Figured this could be interesting.

Apr 24, 2007 21:43

This message is addressed to everyone who is reading this post.
I want you to post anything that you want. Anything.
Post a secret, a threat, a confession, an opinion about me, a story, a poem -- anything.
Be sure to post anonymously and honestly.
[If posting anonymously is important to you, and it seems LiveJournal won't let you. Hit 'Post New Comment ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

silentcivilian April 25 2007, 03:09:52 UTC
I really like the girl in Michigan, but I love the girl in Illinois.


silentcivilian April 25 2007, 03:10:12 UTC
And I'm too cool to post anonymously, apparently.


alittlerhymee April 25 2007, 04:20:19 UTC
apparently i am also too cool to post anonymously
that and livejournal wont let me

my secret is i hate my roomate


paper_doll_xx April 25 2007, 12:02:29 UTC
I am afraid of leading an ordinary life.


anonymous April 25 2007, 21:14:26 UTC
You're putting all your faith in a person that doesn't exist.

It's just some sad, pathetic person hiding behind a roleplay to get your affection. It's just a sick game to them.
I wish you'd all open up your eyes and see it.


anonymous April 25 2007, 21:19:29 UTC
It's been almost 2 whole years, and I'm still madly in love with that boy.
We don't talk anymore. He won't even make eye contact with me in the halls at school. It hurts, but I have to play it off as nothing, because I've come to realize how much he doesn't care. If only I could turn back time, we'd still be together. If only he knew how much I still cared.

We swore we'd love eachother forever, no matter what.
I kept that promise. And I'm a fool for thinking that he would, too.

I just wish it wasn't so hard to move on.


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