Writer's Block: Bite Me

Jul 27, 2009 10:13

Wonder how many different pictures of Spike will be loaded to answer this question?

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writer's block, spike

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Comments 17

debris4spike July 27 2009, 15:33:54 UTC
Snap - great, and only answer!!!


kudagirl July 27 2009, 15:42:46 UTC
Maybe there should be a poll? Bet Spike would be the winner.


debris4spike July 27 2009, 15:45:11 UTC
Well he did win in the SFX magazine - and it was so popular I wasn't able to get hold of a copy of it.

Although, have you watched "Being Human" - the vamp on that would get a few votes as well.


kudagirl July 27 2009, 15:56:30 UTC
Saw the first episode of "Being Human" last night. Not sure about it yet. Was a bit sleepy while watching.

I saw a few comments about Edward Cullen in this writer's block. He was called Sparklepires and
vampixie which made me laugh. Ann Rice's vampires are sexy, but can't have sex so they are wasted prettiness. Thank goodness Joss' vampires are sexy beasts who can get it done.


all_choseny July 27 2009, 18:21:13 UTC
There should be a poll. And yeah Spike would so win. God that man is sexy.


kudagirl July 27 2009, 19:04:31 UTC
Most of my flist are huge Spike fans so it wouldn't be much of a poll. LOL.


dorians_kitten July 27 2009, 18:42:32 UTC
Well I posted a different Spike pic than you and I'm certain I saw at least one other...so that's 3 pretty Spike pics. :D


kudagirl July 27 2009, 19:05:30 UTC
All pics of Spike are sexy and beautiful. Can't find a really bad one. LOL.


cordykitten July 27 2009, 18:46:13 UTC
On my F-List? Mostly their answer will be the same as yours ;)


kudagirl July 27 2009, 19:06:24 UTC
Yeah, that's why I wouldn't bother to post a poll. It would be a landslide.


lifefailsme July 27 2009, 19:28:18 UTC
LOL I gotta say though, he is the first I think of too, him and Dru, oh goodness me Dru is so hot!


kudagirl July 29 2009, 11:21:12 UTC
Yes, Dru was. I loved Darla on Angel. Thought she was amazing. Julie Benz is such a good actress. Love her on Dexter. Squeal! Get to meet her at Dragon*Con.


lifefailsme July 29 2009, 14:18:17 UTC
Oh Darla! My lovely, blood thirsty, Daaaaaarla.... *melts into a giggling puddle mass on the floor*

My evil chick fetish is for the winning! LOL


kudagirl July 29 2009, 22:01:40 UTC
Lots of beautiful women from my favorite shows are going to be at Dragon*Con.

Charisma Carpenter - Cordy Chase BTVS/Angel
Julie Benz - BTVS/Angel/Dexter
Felicia Day - BTVS/Dr Horrible Sing Along
Erin Gray - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century/Silver Spoons
Kate Mulgrew - Star Trek: Voyager
Helen Slater - Supergirl/The Legend of Billie Jean
Kristy Swanson - The first Buffy
Traci Lords - Cry Baby/Blade
Tracy Scoggins - The Colby/Babylon 5


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