Rivertempest gave me a puppy!

Oct 11, 2010 19:23

Thank you rivertempest  for the adorable sweet Yorkie for my profile page.

I know rivertempest  like Steam Punk so I found a link for her to enjoy.

Steampunk fashion secrects

flist, thankyou

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Comments 7

rivertempest October 12 2010, 00:38:29 UTC
OH, wow!!!!!!!!!!

THank you thank you! *squishes*

That is very awesome! And you're most welcome. Everyone can use a yorkie. :D

Love ya


kudagirl October 12 2010, 01:16:21 UTC
Each time I see the words Steampunk, I think of you.

I miss you so very much. Say hi to Tina for me.


fenchurche October 12 2010, 02:53:58 UTC
Ooo... thanks for the link! We got an invite for a Steampunk party at the end of the month and have been working on throwing our costumes together. That will come in handy!


kudagirl October 12 2010, 10:43:26 UTC
There are several other links in the list of answers. I was surprised by the other blogs it linked to in this. Was a lot of good info. Have a great time.


very nice piggy1 October 15 2010, 00:58:39 UTC
hey kuda really interesting link, tiff is practacing photography again (she left it for awhile she's really good at it) I thought steampunk would make a great subject for her. She's looking for that one super interesting shot that will get her an A in the class.


Re: very nice kudagirl October 15 2010, 01:23:13 UTC
I had never heard of Steampunk till I met rivertempest.
She was interested in it. She told me and Tommy about it when we were at Dragon*Con in 2009. Now I see it all over the place. It was on an episode of Castle last week.

I read this and laughed like crazy. Steampunk: It's like the Sci-Fi convention got drunk, had had sex with the Renaissance Fair and this bastard popped out.


Re: very nice piggy1 October 15 2010, 22:48:59 UTC
thats really funny! about two years ago i read an article in the paper about a steampunk laptop and other desktop items that someone designed and was selling for big bucks. I had never heard the term steampunk,the newspaper gave a link to a webpage and i was hooked, i love the look, then one link led to steampunk fashions, that blew my mind that people were being so creative. love it


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