gk fic: For One Moment Longer - masterpost

Nov 09, 2011 22:08

Title: For One Moment Longer
Fandom: Generation Kill (HBO)
Character/Pairing(s): Brad/Nate, mentions of Ray, Mike, couple of other Bravo guys and a few OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20082
Disclaimer: This story is based on the fictionalized characters from the HBO miniseries Generation Kill. It's fiction, that's all.
Warnings: mentions of PTSD and other kinds of bad things that can happen to a person after (s)he goes to war; also: sex and swearing
Summary: They were sleeping together and then they weren’t. Brad went to England and to Afghanistan, and back to England again, and now when he comes back, he learns that Nate isn’t at Harvard, but works at Wringley’s, a place for veterans with PTSD.

by eiirene

Part One & Part Two

Art by eiirene: HERE
Fanmix by the_liftedlorax: I'll add the link asap after I get it

Notes & Thanks

The story is based on and inspired by fictional characters as portrayed in HBO miniseries “Generation Kill” and was written for warbigbang 2011.

The title is from the unknown 2nd Lieutenant’s quote: “Courage is endurance for one moment longer”.


First of all, I want to thank the amazing pjvilar who beta-ed this story. I was so nervous, sending it to you, but you were very supportive and honest at the same time. You helped me a lot. Thank you, again! ♥

Second, noelia_g and cala_jane, thank you for Camp Big Bang(s) again this year and for still being nuts excited about these guys with me! ♥

Thanks to my crafters, eiirene and the_liftedlorax, for choosing my story! I hope you had fun!

Anyone who encouraged, helped and/or listened to my whining - thank you!

And thank you, warbigbang mods, for running it again this year! Hopefully we will do it again. :)

foxtrot uniform charlie kilo gk bb 2011, fic, generation kill, fic in english

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