Hey! Info on Whedon Universe at Dragon*Con

Aug 16, 2009 13:01

I know many of my flist will be at Dragon*Con.

Here is a link to some info on all things Whedon.


The Whedon Universe Track is for fans of the works of Joss Whedon and is held at

Dragon*Con September 4-7, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia.

flist, dragoncon

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Comments 4

lifefailsme August 17 2009, 08:46:03 UTC
Im sooooooo jealous of anyone who gets to go to this.


kudagirl August 17 2009, 11:13:53 UTC
I still can't believe I get to go. It was surreal going last year and was scared I wouldn't get to go this year. The line up of actors last years was amazing. This year is even better. This year I get to meet so many LJ users. Makes me want to walk around with a sign saying "Hey, are you on LJ?"


lifefailsme August 17 2009, 17:08:31 UTC
You should put a sticker on with From LJ on it you know, that would be uber, see how many stop and talk...


kudagirl August 17 2009, 22:21:32 UTC
I might find a blank sticker and write I LJ, Do You?. Better than a kick me sign. LOL.


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