Mei Zhu <3 Hehe, I managed to find your LJ~ Erm, this is Sayoko here...I hope that you still remember me? Well, I was wondering whether could you add me?
1. I'm Alan And for all intensive purposes i'm a friend of Kira's! ^_^ (i feel like i'm using big words @.a) 2. -I am a J-rock fan, L'arc en Ciel & Dir en Grey pwn -I practice tarot whenever I'm in the moood to and do readings for friends and stuff 3.<3 Seifer and <3 Laruku and.... Setsuna x Sara should completely be together ^__^ 4. Hughes x Roy *shakes head* Roy belongs in a mini skirt!!!
You're a friend of the Kira from ubericontest, ne? =D [Too many Kiras in the world @_@] Aren't you the one who liked Weiss? o.o' or am I confusing you with someone else?
Ahoy! I was just wondering if we could be friends. Yeah...I'm like some desperate fan trying to meet my favourite celebrity. Anyway, one reason why I want to befriend you is because I admire you. You're full of awesomeness :D
1. I am Izzy :D 2. I can be some super hyper curazy person at times and can be serious as well. I'm a little of both actually. I'm friendly. I' love with anime? And erm, well...basically, I'm just some insane girl who has no life -__-; 3. Fullmetal Alchemist and webdesign 4. Nothing..actually. Surprise surprise?
Comments 101
-I am a J-rock fan, L'arc en Ciel & Dir en Grey pwn
-I practice tarot whenever I'm in the moood to and do readings for friends and stuff
3.<3 Seifer and <3 Laruku and.... Setsuna x Sara should completely be together ^__^
4. Hughes x Roy
*shakes head* Roy belongs in a mini skirt!!!
You're a friend of the Kira from ubericontest, ne? =D [Too many Kiras in the world @_@] Aren't you the one who liked Weiss? o.o' or am I confusing you with someone else?
Consider yourself added~
Comment I do.
If you need me to fill out the questions tell me-eee! And I will. :D
1. I am Izzy :D
2. I can be some super hyper curazy person at times and can be serious as well. I'm a little of both actually. I'm friendly. I' love with anime? And erm, well...basically, I'm just some insane girl who has no life -__-;
3. Fullmetal Alchemist and webdesign
4. Nothing..actually. Surprise surprise?
I like to sing. /random
1. Who are you?
Fel Lock aka Chaos and Felaigne
2. A little bit about yourself
I'm sometimes 'am blunt, but I try to be careful on what I say.
3. Two things I like that you're also interested in
FullMetal Alchemist, and Pocky
4. One thing I like that you don't like
Some Yaoi pairings.
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