21 UTC
I thought that Sarah Palin was dumb as a box of rocks, but this woman has her beat. Did you hear how she wished Elvis a Happy Birthday on the anniversary of his death? Like Palin, she parrots what ever her people tell her.


lifefailsme August 17 2011, 18:16:28 UTC


Literally actually, I actually feel sick.

Tell me this thing has NO chance of being President, cos honestly, I will lose my entire faith in America if that gets into the White House. Seriously.


kudagirl August 17 2011, 23:45:09 UTC
She is the choice of the Tea Party. She is dumber than Sarah Palin. Yesterday she was talking to a group and started talking about Elvis' birthday. Went on and on about it being his birthday. It was the anniversary of his death. His birthday is in Jan. So she reads whatever her PR people tell her to say. She is just a front like Sarah was. Will she do good? Well, she is against gay rights and spouts the bible to back all her mess. She is dangerous and needs to be outed. Be afraid, be very afraid.


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